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已有 72 次阅读2022-3-2 23:36 |个人分类:全球化

文科生讲政治,是民主制,君主立宪呢,联邦制,社会主义,资本主义的.工科生讲政治,distributed or centralized control? How many layers? What is the allocation strategy for resources including power? 多简单,谁来跟你争民主,人权,意识形态呀?Liberal arts students talk about politics, is democracy, constitutional monarchy, federalism, socialism, capitalism. Engineering students talk about politics, distributed or centralized control? How many layers? What is the allocation strategy for resources including power? How simple, who come to fight with you for democracy, human rights, ideology?


全球化要能够改变几千年的文化沉淀,国家主权,爱国主义,敌视仇外,封闭自大,轻视攻击外部人士的惯性,让那些国家可以敞开心扉打开大门互相接受 Globalization must be able to change thousands of years of cultural precipitation, national sovereignty, patriotism, hostility to xenophobia, arrogance, contempt for the inertia of attacking outsiders, so that those countries can open their hearts and open doors to accept each other.

事情简简单单,自自然然。生孩子了,养孩子了,要爱,教育孩子。可事却弄得这么支离破碎,复杂万分。就好像当初罗马天主教会为了敛财,为了显示教会的控制权,硬生生地创造出一套人生来有罪的谎言,让人从出生就已经背上这种莫须有的罪恶的枷锁。然后以此为藉口向那些无知的信徒售卖什么毫无道理的“赎罪券”一样,有这个必要吗?不能自然直接接触吗?这是真为孩子好吗?我到现在都不知道我怎么到这里来的,这个事情的来龙去脉是什么。后面的T & B真正是谁,从哪里来,到哪里去,有什么计划,什么目标,我根本不清楚什么广东公安局的,内地军方的,都消息灵通啊,还把信息透露出去,只有我一个人蒙在鼓里。这个世界怎么变成这样了我也无可奈何不放进心里,他们爱怎么折腾就怎么折腾,真吃饱了撑的文科生讲政治,民主制啊,君主立宪呢,联邦制等等,社会主义,资本主义的.我们工科生讲政治,distributed or centralized control? How many layers? What is the allocation strategy for resources including power? 多简单,谁来跟你争民主啊,人权啊,意识形态呀?全球一体化一带一路的项目,不知道是不是也要花30要能够改变几千年的文化沉淀,国家主权,爱国主义,敌视仇外,封闭自大,轻视攻击外部人士的惯性,让那些国家可以敞开心扉打开大门互相接受,不容易当时的中国,是街角出现的新孩子,不管当初有多少的满怀希望和纯净无暇,但新人的出现改变了存在现状,被大家接受需要时间!从中国建立到现在,60多年,中国发生了翻天覆地变化,中国真正被世界接受了吗?被平等对待了吗?受别国尊重了吗?中国人真正可以心态平和地对外交往了吗?中国人真正地了解世界吗?没有啊,我每年回国,我感受得到国人的心态呀。甚至现在T & B对我都不当回事儿,这么powerful大国,中央政府,全球资源在手的,你们不能给我一个可以在家做的灵活的工作吗?我为你们服务连报酬都没有啊,说好的赔偿渺无踪迹连国内出租我的房子,有人都要搞不清楚考虑再三的。我叹口气,88,你有36个宣讲团去全国各地宣讲十九大精神.又有多少宣讲团去世界各地同时宣讲啊?30年不够的,50年上百年,甚至几百年才能改变人心价值观了!


Things are simple and natural. Have a child, raise a child, love and educate the child. But your things were so fragmented and complicated. It's as if the Roman Catholic Church had created a set of guilty lies in order to accumulate money and show the church's control, so that people have been born with such unnecessarily sinful shackles. Then use it as an excuse to sell unreasonable "indulgences" to those ignorant believers. Is this necessary? Can't you come into direct contact naturally? Is this really good for children? I still don't know how I got here, or what  the context of this matter was. I don’t know who the T & B behind it really is, where it came from, where it will go, what plans it has, and what goals it has. I don’t know what the Guangdong Public Security Bureau and the mainland military are all well-informed about, and they also disclose the information.  I am the only one in the dark. How did this world become like this? I can’t help but put it in my heart, they can toss as they like, and they really have enough. When Liberal arts students talk about politics, democracy, constitutional monarchy, federalism, etc., Socialism , Capitalism. When we engineering students talk about politics, distributed or centralized control? How many layers? What is the allocation strategy for resources including power? How simple! Who will fight you for democracy, human rights, and ideology? The global integration of the Belt and Road project, I wonder if it will take 30 years? To be able to change thousands of years of cultural precipitation, national sovereignty, patriotism, hostility to xenophobia, closed arrogance, contempt for the inertia of attacking outsiders, let those countries to open their hearts and open doors to accept each other, it is not easy. At that time, China was a new child who appeared on the street corner. No matter how much hopeful and pure and flawless there were at the beginning, the emergence of new people changed the status and it took time to be accepted by everyone! From the establishment of China to the present, over 60 years, China has undergone earth-shaking changes. Is China really accepted by the world? Are they treated equally? Is it respected by other countries? Can the Chinese really deal with foreign affairs in a peaceful manner? Do the Chinese really understand the world? No, I return to China every year and I can feel the mentality of the Chinese people. Even now T&B doesn’t take me seriously. With such a powerful country, the central government, and global resources in hand, can’t you give me a flexible job that I can do at home? You didn’t even pay for my service for you, and the compensation promised was very not sure. Even if I rent out my house in China, some people have to be confused and think twice. I sighed, 88, you have 36 missions going all over the country to preach the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress. How many missions go all over the world to preach at the same time? 30 years is not enough, 50 years, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years can change people's values!






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