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已有 68 次阅读2022-3-7 23:59 |个人分类:全球化



Russia has a lot of math Internet guru, maybe you can team up with authority in big data management for the world, to keep the secure smooth Internet operation, or become the web site designer or maintainer? Russian are good artists, maybe you can set up animation companies to produce entertainment and Industrial, Monitoring engineering animation simulations. Russia has long border lines connecting so many countries, those countries economies are not complete, Maybe Russia can invest in those countries, Latvia, Georgia, even India, by providing what they really need to get profits from them? Russia is the biggest country in the world with 136 ethnic groups, however the world only recognizes it’s st Petersburg hermitage museums and eastern orthodox church on red Square that west side cultural image. Maybe Russia Can, from Asian east to Western west, from north Siberian North Pole, to south Islamic fruitful lands, combine and create multiple colorful energetic interesting attractive cultures. In summary, Russia is not the country just for Russian, by investigating Russian unique different excellent extraordinary resources, and optimizing the economy structure utilizing those resources Properly, Russia can do much much better in its economy. I also have another thought, Jackie and I are working for this beautiful dream, that this world can be unified as one. But if someone has control over all the resources, not fairly , nor humanly, nor scientifically, slavering people working for this system, just like treat us bad , continuously harassing us for years, without paying us any thing for years, without delivering the compensation promised earlier, no clear open law to follow, Who wants this kind of evil uncertain dark force system. If someone is only to form a new system for its own interest and benefit, does whatever whenever wherever this dark superpower wants to do, once something goes off road, (it has very high possibility to happen, like Vegas shooting) the damaging disaster is going to be uncontrollable even wiping out the whole human being society worldwide. In that case, It is better to shut door off. Dear Vladimir, what do you think?






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