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已有 93 次阅读2022-1-27 22:41 |个人分类:中国



西方人对中国的最关注地方,就是想知道这些决策依据和决策过程是什么. The most important thing for Westerners to pay attention to China is to know what these decision-making basis and decision-making process are.

这篇文章是讲述习近平的新时代中国特色社会主义思想.亲爱的主席,什么是新时代呀?我在想,当中国各地各种企业如雨后春笋般地兴起。经济的发展,一定后面有一个无形的大手在掌控,有一个头脑在设计和安排,什么时候,什么地方,应该设立什么样的项目,需要多少资金和人力,用什么样的技术,等等等等 都要考量而这个头脑,比如发改委,所设计的整个系统结构,大多数人是看不见的整个社会不同项目进行到多少程度,对整个大的规划起到什么作用,大多数人也是不知道的.以前88写的文章,比如说要中央集权,那是因为中国社会当时发展经济的需要,是经过多方考量的结果88的很多文章,应该是在内部决策层经过反复思量得出的系统规划以后,让88写出的皮毛而已,对吧?西方人对中国的最关注地方,就是想知道这些决策依据和决策过程是什么亲爱的主席,88,你们以前更多的关注是在中国国内的经济建设,是一个主权独立的区域,是一个节点。可是现在你们放眼全球的话,那就是整体,是一张网,那分析和考虑问题的维度就多很多,会有很多从来没有碰到过的情况。比如宗教,文化,传统,历史,心理,等等,系统更复杂了这就是新时代吗? 亲爱的主席,88,今天又听见Jackie在房间里面欢声笑语的,好像跟以前她与你们讲话,还有些不一样的。她以前是放肆大笑劲头十足的,跟Aliya讲话尤其激动,好像她跟人家在进行一场生死攸关的辩论一样.今天虽然她激动开心,可是笑起来却是有点矜持的,不是那种放肆喧哗,是有一点柔美的,少一点爆发力多一点连串的笑声。我一问,哦,原来是跟丹麦的王子Nicolai又讲话了.怪不得,少女情怀总是梦,她是做梦的年纪呗.谢谢后面的T & B为她安排,我也很希望她能够跟其他领袖的孩子们多多交往啊。年少时的友谊,那是再没有比这个更珍贵的,那是可以维持一辈子的呢!说不定以后,他们还可能有各种各样的交集呢,有缘才会有将来的各种可能啊亲爱的主席,88,你们在边上看着他们欢笑放肆喧闹,心里会怎么想?如果你们真心把Jackie当自己的孩子,一定会很骄傲很开心的。可惜这些孩子们相隔那么遥远,没法亲身在一起玩。不然在一起做体育游戏,开party,那才真有意思呢.而且你们做家长的,可以通过孩子碰在一起私下里聊一些孩子成长教育和家里的柴米油盐事儿,是不是自然而然地就建立了个人的友谊以后国家和国家之间做事,是不是因为相熟就会变得通顺很多?以前 Jackie小的时候,我带她去托儿所和幼儿园,各种各样的兴趣班。那孩子之间就有一个成长的比较,家长之间会互相交换育儿经验,并且大家会推荐和告诉一些为孩子准备的资源,比如说去哪儿买小孩子跳芭蕾舞的便宜衣服呀,哪个老师教得好呀


This article is about Xi Jinpings new era socialism with Chinese characteristics. Dear Chairman, what is the new era? I am thinking, when various enterprises from all over China were springing up like mushrooms, economy was developing, there must be an invisible big hand in control, a mind is designing and arranging, when and where, what kind of project should be set up, how much capital and manpower is needed, what technology is used, etc. Its a matter of consideration. And this brain, such as the National Development and Reform Commission, designs the entire system structure that most people cant see. To what extent do different projects in the entire society progress, and what role does it play in the overall planning, most people also dont know. The previous article written by 88, for example, requires centralization, is because the needs of Chinese society to develop the economy at that time are the result of many considerations. Many articles of 88 should be drawn after repeated thinking at the internal decision-making level, after the system planning, let 88 write the drafts, right? The most important thing for Westerners to pay attention to China is to know what these decision-making basis and decision-making process are. Dear Chairman, 88, you paid more attention to the economic construction in China. It is a sovereign and independent regional node. But now if you look at the whole world, that is the whole system, it is a net, then there are many more dimensions to analyze and consider the problem, and there will be many situations that you have never been encountered before. Such as religion, culture, tradition, history, psychology, etc., the system is more complicated. Is this the new era? Dear Chairman, 88, I heard Jackie laughing and giggling in her room again today, as if she had spoken to you before. She used to laugh arrogantly, and was particularly excited to talk to Aliya, as if she was having a life-and-death debate with others. Today, although she is excited and happy, but she laughs a little reserved, not that kind of arrogant. It's a little soft, a little less explosive and a little more laughter. I asked her, oh, it turned out to be another talk with Nicolai, the prince of Denmark. No wonder, the girl's feelings are always dreams, she is in the age of dreams. Thank you T & B for the arrangements for her, I also hope that she can talk to other  leader's children, interacting a lot. Friendship when established young, there is nothing more precious than this, it can be maintained for a lifetime! Maybe in the future, they may have all kinds of intersections, and fate will have all kinds of possibilities in the future. Dear Chairman, 88, you are watching them laughing and making noise, what do you think? If you really take Jackie as your child, you will be very proud and happy. It is a pity that these children are so far apart that they cannot play together in person. Otherwise, its really interesting to do sports games together and have a party. And if you are parents, you can get together and talk privately about some of your child's growth, education, and daily life at home. Isn't it natural to establish personal friendship? In the future, will things become smoother because of acquaintance between countries? When Jackie was young, I took her to nurseries and kindergartens, various interest classes. There is a growth comparison between the children, parents will exchange parenting experience with each other, and everyone will recommend and tell some resources for children, such as where to buy cheap clothes for children to dance ballet, which teacher teaches better.






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