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已有 86 次阅读2022-3-2 23:38 |个人分类:全球化

在全世界制定法律,在技术上设立特别的加密对信息控制 Enact laws around the world and set up special encryption technology to control information

亲爱的主席,88,我觉得,有人在手中有特定武器的可以掌控全程信息,个人隐私完全没有办法受到保护,郭文贵可以爆料,哪天谁发疯了都可以不受法律限制,如没有特定的对象世界大爆料,这不是一个人类文明社会应该有的秩序,这是强盗行径啊.亲爱的主席,88,你们管控全世界,依靠黑色力量。但黑色力量的所作所为,是不是也应该有特定的法律来进行约束?你们应该在全世界制定这样的法律,在技术上设立特别的加密,某些信息应该有priority特定的人群才可以看特定的属于他的那部分!不然人类社会就乱了,就像文革谁都可以打砸抢我非常不高兴,我到美国法院,我谁也不认识,居然有警察知道我跟你们尤其是88的关系!88,你对自己的私事守口如瓶,我直接问你你都不告诉我。可是我们那些同学都知道。甚至我走遍世界,都有鬼魅跟随知道好多事来告诉我! So ridiculous我是不是还要谢谢他们了?这两个星期,Jackie学期快结束了,她要期末考试了。这两天她的功课特别重,她脸上的痘痘还在发,我真心疼她.亲爱的主席,88,无论在哪里你们每天都陪着她呀,耐心教她做功课。不管是不是你们,我都从心里感谢你们的!又是一年了,今年过得多快呀,尤其这一个学期,每天晚上都弄到11:00多,我感觉她是学了很多东西的。她很喜欢历史,这个寒假我会给她看一些有关一战二战的纪录片,给她看一些各种帝国的纪录片,让她在时间轴上把它们联系起来,她就容易记了.我不知道历史老师怎么样,因为历史事件都是有原因的,都有联系的,还跟当地的地理,气候也有关系.会讲的老师会把这些都联系在一起,像讲故事一样,那是很生动的!Jackie14岁了,一点都没有编程的经验,我很想教她,让她至少学一门计算机语言,知道软件设计的过程,这对以后思考问题以及解决问题都是很有帮助的.亲爱的主席,88,她现在每天都是你们的,绝大部分她的时间都是跟你们在一起的,是你们的贴身小棉袄,小可爱。可是寒假也要给我一点时间教她一些别的呀,比如数学,编程,烧饭做菜的自理能力,请多给我点时间吧长大你们保证能给她工作吗?


Dear Chairman, 88, I think someone who has a specific weapon in his hand can control the entire information. There is no way to protect personal privacy. Guo Wengui can break the news. Anyone who goes crazy can not be restricted by the law any day, if there is no specific target, the world broke the news that this is not the order that a human civilized society should have. This is a robbery. Dear Chairman, 88, you control the world and rely on black power. But should there be specific laws governing what the black power does? You should enact such laws all over the world and set up special encryption technology. Certain information should have a priority, and only certain people can see the specific part that belongs to him! Otherwise, the human society will be in chaos, just like the Cultural Revolution, anyone can beat, smash and rob. I am very unhappy. I went to the US court and I didn’t know anyone. Actually, the police knew about my relationship with you, especially 88! 8you are tight-lipped about your private affairs. I ask you directly, but you don't tell me. But our classmates all know it. Even when I travel around the world, there are ghosts who follow and know so many things to tell me! So ridiculous! Do I still have to thank them? These two weeks, Jackie's semester is almost over, and she is going to have her final exam. In the past two days, her homework has been very heavy loaded. The acne on her face is still developing. I really feel sorry for her. Dear Chairman, 88, you are with her every day, no matter where you are, and patiently teach her to do her homework. Whether it is you or not, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! It's another year. How fast this year is going, especially this semester, every night it gets later than 11:00. I feel that she has learned a lot. She likes history very much. This winter vacation I will show her some documentaries about World War I and World War II, and show her some documentaries about various empires. Let her connect them on the time line, so she can easily remember it. I don’t know. How about the history teacher, because historical events are all related to the local geography and climate. Teachers who can tell will connect these all together, like telling a story, it is very vivid of! Jackie is 14 years old and has no programming experience at all. I would like to teach her to learn at least one computer language and know the process of software design. This will be very helpful for thinking about and solving problems in the future. Dear Chairman , 88, she is yours every day now, most of her time is with you, she is your close-fitting jacket, little cute. But during the winter vacation, I have to give me some time to teach her some other things, such as mathematics, programming, and self-care skills in cooking. Please give me more time. Will you promise to give her work when she grows up?






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