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已有 71 次阅读2022-5-18 22:18 |个人分类:全球化

日本是唯一一个在世界舞台上的出类拔萃的亚洲形象  Japan is the only Asian image that is outstanding on the world stage.
其实中日关系,也跟中俄关系,中澳关系一样,是整个世界一体规划中的一部分。日本是一个太平洋中亚洲东北部岛国。虽然才30多万平方公里,可是人口却有两亿. 日本自然资源稀少,却在这么小的一个国家发展起世界上一流的工业,汽车制造,机械制造,造船业,电子通讯, 等等. 并且两亿人口的粮食,一半是自己生产的,同时又有很高的森林覆盖率。二战以后,虽然是战败国,但是因为特殊的地理位置,较好的工业基础,在美国的扶持下,以全日本人民良好素质和齐心协力,借助高新科技,日本一跃成为世界第二大经济体. 这些年,日本不断在海外扩大资本,现在日本在海外的资产是国内的两倍,日本的产品和专利,深入高科技的各行各业。一个小小的国家要做到日本这样子的程度,是奇迹,非常不容易。这要归根于日本的历史文化。日本比其他亚洲国家都早开放国门, 吸收先进的西方科学文化. 是亚洲唯一一个没有被殖民的国家。日本文化有跟日尔曼民族相似的地方,都是科学素养比较高,因为要做大量的机械制造和工程,精度要求高,所以做事情仔细严谨. 日本文化又有跟法兰西民族相似的地方,生活上讲究品位和美学,你看他们的浮世绘, 时装, 盆栽以及动画产业。在与人性有关的地方,反而犹太人跟中国人比较近,比较灵活自由adaptive, 不执拗. 当许多亚洲国家都贫穷落后的时候,日本是唯一一个在世界舞台上的出类拔萃的亚洲形象。可以想象,上个世纪日本飞黄腾达的时候,要顶着那么大的文化歧视,在以欧美为主导的世界系统中,在世界各地销售日本的电子汽车产品, 那是多么地不容易. 我不知道有没有人做过研究,一个民族需要在怎么样的集中条件下,受到什么样的外界压力下,或者要有一个多强有力的组织,才能在民族内部可以放下个人的恩怨和集团的利益冲突,内部形成的凝聚力才可以够大!因此,日本人比较团结。再看日本在海外的人口。日本人在海外是很团结的自成一体,好像融不进白人为主流的社会。日本文化有其独特性,在表面看很西化,但很现代化的同时,又很矛盾地固守着日本的民族传统。而且可以两者兼备。我想骨子里日本是亚洲人,物质上可以追随先进文明的西方,精神上却保守自己民族的文化传统特色。日本是岛国, 地域有限,跟中国人比, 思想不够开放。你看,要改变人的思想有多难。

In fact, Sino-Japanese relations, like Sino-Russian relations and China-Australia relations, are part of the overall planning of the entire world. Japan is an island country in the Pacific Ocean in northeast Asia. Although it has only over 300,000 square kilometers, but the population is 200 million. Japan's natural resources are scarce, but in such a small country to develop the world's first-class industry, automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding, electronic communications, and so on. And half of the food of 200 million people is produced by themselves, and at the same time has high forest coverage. After the Second World War, although it was a defeated country, but because of its special geographical location, good industrial base, and the support of the United States, with the good quality and concerted efforts of the entire Japanese people, with the help of high-tech, Japan has become the world’s second largest economy. Over the years, Japan has continued to expand its capital overseas. Today, Japan's overseas assets are twice as large as domestic ones. Japan's products and patents go deep into high-tech industries. It is really a miracle that a small country wants to be like Japan. It is not easy! This is rooted in the history and culture of Japan. Japan opened its doors earlier than other Asian countries and absorbed advanced Western science and culture. It is the only country in Asia that has not been colonized. Japanese culture has similarities with the Germanic people. It is relatively high in scientific literacy. Because of the large number of mechanical manufacturing and engineering, the precision is high, so things are carefully and rigorous. Japanese culture has similarities to the French nationality. Life is about taste and aesthetics. You see their ukiyo-e, fashion, bonsai and animation industries. In places related to human nature, Jews are closer to the Chinese, more flexible and free, and not obsessed. When many Asian countries are poor and backward, Japan is the only Asian image on the world stage. It is conceivable that in the last century, when Japan was soaring, it was so difficult to sell such Japanese electronic car products in the world system dominated by Europe and the United States. It is not easy. I don’t know has anyone ever done research, under what kind of concentration conditions, under what kind of external pressure, or by a strong organization, a nation can lay down individual grievances and group conflicts of interest within the nation? The cohesive force formed inside can be powerful enough! Therefore, the Japanese are more united. Look at Japan's overseas population. The Japanese are very united and self-contained overseas, and it seems that they cannot integrate into the mainstream society. Japanese culture has its own uniqueness. It is very westernized on the surface, but it is very modern and contradicts the Japanese national tradition. And it can be both. I think Japan is an Asian in its bones. It can materially follow the advanced civilization of the West, but spiritually maintains its own cultural and traditional characteristics. Japan is an island country with limited territory. Compared with the Chinese, their minds are not open enough. You see how difficult it is to change people's minds.


This is the industrial distribution of Japan. You see only four small islands, but there are so many industries.

Japan imports so many raw materials from overseas, producing cars, motorcycles and electrical appliances sold to the United States, Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe.







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