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已有 76 次阅读2021-12-5 00:11 |个人分类:全球化


中东地区需要一点外界的推力,来影响改变宗教世界中的人们的观念  The Middle East needs a little outside thrust to influence the changing perceptions of people in the religious world


Jun 24, 2017 at 10:26 PM

拥有权势者不想改变,即使堆满鲜花再多利益输送也是没有用的  Those who have power do not want to change, even if they are piled with flowers, no matter how many benefits are delivered, it is useless

亲爱的主席,88今天Jackie会去见波音的总裁,加煤气公司总裁,(没来)还有大名鼎鼎的威力无边的苹果公司总裁.波音是制造飞机的,是属于的行业,煤气公司是跟电力公司一样属于能源类的,苹果公司是属于计算机行业的.除了波音在社会结构中是属于航空业的,是指向中心的产业链的射线上游,能源类和电脑类都不是一条线的,而是面的圆环 Steven给我发短信给我,说Cook很喜欢小Jackie, 想跟她多聊一会儿,要我晚一点去接是啊看得出,他生活中缺少一点什么,Jackie能让他高兴吧!其实是这个整个社会结构中,缺少点什么.亲爱的主席,88家家有本难念的经如果你们再为整个世界设立模型,进行大数据管控的同时,也把每个人作为管控的对象,仔细分析每个人的人性的需要是否得到满足,并运用你们的能力,资源配备尽大可能地,合宜地科学地适当地满足人的各种需求,这就是一个巨大的市场.做得好,可以把人的能动性超百倍千倍地发挥出来在真正意义上为人类提供更好的生活这是一个巨大的没有被开发的处女地是不是? 你们有没有考虑过开发这样的行业? 库克又是犹太人,看他们犹太人结交那么好,犹太人的成功是有原因的觉得中国人不意识到,中国文化中欠缺些什么,中国人缺少宗教环境,缺少在宗教环境中培养起来的互通有无和助人为乐的那种同属感有人看见别人助人为乐,还讽刺谩骂,甚至放冷箭给肘子我叹口气,真傻逼呀,看到没脑子的郭文贵在那里被人利用爆料,看你们 Trillion and Billion 在那边内斗厮杀,还对我不近人情,颠沛流离的犹太人这一点却特别强亲爱的主席,88你们怎么认为的? Jackie让我讲中东中东情形复杂是一个大火药桶但是任何事情都是有缘由,牵牛要牵牛鼻子,把根源找到然后对症下药没有翻不过的山中东千百年来丝绸之路,欧洲人从海上贸易之路以后,中东地区日见没落,而在发现石油之前,中东及阿拉伯半岛国家,无论在哪方面都不是发达的先进国家,在生活方式和生产力水平上明显跟现代文明有差距.由于石油的发现,让一部分国家一下子进入富裕国家的行列可是整体的水平不怎么样伊斯兰世界内部也不平静,逊尼和什叶派彼此争斗,再加上外部势力的影响,颜色革命,中东战争,反正就没有安宁过曾经听说他们不怕犹太人,因为他们世世代代占有这块土地,时间在他们这边,即使落后了,但伊斯兰世界还在穆斯林手里现在要问他们,问他们想清楚,他们是希望赶上世界的文明发展,让这个地区有除了从自然资源石油获利为主的经济,还可全面发展先进的现代化设施,文明的社会环境,还是维持巩固伊斯兰的统治,将发展对于地区跟世界文明接轨作为可有可无的选项,哪一个对他们比较重要? 欧洲已经走过了被宗教束缚的中世纪,进入开放文明的现代社会,去欧洲看那些大教堂,除了圣彼得教堂,其他的好像都不再作为很重要的宗教活动,因为去的人不多,有些甚至开放给大学做音乐会可是中东地区的清真寺那可是人头拥挤,香火鼎盛每年去麦加的朝圣者人山人海.  我觉得中东地区需要一点外界的推力,来影响改变宗教世界中的人们的观念你们可以先利诱之,也可以实施宗教内部教育,总之要看他们最注重的是哪一点,最有影响力的是哪一点,然后对症下药最关键的还是他们自己是不是真想改变,如果拥有权势者不想改变,抱残守缺,那即使堆满鲜花,再多利益输送,也是没有用的亲爱的主席,88你们有没有了解清楚,他们真正追求的价值所在是什么吗?


