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已有 65 次阅读2022-3-2 23:30 |个人分类:全球化

调整政治结构,有效地管理,引导各种文明融合,文化繁荣,那是一个巨大的挑战. Adjusting the political structure, effectively managing, guiding the integration of various civilizations and cultural prosperity is a huge challenge.


就像baklava点心的皮一样,一层一层地在地球各个区域之间重叠铺陈开来  Just like the skin of a baklava dessert, it is laid out layer by layer in various regions of the earth.

本来全球一体化,各国的军事力量应该一点一点式微.但是我却看见不同国家反而花更多的钱,去买武器制造武器.亲爱的主席,88,是不是有人在等你们把全球搞定之后,准备以武力来摘桃子啊?同时我也在想,政府最主要的功能是获取税收,向社会提供公共产品和服务有很多基本的服务,比如为建筑物提供能源,,气,为居住的环境设立电线,铺水管,修下水道,处理垃圾,供暖,铺设道路,建立各种公共聚会场所。这些向所在行政区所有民众提供的公共产品和服务,不带任何意识形态颜色至于税收,有些甚至可以不是以所住之地的政府作为收税单位,而是在世界上为每一个人设立一个帐号,交给当地政府有关还有更上层的部门,有关部门可以就不同项目而在世界各地分配预算!而上面所提到的各种因为某一些因素而聚集起来的民众,就像中东人做baklava 点心的皮一样,一层一层地在地球各个区域之间重叠铺陈开来.可以是跨国的,也可以是多层的政府,或者跨政府的特别的行政机构,可不可以对此进行统一管理?比如说金融系统,比如说宗教系统.21世纪的世界,宗教不成为控制政府的力量,大政府管理各种宗教.在洛杉矶有很多的以不同国家民族特色命名的区域,小东京,中国城,越南城,美尼亚,犹太人区,等等。 居民没啥冲突,但是却给全城的人增添了文化的丰富性!比如说兴致来了,我去俄国商店买克瓦斯!有些北欧的小国人口稀少,到这边来没法形成特定的社区,他们就找相近的文化,或者融入其他文化。说实在话,他们这些人也是很痛苦的.如果有专门的组织,在世界各地分布,设立象教会那样的跟相关文化有关的社区和服务,并且促使这些不同文化的人能够在全世界分布,打破以前几千年的文化以地域为中心的局限,那对文化的交流,对不同人群之间的互相理解融合,对文化之间碰撞出创新的文化,对人类文明都是好事.好像这已经成为一种不可阻挡的潮流,关键是这个管理结构怎么样科学地设计起来,制定什么样合理的政策让其能量正向地流动和创新,88,那你们很有事情要干了!


Originally Globalization, the military power of various countries should be declining bit by bit. However, I have seen that different countries spend more money to buy weapons to make weapons. Dear Chairman, 88, is there someone waiting for you to settle the world? After that, are they going to pick peaches by force? At the same time, I am also thinking that the main function of the government is to obtain tax revenue and provide public goods and services to the society. There are many basic services, such as providing energy, water and gas for buildings, setting up electrical wires for the living environment, laying water pipes, build sewers, dispose of garbage, provide heating, pave roads, and establish various public gathering places. These public products and services provided to all people in the administrative region do not carry any ideological color. As for taxation, some may not even use the government where they live as a tax collection unit, but set up a taxation unit for everyone in the world. The account number is handed over to the local government concerned and higher-level departments, and the relevant departments can allocate budgets around the world for different projects! And the various people mentioned above who have gathered due to certain factors are like the layers of baklava desserts made by Middle Easterners, layer by layer, overlapping and spreading between various regions of the earth. It can be transnational, It can also be multi-layered. Can the government, or a special administrative agency that cross-government, conduct unified management? For example, the financial system, such as the religious system. In the 21st century, religion does not become a power to control the government. The big government manages various religions. In Los Angeles, there are many areas named after the national characteristics of different countries, such as Little Tokyo and Chinatown, Little Vietnam, Armenia, Jewish District, etc. The residents have no conflicts, but they add cultural richness to the whole city! For example, when I am interested, I go to a Russian store to buy kvass! Some small countries in Northern Europe are sparsely populated, and there is no way to form a specific community here. They look for similar cultures or integrate into other cultures. To be honest, these people are also suffering. If there are special organizations that are distributed around the world, setting up communities and services related to special cultures like churches, and promoting these people of different cultures to be distributed around the world, breaking the limitations of the previous thousands of years of culture being geographically centered, the exchange of cultures, the mutual understanding and fusion between different groups of people, and the collision of innovative cultures between cultures are all good for human civilization. It seems that this has already become an unstoppable trend, the key is how to scientifically design this management structure, and what kind of reasonable policies are formulated to allow its energy to flow and innovate positively, 88, then you have a lot to do!






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