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已有 69 次阅读2022-5-19 21:17 |个人分类:全球化

亚洲是有古老文明的地方,印度人的巧,中国人的细,日本人的精,俄国人的艺,就光这些有机地结合起来,可能就超越欧洲文化  Asia is a place with ancient civilizations. If the skill of Indians, the fineness of Chinese people, the precision of Japanese people, and the art of Russians are all organically combined and may transcend European culture.

上面提到日本很早已经有他们自己的全球战略布局. 亲爱的习主席,88,看看他们的规划和全球一体的新规划有重合的地方吗?日本人擅长精细规划, 可以用他们之长来使你们的规划完整。可以用他们产业优势,技术优势,在世界一体的项目中发挥作用。日本是岛国,有很强的民族凝聚力,有很多独树一帜的文化。他们愿不愿意开放文化移民和产业移民,向别的适宜居住的地方,比如,澳洲,新西兰,中国台湾海南岛甚至非洲,疏散人口和异地养老?毕竟日本地域有限,对将来发展有阻碍的,而且封闭岛国不利于风水流动。日本文化中对生活的高品质追求,和对事情的严谨安排很值得中国人学习,他们愿意来中国,在中国学校教授生活方式和技能吗?日本人是好的工程师,在你们一带一路基础建设项目中,可以承担设计和监管的责任. 比如高铁,日本的有些技术中国也可以吸收啊,可以联合投标啊. 在很多产品的设计中,日本人比较人性化,你们一带一路以后的城市规划,社区建设,服务设施,尤其是在亚洲佛教和儒家文化圈里的国家,也可以由日本人来承担规划建设部分哪!亚洲是有人才的地方,亚洲是有古老文明的地方,印度人的巧,中国人的细,日本人的精,俄国人的艺,就光这些有机地结合起来,可能就超越欧洲文化了. 日本人会有这样子的长远眼光,开放头脑,和绕过意识形态的广阔心胸吗? 只是日本一直追随美国,因为文明程度比较先进,日本人对中国人一直心存卑视。而中日以前的历史,在中国人的民族情感中,造成巨大的伤痕和仇恨,日本政府对中国人民一直没有一个合理的道歉,也是两国继续深切交往存在的障碍。中国想的并不是超越日本和美国,中国想的是超越自己. 中国梦是为全人类创造更美好的将来。日本连正确面对过去都不能做到,又如何全球一体走向将来?你看亚洲文化是非常注重面子的。但是,中国人赶超的速度也是很快的。

As mentioned above, Japan has already had their own global strategic layout very early. Dear President Xi, 88, see if their planning and global integration of new plans have coincidences? Japanese are good at fine planning, and you can use their strengths to complete your planning. You can use their industrial advantages and technological advantages to play a role in the world's integrated projects. Japan is an island country with strong national cohesion and many unique cultures. Are they willing to open up cultural immigrants and industrial immigrants to other places that are livable, such as Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Hainan Island, and even Africa, to evacuate people and provide for retirement? After all, Japan's geographical limited, hindering future development, and closed island countries are not conducive to Feng Shui. The pursuit of high quality of life in Japanese culture and the rigorous arrangement of things are worth learning by Chinese people. Are they willing to come to China to teach lifestyle and skills in Chinese schools? The Japanese are good engineers. In your infrastructure projects, they can assume responsibility for design and supervision. For example, high-speed rail, some technologies in Japan can also be absorbed by China, and can be jointly tendered. In the design of many products, Japanese have more humanity. Your Belt and Road, future urban planning, community building, service facilities, especially in the Asian Buddhism and Confucian cultural circles, can also let Japanese to undertake the planning and construction part!  Asia is a place with talents. Asia is a place with ancient civilizations. If the skill of Indians, the fineness of Chinese people, the precision of Japanese people, and the art of Russians are all organically combined and may transcend European culture. Do the Japanese have such a long-term vision, open their minds, and bypass the broad mind of ideology? It is only that Japan has been following the United States.  Because the civilization is more advanced, Japanese have always looked down on the Chinese. The history of China and Japan has caused huge scars and hatred among the Chinese people's national sentiments. The Japanese government has not had a reasonable apology to the Chinese people and is also an obstacle to the continued deep exchanges between the two countries. What China wants is not to go beyond Japan and the United States. What China wants is to surpass itself. The Chinese dream is to create a better future for all mankind. If Japan can't even face the past rightly, how can it move toward to the future together in the global integration? You see Asian culture is very face-saving. However, the speed of Chinese catching up is also very fast.






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