Dear Chairman, 88, today Jackie will meet with the CEO of Boeing, the CEO of Gas Company, (not come) and the famous and powerful CEO of Apple. Boeing is a manufacturer of airplanes and belongs to the industry of "transportation", gas  company belongs to the energy category like the power company, and Apple belongs to the computer industry. Except that Boeing belongs to the aviation industry in the social structure, it is the upstream of the industrial chain pointing to the center, and the energy and computer categories are not transportation. It’s a dough-nut. Steven texted me on her phone, saying that Cook likes Jackie very much, and would like to chat with her for a while and ask me to pick it up later. Yeah, I can see that there is something missing in his life. Jackie can make him happy! In fact, there is something missing in this entire social structure. Dear Chairman, 88, every family has something difficult. If you then set up a model for the whole world, while controlling big data, you will also control everyone as object, carefully analyze whether each person’s human needs are met, and use your abilities to allocate resources as much as possible, properly and scientifically and appropriately meet various needs of people, this is a huge market. If you do well, it can give full play to people ’s initiative more than a hundred times, and provide a better life for human beings in a true sense. This is a huge virgin land that has not been developed. Is it? Have you considered developing such an industry? Cook is Jewish again, I think their Jewish friendship is so good, there is a reason for the success of the Jewish people. I think  Chinese are not aware of what is lacking in Chinese culture,  Chinese lack a religious environment, and lack of training in a religious environment  the same sense of belonging as helping others. Even some people see others help others, and they also use irony and curse, and even give cold arrows and their elbows. I sigh, they are so stupid. Look at the trillion and billion fighting there, they are not humane to me, but the Jews who are suffering from the ups and downs are particularly strong. Dear Chairman, 88, what do you think? Jackie told me to talk about the Middle East. The situation in the Middle East is complicated. It is a big gunpowder barrel. But everything is for a reason, so for cows you need to pull their noses so they would follow you, they must find the root cause and apply the medicine to them. There is no mountain that can’t be crossed. On the Silk Road, after the Europeans traded in the sea, the Middle East region was in decline. Before the discovery of oil, the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula countries, which are not developed advanced countries in any way, clearly had a gap in lifestyle and productivity with modern civilization. Due to the discovery of oil, some Middle Eastern countries suddenly entered the ranks of wealthy countries. But the overall level is not very good. The Islamic world is also not calm inside, Sunni and Shiite fighting each other, coupled with the influence of external forces Revolution, the Middle East war, there was no tranquility anyway. I have heard that they are not afraid of the Jews because they have occupied this land for generations and time is on their side. Even if they are lagging behind, the Islamic world is still in the hands of Muslims. Now you have to ask them, ask them to think clearly, they want to catch up with the development of the world ’s civilization, so that this area has an economy other than profit from natural resources. Advanced modern facilities can also be developed in an all-round way. With a civilized social environment, it is still necessary to maintain and consolidate Islamic rule and regard development as an optional option for regional integration with world civilization. Which one is more important to them? Europe has gone through the medieval period bound by religion, entered the modern civilization of open civilization, and we went to Europe to see those cathedrals. Apart from St. Peter ’s Cathedral, the other seems to no longer be an important place for religious activities, because the people who go are not many, some are even open to universities for concerts. But the mosques in the Middle East are crowded and full of incense. The pilgrims who go to Mecca every year are crowded. I think the Middle East needs a little outside thrust to influence people of ideas in the changing religious world. You can either lure it first, or you can implement education within the religion. In short, it depends on what they focus on most and what is most influential, and then you take the right medicine. The most important thing is whether they really want to change. If the powerful do not want to change, they still keep the old system. Well, even if they are piled with flowers, no matter how many benefits are conveyed, it is useless to them. Dear President, 88, have you understood clearly what is the value they really pursue?






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