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已有 74 次阅读2022-5-15 23:25 |个人分类:全球化

中国有世界上完整的全部工业产业  China has all the complete industrial industries in the world.
今天问Jackie,为什么中国有世界上完整的全部工业产业. 88说那是因为代价低,这是一个原因,另外就像欧洲为什么贸易都从水上走,那是因为陆上的丝绸之路贸易网络被伊斯兰世界所垄断了呀. 中国要建立自己的完整工业体系,那是因为别人靠不住啊,不给中国高科技呀. 中国政府要花多大的代价和努力才把这些建立起来的。Jackie不太了解中国政府,中国共产党,所以有空请亲爱的习主席,88,多讲给她听,什么才是真正的中国共产党!是什么样的素质让他们推翻三座大山成为执政党,又有什么能力可以领导中国人民改革开放取得巨大成就,现在成为领导全球的中坚力量。谢谢!亲爱的习主席,88,Uncle Vladimir 你们还想听我继续讲普京大帝的政途。我只是凭逻辑想象有可能的发生事件,什么时候变成palm reader 了?  一讲就要讲到我上次设想的世界联邦政府的政治体制. 上次讲如果这世界都是你的,你就设想一下,将来人类可能的比较愿意集中居住的地方,还有那些发展中国家和落后国家,需要什么样的基础建设来提升生产力和文明水准。在环境学中,有一些公式是帮你计算怎么样选择最好的物流分散中心的. 城市规划会有数学的公式和考量怎么样决定城市的规模大小以及商业中心道路等等。比如苏伊士运河和巴拿马运河的建成,完全改变了这些土地上的城市繁华布局。那将来也许可以为那些适宜居住的地方,增加一些道路桥梁运河对自然进行改造。同时要把世界上所有的资源都清理一下。

Today, I asked Jackie why China has all the industries in the world. 88 says “It is because of the low cost”, this is one reason, and just like why Europe trades all go on the water, it is because of the Silk Road Trade Network on the land had been monopolized by the Islamic world. China wants to establish its own complete industrial system. That is because they could not rely on others and others didn't give China high technology. The Chinese government has to spend a lot of money and effort to build it up themselves. Jackie doesn't know much about the Chinese government, nor the Chinese Communist Party, so please dear President Xi, 88, tell her more, what is the real Chinese Communist Party! What kind of qualities allowed them to overthrow the three great mountains to become the ruling party, and what ability to lead the Chinese people to achieve great achievements in reform and opening up, and now become the backbone of the globalization leadership? Thank you! Dear President Xi, 88, Uncle Vladimir, you still want to hear me continue to talk about the political path of Putin the Great. I just rely on logic to imagine possible events, when did I become a palm reader? I will talk about the political system of the world federal government I conceived last time. Last time I said, if the whole world is yours, you would imagine what kind of infrastructure is needed to enhance productivity and civilization in the future where humans are more likely to concentrate on living, and in developing backward countries, in environmental science, there are some formulas to help you calculate how to choose the best logistics dispersion center. Urban planning will have mathematical formulas and considerations to determine the size of the city and the business center, road system. For example, the completion of the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal has completely changed the bustling layout of the cities on these lands. In the future, it may be possible to add some roads and bridges to the natural habitats for those places that are suitable for living. At the same time, you must check up all the resources in the world.






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