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已有 83 次阅读2022-3-4 20:19 |个人分类:全球化

随着文明程度提高科学技术发展,人的流动性能量越来越大  With the improvement of civilization and the development of science and technology, the mobility of human beings is increasing

物理上说物质有四种状态,能量低的时候是固体状态,吸收能量可能会变成浆糊一样的半流动状态,能量再多一点就是自由流动液体状态,吸收更多能量那就是气化在空间无处不在!我觉得人类社会,随着文明程度提高科学技术发展,人的流动性能量越来越大,现在是从固体向半流动状态过度,还没有达到完全的液态!那这种资源流动,人,物和信息的流动将关系到地球将来的发展。88,你们有没有专门部门做研究?有没有人专门进行规划,进行战略谋划,看怎么样引导人口分散?怎么样散布工业布局,农林牧富渔布局,教育和人才培养的布局?这也是全球治理的一部分。如规划得好,那文明发展就平衡和迅速!你们需要我这样的背景的人来参加吗? 上次我看许知远采访某人,那人是做DNA数据库的,他甚至可以改变基因他向当地的特定区域提供服务,通过对孕妇的肚子里孩子的DNA跟踪检测,保证在早期就把有遗传疾病的孩子给筛选去掉,让孩子出生有近乎百分之一百的健康基因这是一件很了不起的事儿,因为无论在哪里几乎都有3%左右的出生儿童有这样或那样的遗传疾病。比如说唐氏症。这给政府和父母造成巨大的代价和负担,试想一下,有14亿人口基数的中国,这些孩子对社会造成损失是巨大的.这个社会是人的社会,如果从人的一开始出生就能够保证其质量,然后事情就容易得多.上面提到了为每个人着装提供服务,和还有更重要的是情感亲密关系的满足,职业和事业的发展.这两年社交媒体发展迅猛,但是人们真正在人生中要找到心灵相通的人,可以共度人生的人,其实是很少的,是可遇而不可求的.如果大数据可以在世界范围内找到一个candidate pool,那成功的机会就大很多.88,你看你前两任太太都是同一个学校同一个专业的,一是选择圈子小,二是你有特定的选择偏好,不是把服务员,警卫员,护士,拉来就可以充数了。也许你年长了价值观变了


In physics, matter has four states. When the energy is low, it is in a solid state. When the energy is absorbed, it may become a semi-fluid state like a paste. A little more energy is a free-flowing liquid state. If more energy is absorbed, it is gas in space everywhere! I think that in human society, with the improvement of civilization and the development of science and technology, the mobility of human beings is more and more, and now it is transitioning from a solid to a semi-fluid state, and has not yet reached a completely liquid state! The flow of resources, people, things and information will be related to the future development of the earth. 88, do you have a special department to do research? Does anyone specialize in planning and strategic planning to see how to guide population dispersion? How to spread the layout of industry, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, education and talent training? This is also part of global governance. If the planning is well done, then the development of civilization will be balanced and rapid! Do you need people from my background to participate? Last time I saw host Xu Zhiyuan interview someone, that person has a DNA database company. He can even change a persons genes. He provides services to specific field in the local area, and through the DNA tracking and testing of the children in the belly of pregnant women, to ensure that babies are detected at an early stage. The children with genetic diseases are screened out, so that the children are born with nearly 100% healthy genes. This is an amazing thing, because no matter where, almost 3% of children born have this or that Genetic disease. For example, Down syndrome. This has caused huge costs and burdens on the government and parents. Just imagine China with a population of 1.4 billion. These children have caused huge losses to the society. This society is a human society, and it can be guaranteed from the beginning of a person’s birth quality, and then things are much easier. The above mentioned serving everyone dressing, and more importantly, the satisfaction of emotional intimacy, career and career development. Social media has developed rapidly in the past two years, but people really In life, there are very few people who are connected with each other and who can live together. If big data can find a candidate pool in the world, the chance of success is much greater. 88, you see that your first two wives are from the same school and the same major. One is that you choose from a small circle, and the other is that you have specific preferences. It  is not that just bringing in waiters, guards, and nurses will serve the purpose. Maybe your values ​​have changed when you get older.






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