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已有 80 次阅读2022-3-2 23:33 |个人分类:领袖精英


Dec 12, 2017 at 9:07 PM


我和Jackie跟你们的交往交流方式,实在是荒谬之至  The way Jackie and I interact with you is really ridiculous

亲爱的主席,88,昨天我刚说到一名谷歌的华裔女程序员裸体淹死在水里,今天我又在网上看到旧金山的市长李孟贤突然死亡.于是我想起来我爸爸的死,他死的日子特别奇怪,是102号,几分钟前还中气十足跟我在电话里说话,我在开车去他那儿的路上他就去了.觉得好像有什么东西控制的!他平静地逝去是好事,但是如受无形力量的控制,那太可怕了!前几年听说医学界有一种纳米粉末,可以随血液扩散到全身各处。这种粉受到周围的电磁场与微波的控制,会有某些特别的物理化学作用,会在一定范围和时间内导致人体器官的功能丧失这个世界上有太多的各种各样的杀人武器!我不知道这位华裔市长,才65岁,是什么原因就突然过世了!美国社会近年来越来越频繁有超出法律限制的,没有任何预兆的暴力行为发生。比如以前的911,比如San Bernardino County的医疗所枪击事件,拉斯维加斯的音乐会枪击事件,还有一些超出自然界正常发生承受力的灾害。比如说飓风和洪水一个社会如果没有一个正常法律渠道来对使用超级power进行控制,有一种无法无天的黑暗势力可以为所欲为,那就是非文明的统治,是令整个社会心理上不安宁的,这怎么可能长治久安呢?美国社会在越来越快地走下坡,也许跟这种鬼魅频出有关吧? 多行不义必自毙呀.我今天在看中国的外交史,建国初期中国的外交是多么地困难,从中华人民共和国的建立,花了美国人30年才有尼克松跑来中国跟中国正式建立关系,但美国还是犹抱琵琶半遮面,牵扯着台湾不放!中国当时没有选择,一边倒倾向苏联,跌跌撞撞,积弱前行!花了俄国近20年,才改变俄国的错误政策,跟中国搞好关系!说当时在法国,美国的外交官追着中国的外交官想表达愿意要建立关系。而中国的外交官拼命躲着,不敢跟美国人接触!有的时候意识形态和外交环境,回过头来看看,真的是匪夷所思的.亲爱的主席,88,就像现在,我和Jackie跟你们的交往交流方式,实在是荒谬之至,荒诞无比无论是人性本能,人际往来,朋友情人,任何层面上都是说不过去,没有逻辑的T & B,再过几十年回头看看我们现在的情形,我只有一个评论,你们精神有病!


Dear Chairman, 88, yesterday I just said that a Chinese-American female programmer from Google drowned naked in the water. Today I saw the sudden death of Li Mengxian, the mayor of San Francisco, on the Internet. So I remembered my father’s death. The day of his death was very strange. It was October 2nd. A few minutes ago, he was full of breath and talked to me on the phone. He passed away when I drove to him. It felt like something was controlling! It is good for him to pass away peacefully, but if controlled by invisible power, it is terrible! A few years ago, I heard that there is a kind of nano-powder in the medical field, which can spread throughout the body with the blood. This kind of powder is controlled by the surrounding electromagnetic field and microwave, and will have some special physical and chemical effects, which will cause the loss of the function of human organs in a certain range and time. There are too many kinds of killing weapons in this world ! I don’t know why the Chinese mayor died suddenly at the age of 65! In recent years, American society has more and more frequent events of violence that exceed legal limits without any warning. For example, the previous 9/11, such as the San Bernardino County medical clinic shooting, the concert shooting in Las Vegas, and some disasters beyond the natural endurance. For example, hurricanes and floods. If a society does not have a normal legal channel to control the use of super power, there is a lawless dark force that can do whatever it wants. That is the rule of non-civilization, which makes the whole society psychologically uneasy. Could it be long and stable? The American society is going downhill faster and faster, maybe it is related to the frequent occurrence of such ghosts? Many unrighteous acts will kill themselves. Today I am looking at China’s diplomatic history. How difficult China’s diplomacy was in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China? It took the Americans 30 years before Nixon came to China to officially accept China, establishing relations, but the United States still holds the door half open, and it is not letting Taiwan go! At that time, China had no choice but to lean towards the Soviet Union on one side, stumble and move forward with weakness! It took Russia nearly 20 years to change Russia's wrong policy and build a good relationship with China! It is said that in France at the time, American diplomats were chasing Chinese diplomats to express their willingness to establish relations. And Chinese diplomats are desperately hiding, afraid to contact the Americans! Sometimes the ideology and diplomatic environment, looking back, were really incredible. Dear Chairman, 88, just like now, the way Jackie and I interact with you are really absurd and weird. Whether it is human instinct, interpersonal relationships, friends or lovers, it is impossible to justify at any level, there is no logic. T & B, looking back at our current situation in a few decades, I have only one comment, you are mentally sick!






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