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已有 193 次阅读2021-12-4 01:00 |个人分类:全球化


Jun 24, 2017 at 3:07 PM

水上行舟与陆上行车比,成本速度都是远远不能及的  The cost and speed of traveling on water and traveling on land are far out of reach

亲爱的主席,88Jackie还要我写土耳其土耳其是跨洲的国家,土耳其是一个各种文化荟萃的地方,从索菲亚大教堂变成索菲亚清真寺,这是世界上最大的清真寺啊,多少年的变迁,多少风流人物的来来往往,多少可歌可泣的故事.以前看很多西方的绘画,比如安格尔的大宫女,比如很多画苏坦王内宫的场景,那些绝美的裸体的丰满的女子,在一起,有的坐在浴池里,有的躺在池边的大理石上,有的互相依靠着听着乐师的弹琴,有深肤色佣人们殷勤地服待着Jeramy 后现代古典甚至有画市场上的买卖女奴交易,那么青春靓丽的貌美女奴,赤身裸体在大庭广众之下,像牲口那样被人查看身体的各部位,我都觉得羞耻.以前觉得这是什么地方呀,那么神秘,你看人们的衣着,那么富有特色,原来这就是中东苏坦国的后宫啊土耳其是一个英雄辈出的国家.君士坦丁大帝,将东罗马帝国易都君士坦丁堡,开启拜占庭辉煌的一页奥斯曼大帝,挟着浩浩荡荡不可阻挡的骑兵,让伊斯兰文明淹没了基督教文明,让曾经辉煌的索菲亚大教堂,改头换面脱胎换骨,成为索菲亚蓝色清真寺,成为伊斯兰教向欧洲扩散的桥头堡和丰碑在匈牙利首都布达佩斯的英雄广场上,我见到那么多着装各异的,匈牙利历史上的英雄人物青铜雕塑土耳其,应该是更英雄辈出的地方,我很希望有一天能够听埃尔多安总统,一个一个讲述他们的英雄人物事迹.  土耳其是丝绸之路通向欧洲的咽喉过往迎来的货物,千百年来绵绵不断可是当年的年少力壮野心勃勃的奥特曼帝国苏坦王,只看重丝绸之路上自己的利益,利欲熏心,一心想控制和独霸丝绸之路的通道上帝给予土耳其独一无二非凡的地理位置,苏坦王贪婪地将自己的利益置于欧亚民众交流互通的需要之上,单独把持丝绸之路,垄断货物价格他们将不合理的高价,强迫让远在异乡他方的欧洲客户们吞下这是不是很像现在的美军,以为用武力美元控制全世界,就可以永远源源不断受各方朝贡,搜刮挺小的?人再有能耐,抵抗不过上帝,人算不如天算!欧洲的文艺复兴,开启了科学技术的大门,欧洲人通过大航海,绕过了陆上丝绸之路,随之而来的工业革命是浩浩荡荡的洪流,西班牙无敌海军,大不列颠日不落海军,美国的全球军事系统,从来没有阻碍全世界货物的流通,反而更蓬勃兴旺发达啊!只是人算不如天算,不管有多少人为的阻挠和封闭,水上行舟与陆上行车比,成本速度都是远远不能及的!于是土耳其,作为古丝绸之路的咽喉,又一次成为不同寻常的,跨洲联系的重中之重地!

Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie also asks me to write about Turkey. Turkey is a transcontinental country. Turkey is a place with a variety of cultures, from Sofia Cathedral to Sofia Mosque, this is one of the largest mosques in the world. How many years of change, how many romantic figures come and go, and how many weird stories there. I used to watch many Western paintings, such as the majestic palace by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, such as many scenes depicting the inner palace of Sultan, those beautiful naked and plump women together, some sitting in the bath, some lying on the marble by the pool. Some of them leaned on each other while listening to the musician playing the harp, and the dark-skinned servants were attentively serving. Jeramy post-modern classical even had the scene for the sale of female slaves in the  market. So young and beautiful, the beautiful female slaves were naked and under the large crowd, and it was ashamed that people were looking at all parts of the body, which makes me feel ashamed. I used to think, what is this place, so mysterious, you see people ’s clothes are so unique, it turns out that this is the harem of the Middle East. Turkey is a country of heroes. Constantine the Great changed the Eastern Roman Empire to Constantinople, opening a page of Byzantine glory. The Osman Great with the mighty and unstoppable cavalry, the Islamic civilization has overwhelmed the Christian civilization, and the once glorious Sophia Church has been transformed into a Sofia mosque, a bridgehead and monument to the spread of Islam to Europe. In Budapest, Hungary on the Heroes ’Square, I saw so many bronze sculptures of heroes from different Hungarian history. Turkey should be a place where more heroes come out. I hope that one day I will listen to President Erdogan talk about heroic deeds one by one. Turkey is the gateway throat to the Silk Road to Europe. The goods that come and go have continued for thousands of years. But the young and ambitious King Sultan of the Ottoman Empire only valued their own interests on the Silk Road. They wanted to control and monopolize the Silk Road channel. God gave Turkey a unique and extraordinary geographical location. King Sultan greedily placed his interests above the needs of the Eurasian people to communicate and want to control the Silk Road alone and monopolize the price of goods. They asked unreasonably high prices, forcing European customers far away to accept. Isn't this very similar to the current US military, who thought that the use of force and dollars to control the whole world would be able to receive tribute and collect wealth from all sides forever? No matter how capable one is, he cannot resist God. Man is not as good as God! The Renaissance in Europe opened the door to science and technology. Europeans bypassed the Silk Road on land by sailing. The industrial revolution that followed was a mighty torrent. The Spanish invincible navy, the British navy, and the US global military system never hindered the flow of goods around the world, but business was more prosperous! It's just that people are not as good as the gods. No matter how many artificial obstructions and closures, the cost and speed of traveling on water is far behind traveling on land! So Turkey, as the throat of the ancient Silk Road, has once again become an unusual, cross-continental connection of the highest priority!






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