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已有 92 次阅读2022-3-1 23:51 |个人分类:全球化


Dec 11, 2017 at 11:01 PM


西方人士受意识形态的操纵太厉害,有时候反而不能以世界的本质去看待对待世界  Westerners are too much manipulated by ideology, and sometimes they cannot treat the world with the essence of the world.

亲爱的主席,88,今天你们又问我要短文了,我昨天因为没写完,所以就没寄.我觉得你们心里真的有我,我一天没写你们就问我要,你们是真的在乎我的,谢谢!亲亲。可是我却看不见你们的短文88,你是很会写的,这么多年的人生阅历,你应该很有思想的。我想不通为什么T & B那么处事rough没人性,这么残忍,连人类社会最最美好的精神上交流都不让昨天我在网上看到,欧洲各国坚决要求也要承认耶路撒冷是巴勒斯坦的首都,也就是承认同一地点两个首都两个政府重叠治理.我知道这给人类社会中的政治制度结构带来了挑战,因为在地球表面两维空间,国家疆域是没有重叠的,可以包含,比如梵蒂冈,可以拉伸,比如印度东南边,但好像没有重叠的上一篇的短文,我稍许接触了这方面的问题,我讲到可不可以把政府的功能加以分类,把种族和意识形态相关的与基本的公共产品服务分开来.这两天我在看地缘政治学其中讲到海权论,陆权论,空权论,分裂世界论,文明冲突论,单极多极论,整和论.于是我才明白,为什么美国一有钱就忙不迭地去打阿富汗战争,伊拉克战争.我觉得西方人士,他们受意识形态的操纵太厉害,有时候反而不能以世界的本质去看待对待世界.无论是帝国,殖民,世界警察,都是以一颗掠夺的傲慢统治者之心横扫世界的。如不是为别人好,怎么可能长久呢?以前我曾经提起过,世界一体化下的政治结构是象美国的合众联邦制,是在各国的政治体制之上再建立一个国际的协调管控权力机构,是为各国提供世界级的公共产品的,嘿嘿嘿 但是世界上很多政治势力的划分,不光是以国界来划圈的.比如说文明的冲突,有的是以族裔来划分的。比如东南亚国家每隔一阵子就有的当地人发起的排华,西北亚的库尔德人为伊拉克,叙利亚,土耳其人所不容。有的是以宗教来划分的,比如基督教,东正教,伊斯兰教,佛教。还有的是以生活习惯来划分的,比如东亚和西亚这些不同背景的人群,并没有像用国界线那样可以在地理上加以区分,因为人的流动,可以聚集在一个地方,也可以在世界范围内覆盖,就会造成文明文化在各个地方有重叠世界一体化,把国家疆域更多的在功能上变成了行政区域,国家主权淡化.但是真正的冲突还存在,可以是来自不同的文化背景,文明层次,意识形态在全球一体化的进程中,你们如何调整政治结构,有效地管理,引导各种文明融合,文化繁荣,那是一个巨大的挑战


Dear Chairman, 88, today you asked me again for a short essay. I didn’t post it yesterday because I didn’t finish writing it. I think you really have me in your heart. If I didn’t write a day, you just asked me. You  truely care about me, thanks! Kiss. But I can't see your short essays. 88, you are good at writing, so many years of life experience, you should be very thoughtful. I can’t figure out why T&B is so rough, inhuman, and so cruel, not even the best spiritual communication in human society. Yesterday I saw on the Internet that European countries insisted on recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. That is, to recognize the overlapping governance of two capitals and two governments in the same place. I know this brings challenges to the political system structure in human society, because in the two-dimensional space on the earth’s surface, the national boundaries do not overlap and can contain, for example Vatican. It can be stretched, such as southeast of India. But there seems to be no overlap. In the previous short article, I touched on this issue a little bit. I talked about whether the functions of government can be classified, and race and ideology can be related, separated from basic public goods and services. I have been looking at geopolitics in the past two days. Among them are sea power theory, land power theory, air power theory, split world theory, civilization conflict theory, unipolar multi-polar theory, and integration. So I understand why the United States is so busy fighting the war in Afghanistan and Iraq as soon as it has money. I think Westerners are too much manipulated by ideology, and sometimes they can’t treat the world with the essence of the world. Whether it is an empire, a colony, or a world police, they all swept the world with the heart of a predatory arrogant ruler. If it is not for the good of others, how can it last? I have mentioned before that the political structure under world integration is like the United States' federal system. It is to establish an international coordination and control authority on top of the political systems of various countries, and it is to provide countries with world-class public products.  Hehehe, but many political forces in the world are divided not only by national boundaries. For example, the conflict of civilizations, and some are divided by ethnicity. For example, in Southeast Asian countries, there are anti-Chinese campaigns initiated by locals every once in a while. Kurds in Northwest Asia are not tolerated by Iraq, Syria, and Turks. Some are divided by religion, such as Christianity, Eastern Orthodox, Islam, and Buddhism. Others are divided by living habits, such as East Asia and West Asia. These people from different backgrounds are not geographically distinguishable like national boundaries, because the flow of people can gather in one place or around the world. Internal coverage will cause the civilization and culture to overlap in various places. The integration of the world turns the national territory into an administrative region more functionally, and the national sovereignty is diluted. But the real conflict still exists, which can be from different cultural background, civilization level, ideology. In the process of Globalization, how do you adjust the political structure, effectively manage, and guide the integration of various civilizations and cultural prosperity is a huge challenge.






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