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已有 81 次阅读2021-12-21 00:08 |个人分类:中国

中国有那么多的企业和完整产业链,应该有计划地开放这些企业实习的机会把全球人才引来培训  China has so many enterprises and a complete industrial chain, and it should open up opportunities for internship of these enterprises in a planned way to attract global talents for training

好了,你们问我想做什么,我当然没有办法跟国家竟争呢,主流通识教育,是在国家系统之内的,那我就做他们不做的,比如特殊教育精英教育,比如幼教,大学辅助性课程,职业训练课程我用同样的运作程序,但内容是国际化的对了,这次我回来连家门都没进,我启动车子带 Jackie去的第一个地方,就是她喜欢的墨西哥快餐店Jackie长得像中国人,但在思想上她不是纯中国人也不是纯美国人我希望她成为一个世界人,也许这也是为什么你们世界政坛还能继续维持的原因吧?有远见的,与上帝同在的策划者什么时候中国的社会精英也能够向全世界开放?等明年 Jackie去中国的时候?光Jackie一个是不够的,Jackie说她这次出去旅行,你们就没有再天天开世界论坛,觉得你们是不是应该找几个后备的,比如UAE的阿莱雅,盖茨的儿子什么的去世界转了一圈飞机终于回到洛杉矶,这次我有一种回大农场的感觉比较起繁华的北京上海广州伊斯坦布尔,我这里缺人气5:00pm到机场8:30pm才到家,还不算太堵车,这个城市的交通系统有问题我看着来接我们的中国富二代小留,毕业了找不到工作想去学开卡车,一大批中国孩子在美国真是浪费父母钱浪费自己青春啊.  受教育的目的是提高自身的素养和培养赖以为生的能力,是一生的行为,所以人生设计也应该以一生为目标.  比如说发展创新能力,中国有那么多的企业,有好多的完整产业链,这些都是资源,有计划地开放这些企业实习的机会,把全球人才引来培训再加上受培训者他们在各国的资源,如这些人将资源综合,将来想不创新都难这可是一个大的上亿的市场啊!我爸爸以前在复旦管留学生,祝启秀告诉我有非洲的留学生毕业以后回非洲国家去做大官后来来复旦找爸爸的.这不就是现成的资源吗? 再比如天才特长生的培养Jackie再笨,天天跟亲爱的主席,88,世界领袖们讲历史文化政治,见多识广将来也十有八九是在这一行高级混的呀.  即使最有天赋的孩子,也需要配备特殊的教育计划和国际上顶尖老师的中国的教育计划很多是智能上的,不是情感上的培养出孩子到了国外跟当地人文化交流还是有问题,还是有隔阂和敌视的我希望能创造一个环境从孩子做起,让他们互相学习互相包容互相尊重Julie和皮特和好了,我觉得皮特不太成熟懂事的阅历不够吧中年危机吧有六个孩子呢说错了请包容.


Okay, you guys ask me what I want to do? I certainly have no way to compete with the government. The main common education is within the national system, then I will do what they do not, such as special education, elite education, such as preschool education, university auxiliary courses, vocational training courses. I use the same operating procedures, but the content is international. By the way, this time I came back and didn’t even enter the house. I started the car and took Jackie to the first place which is the Mexican fast food restaurant she likes. Jackie is Chinese, but she is not purely Chinese or purely American. I hope that she will become a world person. Maybe this is why your World Political Forum can continue to be maintained? Visionary planners who are with God, when will Chinese social elites be able to open their communication to the world? Can you wait until Jackie goes to China next year? It ’s not enough for only Jackie to communicate. Jackie said that you didn’t open a world forum every day when she was away. I think you should find a few backups, such as UAE's Aliya, Gates's son or something. We went around the world for a circle and finally returned to Los Angeles. This time I have a feeling of returning to the ranch. Compared with the prosperous Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Istanbul, we lack of popularity and liveliness here. We arrived at the airport at 5:00 pm and got home at 8:30 pm. It was not too congested. There is a problem with the transportation system in the city of LA. I watched the Chinese second-generation Chinese students who came to pick us up. When he graduated, he could not find a job and wanted to learn to drive a truck. A large number of Chinese children in the United States are really wasting their parents' money and their own youth. The purpose of education is to improve their own literacy and cultivate the ability to live on. It is a lifelong behavior, so life design should also aim at lifelong. For example when it comes to developing innovative capabilities, China has so many enterprises and many complete industrial chains. These can also be educational resources. If you plan to open up opportunities for internships in these companies and bring in global talents for training, plus the trainees ’own resources in various countries, if these people can integrate the resources, it will be difficult for them not to innovate in future. A big market with hundreds of millions of dollars! My dad used to manage international students in Fudan. Mrs. Zhu Qixiu told me that some African students returned to Africa to become officials after graduating. Later, they came to Fudan to find my dad. Isn't this a readily available resource? Another example is the cultivation of genius and specialty students. Even if Jackie is stupid enough, she talks with her Dear Chairman, 88, world leaders about history, culture and politics, and she is very knowledgeable. In the future, she will often live in this industry in a high-level manner. Even the most gifted children need to be equipped with special education programs and top international teachers to teach. Many of China ’s education programs are intelligent. It ’s not emotional. This kind of education system cultivates children ’s cultural exchanges with locals abroad. There are still problems, barriers and hostility. I hope to create an environment where children can learn from each other and learn from each other. Be tolerant and respect each other. Julie and Pete seem to be reconciled, but I think Pete is not mature enough nor sensible. Is he not experienced enough? Is it a middle-aged crisis? They have six children together! If I am wrong, please be tolerant.






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