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已有 96 次阅读2021-12-16 00:36 |个人分类:中国

Jul 14, 2017 at 4:21 AM

中国人转到海外的岂止上万亿呀  It’s more than trillions for the Chinese to go overseas

亲爱的主席,88,感觉哪位 黑帮” 从来对我老有兴趣了,喂,你就是那位送Bella popcorn maker的吗?哪个帮的?Bella”, 你的pop corn,哇塞,好几年了,居然到现在还pop是你的初衷吗?而且一点都没有停的意思呢,已经花了多少钱了呀?心疼啊! 卟卟卟卟,绵绵不绝,真像癞蛤蟆产卵时候,浮在水面上的那一大堆泡沫呀,五光十色的,真夺人眼目.  真有你的,ever lasting!  网上看见范冰冰,那么地光彩耀人的世界级女性明星,为啥是女明星? 她也要告郭文贵哈哈哈,为啥跟我们郭文贵一般见识计较,唱双簧呀郭说范冰冰如果在阳光下那就融化了,融化的那可是她的十几岁藏在后面的弟弟,而不是她郭羡慕嫉妒恨范冰冰的明星光芒,神志不清也不能这么瞎说啊范冰冰应该这么说,达令文贵,耐心点哈,再等1020年吧,说不定到时候媳妇熬成婆,我会改变态度对你另眼相看,可能会有兴趣跟你在1808房间相会的,可现在你就是急吼吼把所有底牌都亮出来,我也还是趣缺缺,更何况如今我心有所爱啊,真谢谢多宣传我的美艳!” 嘿嘿嘿嘿 她名声早已在外,不必多此一举的,郭应该改去捧别的新人,比如奶茶,伊万卡,还有我呀! 哈哈哈哈  我对国内的电子支付,印象非常深刻无论去什么商店,基本上门口都贴着二维码来来往往的客人,买的什么东西点的什么菜,拿起手机一扫就行了,根本不用像我这样往口袋里掏钱但是中国银行对外国人的银行转账,却有很不可思议的限制我们在海外用信用卡走遍世界,中国人却可以微信支付,支付宝如果有的话,走遍世界我只能一天拿500美金,可是中国公民却可以向外转账50,000美金,中国人太有钱了中国政府鼓励中国人到海外撒钱吗?中国政府却不鼓励外国人到中国来取钱吗?这根本不合逻辑也不讲道理如果我想向国外转账,我得提供收入证明和报税单,真见他的鬼,这么点蝇头小利怎么交税呀?怎么去税务局办理呀?我问房产管理部门,他们从来没遇见过这种事情觉得中国政府是不是应该一视同仁?中国人转到海外的岂止上万亿呀,怪不得马云去底特律演讲,外面人山人海排队等着听的亲爱的主席,88,你们不觉得Jackie应该学中文吗?

Dear Chairman, 88, which "gangster" I feel has always been very interested in me? Hello, are you the one who gave the Bella popcorn maker? Who helped you? "Bella", your pop corn, wow, for several years, it is still popping. Is this your original intention? And it doesn't mean to stop at all, how much have you spent? I feel bad! Porphyry, it's endless, it's like a lot of foam floating on the water when the toad lays its eggs, and it's also colorful, really eye-catching. Really you, ever lasting! I saw Fan Bingbing on the Internet, So why are the world-class female stars who are shining brilliantly? She also wants to sue Guo Wengui. Hahaha, why does she generally have the same vision as Guo Wengui, and make show together with him? Guo Wengui said that Fan Bingbing would melt if she is under the sun, but it is her younger teen “brother” who is hiding behind her, not her. Guo Wengui envyed and jealously hated Fan Bingbing ’s star light, and he could not talk like that if he was unconscious. Fan Bingbing should  say, "Darling Wengui, be patient, wait another 10 years and 20 years. Maybe the wife will become a mother-in-law. I will change my attitude and look at you differently. I might be interested in meeting you in Room 1808. Yes, but now you just screamed out all the cards, and I still lack "sex" interest, not to mention my love now, thank you so much for promoting my beauty! "Hehehehehe Her reputation is already out, and there is no need to do anything more. Guo Wengui should instead pick up other newcomers, such as sister “milk tea”, Ivanka, and me! Hahahaha I am very impressed with the domestic electronic payment. No matter what store you go to, basically there is a QR code at the door. Customers who come and go, buy something and order food, they just pick up the phone and swipe it. There is no need to pay cash in my pocket like this. However, the Bank of China has incredible restrictions on bank transferring money for foreigners. We use credit cards overseas to travel around the world, but Chinese people can pay by WeChat. Ali-pay, if I have it, I can travel all over the world. But I can only get $ 500 a day from Chinese bank, but Chinese citizens can transfer out $ 50,000. The Chinese are too rich. Does the Chinese government encourage Chinese to spread more money overseas? ? Does the Chinese government discourage foreigners from coming to China to withdraw money? This is illogical and unreasonable. If I want to transfer money abroad, I have to provide proof of income and tax returns. Really seeing  ghost, how can I pay taxes for such a small profit? How to go to the tax office? I asked the real estate management department that they had never encountered such a thing. Do you think the Chinese government should treat them equally? It is not only the trillions of dollars that the Chinese have transferred overseas. No wonder Jack Ma  went to Detroit to give a speech, and there were people waiting in line to listen. Dear Chairman, 88, don’t you think Jackie should learn Chinese?






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