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已有 127 次阅读2021-12-20 00:41 |个人分类:中国


Aug 10, 2017 at 7:42 AM




毛泽东写的 “为人民服务不惜代价是不是有一点逻辑反了? Does Mao Zedong's "serving the people", "regardless of the cost" have a logical reversal?

我不在权力中心,不知道中国政治的具体运作今天我胡说八道一下,反正人在海外我个人也觉得,国家政治体系应该执行 天道,那政权才能稳定持久的有负影响的国家领袖没有什么是不可以替代的,用不着那么多 不惜代价”.  那么多领导人在海外那么多的资产,那都是掌握在别人手心里的,是随时可以给你一点破坏制造麻烦的你们说不惜代价去保护个别领导人,根本就是空谈你们不惜代价建立人性合理法律,不惜代价去除监控恶意操纵软件,不惜代价维护全体人民的利益,那才是应该做的,是真正维持政权还有,我跟Jackie现在做的,是确确实实在支持保护风口浪尖上的国家领导人你们,可不可以从不惜一切高昂代价中也给我一点点劳动代价,少一点恶意打压代价,那才是应该的.  88号九寨沟地震,财产生命旅游资源各方面的损失这几天从北京起源的全球的空中交通系统混乱,上百家的航班取消延迟我在北京转签票的时候,见一 80岁的老人在询问哪里可以找到旅馆房间,因为旅馆都订满了.  从北京去国外的机票已经定位到 12号,因为前面的都满了.  我们先排了一个半小时去签票,被告知没有座位,还要到另外服务处排队看有没有standby 机会.  因为所有起始航班延迟,很多要转飞机的人赶不上当天飞国外的飞机,我们才有机会尽早能够有位置从北京当天飞回洛杉矶可是好多人行李却不在.  如此大的代价是有人民和国家来承受的亲爱的主席,88,后面的0们,你们每天看见中南海门口墙上那块毛泽东写的 为人民服务不惜代价是不是有一点逻辑反了? 是不是本末倒置?我们在国外这么多年,无论走到哪里,受国外的心理控制软件常年摧残,心神不宁,提心吊胆,从来没有人说不惜代价来保护我们我们也学会镇定自若淡然处之,头脑清醒不随之起舞亲爱的主席,88,还有后面神通广大B & T们,这次为什么表现得如此冲动,缺少智慧,被别人忽悠而不自知,是故意跟别人配合活动,还是政权在一批无能者手中? 我话说得很严重,也许旁观者清亲爱的主席88,你们完全可以这么说,不否认中共政府里有个别领导人的出格行为,有一些是按政府的战略计划行事不必公开,有一些是会依法惩处,爆料是帮助中国政府自省,但中共官员的整体是健康正常和谐为共同目标奋斗的,不然中国不会如此飞速进步”.这些年有人一直跟我过不去,让我担惊受怕过日子,逼我发. ” 最近我发现这样的黑势力也在中国大陆存在,是内部的还是外来的?我看见中国政府在应对某些事件中,也在发 ”. 这个世界上有邪恶疯狂势力,让世界不安宁,那些心理控制软件会给全世界带来多大的正能量?庆父不死鲁难未已!神通广大的T & B啊,那才是应该不惜代价加以解决的亲爱的主席,88不惜代价,像一个意气用事绝望快输的孩子在斗气,人放错地方是拉圾,权力工具放错人手里就是灾难。某些像这样掌权者想把中国引向何处? 他们似乎应该辞职走路了.如果谁听得不高兴,说不定又会不让Jackie去见这边的精英了。

I’m not in the center of power, and I don’t know the specific operation of Chinese politics. Today I talk nonsense, anyway, I am overseas. I personally feel that the national political system should implement the “Heavenly Way” so that the regime can be stable and lasting. If the national leader has a negative influence, there is nothing irreplaceable, not to mention so much "at any cost". So many leaders have so many assets overseas, those are in the hands of others, others  at any time can give you a little damage or create trouble. You say "at any cost" to protect individual leaders, it is simply empty talk. If you "at any cost" to establish a reasonable human nature law, "at any cost" to remove malicious  and manipulation monitoring software, at any cost”  to protect the interests of all the people , that is what you should do to truly maintain the regime. Also, what Jackie and I are doing now are really supporting and protecting the leaders of the country on the cusp of the storm.  You can also give me a little labor cost from the "high price at all costs", and give me a little less cost of malicious suppression. That is what it should be. The Jiuzhaigou Earthquake on August 8th, all aspects of property, life and tourism resources were lost. In the past few days, the global air traffic system starting from Beijing has been disrupted, and hundreds of flights have been canceled. When I transferred tickets in Beijing, I saw an 80-year-old man asking where to find hotel rooms, because the hotels all booked. It's full. The ticket from Beijing to abroad has been positioned to 12th, because the previous few days were all full. We first waited in the queue for an hour and a half to sign the ticket, and was told that there was no seat, and we had to wait in another queue at another service to see if there was any standby opportunity. Because all the initial flights were delayed, many people who want to transfer cannot catch up with the planes that fly from Beijing to foreign countries on that day, we have the opportunity to be able to fly back to Los Angeles from Beijing on the same day as soon as possible. But a lot of luggage can't be transferred in time. The cost of such a large flight delay is borne by the people and the country. Dear Chairman, 88, the "0" s behind, every day you see the line of “serving the people” written by Mao Zedong on the wall at the entrance of Zhongnanhai, is "at any cost" contrary to this logic? Is it upside down? We have been abroad for so many years, no matter where we go, we are perverted by foreign "at any cost" psychological control software all year round, uneasy and nervous, no one has ever said "at any cost" to protect us. We also learn to calm down and stay calm, sober-minded does not dance with them. Dear Chairman, 88, and the supernatural T & Bs behind you, why do you behave so impulsively this time, lacking wisdom, being fooled by others without knowing it? Are you deliberately cooperating with others, or is the regime in the hands of a group of incompetent people? My words are very serious, maybe the bystanders are clear. Dear Chairman, 88, you can say this completely, "Do not deny that the CCP government has the outrageous behavior of individual leaders, some do not have to be open in accordance with the government ’s strategic plan, some  will be punished according to the law. The news is to help the Chinese government introspect, but the CCP officials as a whole are healthy, normal, harmonious, and striving for a common goal. Otherwise, China will not make such rapid progress. " Someone has been with me all these years, making me feel terrified, and making me "crazy." Recently I discovered that this black force also exists in mainland China, is it internal or external? I see that the Chinese government is also "crazy" in response to certain events. There are evil and crazy forces in this world, which makes the world uneasy. How much positive energy will those mind control software bring to the world? If ghosts are still there, my disaster is not over! Great T & B, that should be solved "at any cost." Dear Chairman, 88, "at any cost", sounds like a child who is determined to lose his mind and loses. Where talent is misplaced it is trash. It is disaster to put the tools of power in the wrong hands. Where do some people in power like this want to lead China? They seem to be resigning. If someone is upset, maybe they won't let Jackie meet the elite here.






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