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已有 65 次阅读2022-3-3 23:49 |个人分类:全球化


Dec 13, 2017 at 7:44 PM

那些领袖们知道我,我很多创意 Those leaders know me, I have many ideas

亲爱的主席,88,今天,这两年来我第一次听你们说孩子长得好。你们话说一半,没说完,马上王顾左右而言他真是的,21世纪的中华人民共和国,14亿人的大国的常委,三朝元老国师,对自己的最亲密的事情,都只能吞吞吐吐的。我就想起了罗马教廷的无中生有的“赎罪券”。这搞得什么呀,你们的政府和法律,应该改革了!或者88还有难言之隐吧,跟风月有关吗?88,既替你高兴,也替你悲哀! 今天你们问我为什么不想做工程师。我想做工程师,一直想,而且一直做不错的工程师,可是这个环境不让我好好做我现在什么年龄啊?88 你后面有强有力的中国政府做依靠,Jackie和我啥也没有啊!我希望能建立起事业,business,有所积累,将来Jackie有自己的,可以做主的,好的收益的,可以持续发展的business,可以不每天为别人打工亲爱的主席,88,你们不希望我建立这样的企业让你们的孩子也可以加入受益?托你们的福,我有别人没有的优势,因为那些领袖们知道我呀。现在全球一体,如果说国内的娱乐市场已经人才辈出,被不同的集团控制的话,那全球范围内的文化交流,制订规范,尤其是领袖,政府官员,世界精英们,以全球为范围为他们提供服务还有很大的空间和市场,你们为什么不发挥我这个优势呢?而且我很多创意的,比起那些缺少社会人生经验的年轻人,我更能开创一片天地为什么只把我用做一个底层的死死的工程师呢?


Dear Chairman, 88, today, for the first time in these two years, I have heard from you that the children grow well. Halfway through what you said, you didn’t finish it. Right away, Wang looked around talked something else. Really, the People’s Republic of China in the 21st century, a member of the Standing Committee of a country of 1.4 billion people, and the veteran of the three dynasties, can only be hesitating when dealing with his most intimate matters.  I was reminded of the "indulgences" of the Holy See. What's the matter? Your government and laws should be reformed! Or is there something unspeakable about 88, is it related to Romance? 88, I am not only happy for you, but also sad for you! Today you asked me why I don’t want to be an engineer. I want to be an engineer, always thinking, and always being a good engineer, but this environment does not allow me to do well. What age am I now? 88. There is a strong Chinese government behind you, Jackie and I have nothing! I hope I can build a career, a business, and accumulate something. In the future, Jackie will have her own business that can be the master, with good income, sustainable development, and can work for others every day. Dear Chairman, 88, you don’t want me to set up such a business so that your children can join and benefit? Thanks to you, I have an advantage that no one else has, because those leaders know me. Now that the whole world is integrated, if the domestic entertainment market has already produced talents and is controlled by different groups, then cultural exchanges on a global scale should be formulated, especially leaders, government officials, and world elites who provide them with a global scale. There is still a lot of room and market for service. Why don't you give full play to my advantage? And I have a lot of creativity. Compared with those young people who lack social life experience, I can create a new world. Why do you only use me as a low-level engineer?






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