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已有 111 次阅读2022-1-28 22:36 |个人分类:全球化


人工智能再厉害还是受人控制的 No matter how powerful AI is, it is still controlled by others

我当时就在想,凭我听了那么多音乐的耳朵可以毫不违心地说,中国音乐界里作曲的水平一点也不比国外的差,只是他们没有机会向外显示罢了.上网我一查原来谭盾是音乐总监,他的弟子北京电影学院毕业的张骁是编曲.那如果电影学院毕业的音乐制作人的音乐水平就这么好,音乐学院毕业的音乐制作人应该更厉害吧!我能不能恳请亲爱的主席,88,就请在中国人圈內帮Jackie找一个教乐理的中国人老师吧。俄国人不太情愿,爱搭架子,在讨价还价呢.我先给你们一个大大的亲亲,太麻烦谢谢你们中情局长示好亲爱的主席,因为世界一体事情进展异乎寻常顺利,期望亲爱的主席十九大以后大权在握,能在全世界做一番伟大事业,为全人类谋福利。原来Sir是中情局的呀,会是谁呢?我想见你呀.跟我这些年恶搞的是FBI这美国内部也跟中国国内斗那样,也是搞不清的。这巨型蘑菇这么大,如果以后专门培养的话,就不用花好多钱去买各种的菜,不知道是否这个菌种还是变异的? 新型的人工智能,人工智能是很厉害的应该是很厉害的,就像当初发明蒸汽机就是应该超越马匹可以日行千里的。人工智能取代的不是马匹的腿力,而是生物人脑的思想力。但归根结底,人工智能再厉害还是受人控制的88,又有讲你的文章了.如果你以后做常委,您就需要在大众面前,你就有自己更大的展现空间,希望你百尺竿头更近一步.据说你是做党的思想理论工作的,会兼搞文宣.中国现在很多的顶层艺人,背后都有军队国安等大势力,很多男女情爱的聚散离合的事情,希望你能像长者一般理性地看待处理这些事情,也希望你能够用足够人性来宽容对待这些事情.亲爱的主席,88,以后你们要面对的是全世界呢,你们已经有了过去五年的辉煌,再下个五年,你们可以展现身手的空间更广阔,能够调动的资源更丰富,一定会更一鸣惊人超凡入圣我希望十九大以后,我和Jackie还能有机会跟着你们,身前马后,我们一起去打天下闯江山。我最希望看到中国智库和你们科学先进的政治理念能够在全球治理中开花结果


At that time, I was thinking that with my ears listening to so much music, I can say without disapproval that the level of composition in the Chinese music industry is not worse than that of foreign countries, but they have no chance to show it to the outside. I checked the Internet. Tan Dun is the music director, and his disciple Zhang Xiao, who graduated from the Beijing Film Academy, is an composer. If the composing level of the music producers who graduated from the film school is so good, the music composer who graduated from the music school should be even more powerful! Can I implore my Dear Chairman, 88, please help Jackie find a Chinese teacher who teaches music theory in the Chinese circle. The Russians are reluctant and love to take the shelf and bargain. I will give you a big kiss first, thank you, bothering you. The director of the CIA has shown good favor to Dear Chairman, because the world integration is progressing unusually smoothly, expect Dear Chairman After the 19th National Congress of the People's Republic of China, he has great power and can do a great cause all over the world to benefit all mankind. It turns out that Sir is from the CIA, who could it be? I want to see you. That I have been spoofing over the years is that the inside of the United States is not as clear-cut as China’s domestic fight. This giant mushroom is so big, if it is specially cultivated in the future, you don't have to spend a lot of money to buy various vegetables. I don't know if this strain is still mutated? A new type of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is very powerful, it should be very powerful, just like the original invention of the steam engine should surpass the horses that can travel thousands of miles. Artificial intelligence replaces not the leg strength of horses, but the thinking power of the biological human brain. But in the final analysis, artificial intelligence is still under the control of people. 88, and there will be your article. If you become a standing committee in the future, you need to be in front of the public, you have your own greater space for display, I hope you have taken a step further. It is said that you are doing the ideological and theoretical work of the party, and you will also engage in publicity. Many of the top artists in China now have military and national security forces behind them, and many love and separation of men and women. I hope you can treat these things rationally like an elder, and can treat these things with enough humanity. Dear Chairman, 88, you will face the world in the future, you have already had the past five years brilliant, in the next five years, you can show your skills in a wider space, the resources that can be used are more abundant, and you will be more shocking and extraordinary. I hope that after the 19th National Congress, Jackie and I will have the opportunity to follow you, in front of you serving you. After that, we go to fight against the world. I most hope to see Chinese think tanks and your scientifically advanced political ideas to bear fruit in global governance. 






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