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已有 79 次阅读2022-1-27 22:36 |个人分类:中国

中国改革开放的成果是中国智库多少年来,响当当的牌子  The result of China’s reform and opening up has been the brand of China’s think tank

以前她曾经见一位画喜洋洋和灰太郎的黄导演。如有了第一人,以后就会陆陆续续有好多中国人来,是吗?他们甚至可以专门租场地进行茶话会的,Jackie就可以正式弹琴跳舞了.中国人是太多了,应该和这边的同行相见交朋友嗯有朋自远方来,不易乐乎!我希望他们从遥远的地方来能给 Jackie也带点礼物。Jackie将来如果能像奥普拉那样做采访秀,或者做他们聚会的陪伴,世界那么多的精英们,这个 event有的要做了。集会视频还可以向大众播映,还可以为他们搭桥谈生意。她并且可以自己成立公司,向这些世界顶级的人物提供服务比如经常组织活动呀,把名特产拿来大家分享呀,这是一个很好的可以持之以久的事业呢!亲爱的主席,88,你们觉得怎么样?要不要大家出点钱入股,把这个事业做起来?我可以做策划者英国高官来中国徒歩千里探寻改革开放成功的秘密亲爱的主席,88,你看他们是不远万里来中国呀,身临其境,深入调查,想找出你们改革开放成功经验的原因了!于是我就在想,88,他们这些散户自己来,即使踏破铁鞋也不见得能够觅出中国改革开放的脉络的,是不是应该让林尚立做负责人,邀请全世界对此有兴趣的人到中国高校和研究所来,比如说复旦的国政系,对外政策办公室。让对这方面有所研究的老师学者做演讲,同时还开办与之相关的旅游,去几个典型的成功案例地方参观了解,大都市,第二线城市小城镇。以及挑选不同的行业,你们举几个例子一说一看,很多事情就会大概讲清楚了.这不也是一种文化交流和旅游活动吗?88,这也是你们中国智库多少年来,响当当的牌子呀!是很有市场的呀!


Before, she once met a director Huang who made animation Happy sheep. If there is a first person, there will be many Chinese coming one after another, right? They can even rent a venue for a tea party, and Jackie can officially play the piano and dance. There are too many Chinese people, and they should meet and make friends with their peers here. Well, friends come from afar and are happy! I hope they come from a distant place to bring Jackie some gifts. In the future, if Jackie can do an interview show like Oprah or accompany them at a party, so many elites in the world, this event has to be done. The video of the rally can also be broadcast to the public, and they can also build bridges for them to discuss business. She can also set up her own company and provide services to these world-class figures. For example, she often organizes events and brings famous specialties to everyone to share. This is a good long-term business! Dear Chairman, 88, what do you think? Do you want to invest a little money into shares to start this business? I can be a planner. British high-ranking officials come to China to explore the secrets of the success of reform and opening up. Dear Chairman, 88, you can see that they are coming  to China from far away. They are immersive, investigating deeply, and want to find out  the reason for the successful experience of your reform and opening up! So I was thinking, 88, these  investors came by themselves, and even if they stepped through the towns and cities, they might not be able to find the context of China's reform and opening up. Should  you let Mr. Lin Shangli be the person in charge and invite those interested in the world to come to Chinese universities and research institutes, such as Fudan’s Department of State Politics, Foreign Policy Office. Let teachers and scholars who have done research in this area give lectures, and at the same time start related tours, visit some typical successful case places, big cities, small cities and towns in second-tier cities. As well as picking different industries, you can give a few examples to talk about it, and many things will probably be clear. Isn't this also a cultural exchange and tourism activity? 88, this is the brand that your Chinese think tank has been popular for many years! It is very marketable! 







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