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已有 63 次阅读2022-3-3 23:51 |个人分类:全球化

全球一体化会有很多不同学科交叉的领域,是前人从没有涉足过的,是需要很多有不同背景的人来共同研究和创造  Global integration will have many different interdisciplinary fields, which have never been involved in the predecessors. It requires many people with different backgrounds to research and create together.全球一体化,建立新的经济文化体系,有很多事情可以做  Global integration, establishing a new economic and cultural system, there are many things that can be done

我觉得T & B有打压我的意思,拖到现在都不付我赔偿.他们实在搪塞不过去,就想胡乱给我一个低层工程师,付跟我能力不符的工资我受了那么多苦,为世界一体付出那么多,为你们做那么多宣传,每天担惊受怕过日子,到现在,我只听雷声没有雨点,没有得到任何赔偿的我现在连保险都没有,一出事儿倾家荡产,你们就逼着我卖房子是吧?我感觉上,T & B不是真心为我好的,前一阵子拼命塞那些男人给我,他们自身都难保的。T & B还不停地暗示我今天是泼出去的水,明天又有后边有利益瓜葛的黄圣依 或者有天大背景的姻亲家族。如真是这样子的话,对Jackie那么好干嘛?来找我,喜欢我的短文干嘛?我们回国他们还给Jackie添堵,是谁这么没心没肺,只照顾自己的,捧不起来撑不出场面的公主啊?这世界还有公平吗?我老了,没有财势,没老公,我靠谁呀?88,其实对你的安排也是不怎么样的你看王岐山在国外有多少财产和私生子?虽然他有点过分,但是退休了他老有所依88,你不喜欢你的孩子和Jackie一起正正常常,扬眉吐气,经济上无忧,人脉宽广,光明正大地过日子?全球一体化,打破旧的藩篱,建立新的经济文化体系,有一大批未开垦的处女地,有很多事情可以做了今天你们问我愿不愿意帮普京做事,我不知道是什么意思!我可以设想一下,中俄之间如果开放经济,在文化层面来说,第一可以做的是旅游,俄国地大,东西南北各有特色,而且普京已经有很多的以他为形象的户外活动旅游项目,中国人去俄国只有莫斯科圣彼得堡,还有东部沿海,很多地方都没有旅游的项目!中国有很多企业家,很多政府官员,不需要亿万富翁级,都有能力去俄国旅游


I think T & B meant to suppress me, and they will not pay compensation until now. They really can’t get through, they want to give me a low-level engineer who is not in line with my ability. I have suffered so much, give so much for the Globalization, do so much publicity for you, and live with fear every day. Up to now, I only hear thunder and no rain, and I have not received any compensation. I don’t even have insurance. If something goes wrong, I will go bankruptcy. You want me to sell the house, right? I feel that T&B is not really good for me. They desperately filled me up with all kinds of men a while ago, and these guys couldn't protect themselves. T & B kept suggesting that I was the water poured out today, and tomorrow there will be "Actress Huang Shengyi" with interests behind, or in-laws with big backgrounds. If this is the case, why do you be so good to Jackie? Come to me, why do you like my short essays? When we returned to China, they gave trouble to Jackie. Who is so careless,  only takes care of the "princess" who can't hold it up and can't hold the scene? Is there fairness in this world? I'm old, no money, no husband, who can I rely on? 88, in fact, their arrangements for you are not very good. Do you think how much property and illegitimate children Wang Qishan has abroad? Although he was a bit too much, but when he is retired and has a sound support. 88, don't you like your child to be normal with Jackie, proud, financially worry-free, wide-ranging, and living a fair life? Global integration, breaking the old barriers, establishing a new economic and cultural system, there are a large number of uncultivated virgin land, there are many things that can be done. Today you asked me if I would like to help Putin, I don’t know what it means! I can imagine that if China and Russia open up the economy, culturally speaking, the first thing that can be done is tourism. Russia has a large land and has its own characteristics in the east, west, south and north, and Putin already has many outdoor activities in his image. For tourism projects, Chinese people only go to Russia in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the east coast. There are no tourism projects in many places! There are many entrepreneurs and many government officials in China. Those even without  billionaire level, and they have the ability to travel to Russia.






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