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已有 98 次阅读2021-12-5 00:17 |个人分类:全球化

Jun 25, 2017 at 12:17 PM




要消除心理的负能量,大家开心了事情才能顺遂  To eliminate the negative energy of psychology, everyone can be successful only when they are happy

亲爱的主席, 88, 这几天好像刘国梁事件持续发酵我想是意味深长的系统结构调整,“刘” 将失去多年经营的地盘,团队人马当然要抗议. “是不好惹的,不会轻易让出地盘的我想首先要分析一下,第一,这调整是否合理? 第二,调整的方式是否适合? 国乒羽调整的是管理结构,而其管理的对象是教练员和运动员体育训练是以人为主的,不是那些建筑和工程基建和工程是要对上帝负责,调整优化是对物,是硬性的,非及时做成不可的因为上帝随时可以给你惩罚,造成危害,是没有什么心理情感因素和影响的可是以人为主的,人文层面的事就要考虑长期积累下来的,人与人之间的心理的情感的影响在行动之前,要消除心理的负能量,大家开心了事情才能顺遂杯酒释兵权,至少还要备酒啊,不能像在元老院里刺杀凯撒大帝的中国体育界只有兵坛是常青树要训练出一支队伍,保持一支队伍,是要靠很多心血努力和多年积累的在国际比赛旺季而临时换主帅,这个结构调整时机不对,这样调整不能保持军心士气,那调整就是错误如果非要调整一个馳骋球场几十年带出几十个的世界冠军队伍的总教练,即使离位,也应该有一个让人心满意足的结局.  这是对教练的几十年如一日辛苦血汗的尊重,是对他的团队为祖国拼搏争得荣誉的尊重,也是为调整以后创造条件让新领导者可以赢得团队的全体尊重不尊重人性,使心理能量的流动不正常,以功能为主鲁莽行事者,Trillion and Billion 只能是你们干的还是你们特意制造出来引起轰动,昭示天下的根基不可动摇? 我觉得中国人真多事, 88, 人事还是简单一点好,是吧?


Dear Chairman, 88, it seems that the Liu Guoliang incident continues to ferment in recent days. I think this is meaningful. The system structure adjustment, "Liu" will lose the position that has been operating for many years, and his team of people must of course protest. It's annoying, he won't easily give up the position. I want to analyze it first. First, is this adjustment reasonable? Second, is the method of adjustment appropriate? National table tennis badminton adjusts the management structure, and its management targets are coaches and athletes. Physical training is mainly human, not those buildings nor projects. Infrastructure and engineering are to be responsible to God, and adjustment and optimization are to the object and are rigid, and must be made in time. Because God can punish you at any time, it will cause harm, and there are no psychological and emotional factors and influence. But People-oriented, at the human level, people have to consider the psychological and emotional impact of long-term accumulation between people. Before acting, you must eliminate the negative energy of psychology. Only when everyone is happy can things go smoothly. To release the military power with a glass of wine, at least you still have to prepare wine. It can’t be like the assassination of Caesar Emperor in the senate in ancient Greece. The Chinese sports world only has an evergreen tree in the ping pong. It depends on a lot of hard work and years of accumulation. In the peak season of the international competition, the coach is suddenly changed. The timing of this structural adjustment is wrong. If this adjustment cannot maintain the morale of the army, then this adjustment is wrong. If you have to adjust the head coach of a team , who once brought dozens of world champions on the court for decades. Even if he left, he should have a satisfying ending. This is a respect for the coach’s decades of hard work and sweat. It is a respect for his team to fight for the honor of the motherland. It is also to adjust the conditions for the future to create new conditions so that the new leader can win the respect of the team. If not respect human nature and make the flow of mental energy abnormal, and the reckless actors who do things mainly with functions, Trillion and Billion, can only be done by you. Or are you deliberately created to cause a sensation, which can show that the foundation of "Liu" in the world is unshakable? I think the Chinese are really troublesome. 88, for human things, it's still a little simpler the better, right?







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