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已有 88 次阅读2022-1-26 23:13 |个人分类:全球化

政治可以成为科学的,人文的,和谐的,完全没有必要你死我活的  Politics can be scientific, humanistic, and harmonious, and there is no need for you to live and I die

大家现在都摩拳擦掌地在一带一路起跑线上,同是中国人是不是应该互相帮助协调共进?而不应该暗地里对同伴出肘踢脚的,不应该对历史人物加以否定的.我最近看新出来的古装连续剧,秦时明月,是讲秦始皇统一中国大业那段历史的.其中穿插的是荆轲刺秦王的故事,讲秦王的最宠爱的郦妃跟荆柯是青梅竹马恋人,秦王中意想立为太子的儿子是荆柯的.这个连续剧的结尾有一点匪夷所思,不合逻辑,看的人莫名其妙,把一个好端端的连续剧给撕裂扭曲了!结尾是这样,秦国大业既定,荆柯去秦国献图,刺秦王失败反被秦王刺死!郦妃赶来看见情人被刺,全然忘却十几年在秦宫随秦王出征与秦王朝夕相处的情愫,和多年来从没改变的秦王对她和孩子的无比恩爱,怒不可遏说要杀了秦王。因为秦王不但杀死了她心中所爱荆轲,而且统一了全国完全没有给各国以及她应有的自由自在的生活!一个追随秦王十几年,连同孩子受秦王宠爱的女子,居然对秦王没有爱,还是这样有小人和妇人之见,她没有办法替夫君承担君王大业,心中还念念不忘过去的情人,那她不是找死就是该死啊.而且编剧把秦王立别人儿子为太子的原因是,先让郦妃的孩子做太子,让他承受外界责难风险。人非圣贤总有差错,到时再把那个孩子去掉,立自己的孩子为太子!如果秦王想立自己的儿子做太子,用得着这么绕一大圈折腾吗?这是什么荒谬绝伦的逻辑呀,还是在说当下的中国和世界时局呢?一带一路让上海帮打头阵,是因为上海帮有这个能力,处在这个位置,有这个人脉。还是先让上海帮出头,这样的立太子招风险而后以除之? 是让别人去”枪打出头鸟“的险恶用心吗?上海帮不十全十美,我也算是其中受害者,不然会有毫不相干人跑到上海大学去侮辱我干什么?如果蔡奇是这个意思,要除去上海帮中的恶势力,那他不该是这么写的.而且亲爱的主席,你之所以成为领袖,是要想方设法,像在郭文贵胸前别菱形徽章的那样,要把那部分跟你作对的势力转化成支持拥护你的势力才好呀。如果像蔡奇那样简单抹杀去之,王岐山这些年来抓了几百万的贪官了,你想把敌对势力都送到秦城监狱象薄熙来那样吗?不是这样子的吧.你看渔民怎么样放鱼鹰抓鱼的吗?有些人善于做生意会发财,但不善于遵守规则,那就放手提供机会让他们去干呢。给他们脖子上扎一个绳子,当他们捉到的那就归你呀,最后给他们填饱肚子就行了。而这些归你的财富,应该可以为人民服务做更大的用途.把鱼鹰杀了干嘛呀?总之政治可以成为科学的,人文的,和谐的,完全没有必要你死我活的,看你怎么设计运作了,是不是?你看欧美政治家,有几个是因为失权而被谋杀进监狱的?

Everyone is now flexing their muscles on the starting line of the Belt and Road Initiative. Should the Chinese people help and coordinate with each other? Instead of secretly kicking  elbows and kicking  companions, you should not negate historical figures. I recently watched a new Chinese costume drama series, "The Bright Moon of the Qin Dynasty", which talks about the history of Emperor Qin Shihuang's unification of China's great cause. It is the story of Jing Ke stabbing Emperor Qin. Qin’s favorite concubines Lady Li and Jing Ke are lovers of childhood. The son of Emperor Qin    to be the crown prince is Jing Kes. The ending of this series is a little unimaginable and illogical, and the people watching it are inexplicable.  What a torn and twisted series! The ending is like this. The great cause of Qin State is established, Jing Ke went to Qin State to offer a picture, but Emperor Qin failed to be stabbed to death by Emperor Qin! Lady Li  came to see her lover being stabbed, completely forgetting the feelings of being with the Emperor Qin  in the Qin Palace for more than ten years, and the incomparable love of Emperor Qin  for her and her child, who had not changed for many years, and she was irritated to kill Emperor Qin. Because Emperor Qin not only killed Jing Ke, who she loved in her heart, but also unified the whole country without giving every country and the free life she deserves! A woman who has followed Emperor Qin for more than ten years, and her child are favored by Emperor Qin, has no love for Emperor Qin. She still has the view of a villain and a woman. She has no way to undertake the great cause of Emperor for her husband, and she still misses the past lover in her heart. Either she looked for death or damn it. The reason why the screenwriter chose Emperor Qin to let someone else's son as the crown prince was to let Lady Li's child  be the crown prince first, and let him bear the risk of external condemnation. People are not sages, there are always mistakes. Then removed the crown prince, and then established his own child as crown prince! If Emperor Qin wanted to set up his son as the crown prince, would he need to toss around in such a big circle? What is the absurd logic, or is it talking about the current situation in China and the world? The Belt and Road Initiative has given the Shanghai Gang the lead because the Shanghai Gang has this ability, is in this position, and has this network. Or let Shanghai Gang help out first, such a "first set up the Crown Prince to take risks, and then replace it?" Is it the sinister intention of letting others go to "shooting the high birds"? The Shanghai Gang is not perfect, and I am also a victim of it. Otherwise, how could someone irrelevant go to Shanghai University to insult me? If Cai Qi meant that, to remove the evil forces in the Shanghai gang, he shouldn’t have written it like this. Dear Chairman, the reason why you become a leader is to find a way, like  wearing a diamond badge on Guo Wengui’s chest, it's good to transform that part of the force that opposes you into a force that supports you. If it is as simple as Cai Qi to sweep it, Wang Qishan has arrested millions of corrupt officials over the years. Do you want to send all the hostile forces to Qincheng Prison like Bo Xilai? This is not the case. Do you see how the fishermen used the osprey to catch fish? Some people are good at doing business and get rich, but they are not good at following the rules, so let go and provide opportunities for them to do it. Tie them a rope around their necks. When they catch the "fish", it will belong to you, and finally fill them up. And the wealth that belongs to you should be able to serve the people for a greater purpose. Why did you kill the Osprey? In short, politics can become scientific, humanistic, and harmonious, and there is no need to live or die. It depends on how you design and operate, right? You see, how many politicians in Europe and America were murdered in jail for losing power?







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