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已有 86 次阅读2021-12-4 00:58 |个人分类:全球化

土耳其菜系是世界三大菜系之一  Turkish cuisine is one of the three major cuisines in the world

土耳其菜系是世界三大菜系之一我曾经在以色列吃过土耳其的名菜Cos Cos比起当地的聊聊可数的falafel kebab, 那才是叫做美食呢我尝过印度菜法国菜觉得土耳其菜是这两者的综合这次去土耳其满怀期待,希望能够品尝到道地的美食,也希望能够经历不同的旅游项目今天Steven跟那些CEO们一起聚会,也让Jackie参加可恶不可恶,那些人都是一帮腰缠万贯犹太老头子!亲爱的主席,88, 他们都可以毫无顾忌地来见Jackie你们那么喜欢 Jackie,  Jackie, 为什么那么叶公好龙,那么地虚伪不想见见她呢?这其中Steven是最调皮的,跟Jackie 最熟的那些人听了 Steven 介绍Jackie一个一个也开始返老还童空中巴士的 CEO  Jackie 叫他 “fly fly",  汉莎的要 Jackie叫他 “math math",  然后富国总裁让Jackie叫他“boring math", 最后个性十足的Steven跟亲爱的主席88是一条战壕里的战友,就开始大讲特讲做名导演比起他们那些一本正经上班的工作来,不知道要有趣开心多少,而且收益更高是不是受你们指派这些人一开口都是以十亿美金为单位的看他们样子,反正就是联合起来结成同盟,共同阻击Jackie学数学的动力,尽大可能地把喜欢数学的苗子消灭在未燃之时于是我忍不住哈哈大笑起来,这帮用心良苦的犹太大人呢!也许他们看惯了人情世故,觉得小Jackie还是风姿绰约讨人喜欢而且信口开河搞笑比较适合于是我在想,Jackie自己要那么强悍powerful做啥事呢跟着你们,就搞怪让你们和世界领袖们,高高兴兴在一起开世界政坛,也是挺不错的一个人生呢你看有小女孩作伴,你们轻轻松松谈笑间就把制造超音速飞机的大事情给搞定了,中间还可以趁机逗她玩反正Jackie回来挺高兴的,告诉我她学到很多东西怎么都是犹太人呢? 希望有一次,Jackie回来告诉我,是跟中国人在一起,比如王健林他们,如也是这么高高兴兴的,那才好啊中国的企业家们也像犹太人这样经常聚会吗?也谈笑风生和睦相处吗? 88今天我又跟你要求,希望也能在世界政坛中,亲耳聆听那些领袖们讲各国的文化宗教哲学,那一定是非常有趣,多令人想往的你说会考虑,亲爱的88这才是人世间天底下称心如意的事,可不可以不要以狭隘的私心误会我的要求,那是太过分了,是以小人之心度君子之腹的天地间的人文精华要大家共享,文明才会繁花似锦的恳求88谢谢88亲亲88Please ? 

Turkish cuisine is one of the three major cuisines in the world. I have eaten the famous Turkish cuisine CousCous in Israel. Compared to the local falafel and kebab, that is called gourmet. I have tasted Indian cuisine, French Cuisine, I feel that Turkish cuisine is a combination of the two. I am looking forward to going to Turkey this time, hoping to taste authentic cuisine, and I also hope to experience different tourism projects. Today Steven and the CEOs meet together and let Jackie 

participate. Isn't it wicked? Those people are a bunch of old Jews! Dear Chairman, 88, they can all come to see Jackie in person without hesitation. You like Jackie so much, love Jackie, why is Ye Gong likes Dragon so well,  are you so hypocritical and don’t want to see her? Among them, Steven is the most naughty and most familiar with Jackie. After listening to Steven ’s introduction of Jackie, one by one they also began to rejuvenate. The CEO of Airbus asked Jackie to call him "fly fly", and the CEO of Lufthansa asked Jackie to call him math math ", and then the president of Wells Fargo asked Jackie to call him" boring math ". Finally, Steven, who was full of personality, was a comrade in the trench with Dear Chairman88, and he began to talk about being a famous director compared to those who are serious about working,  how much fun and interesting, and his income is higher. Is this assigned by you? These people are all talking in billions of dollars. Seeing how they look, they are united to form an alliance. Stop Jackie ’s motivation and willingness to learn mathematics, and wipe out her seedling that loves mathematics as far as possible. So I can’t help laughing, these hard-working Jewish masters! Maybe they are accustomed to human relations and think that Jackie is still cute and lovely, and it is more suitable for her to be funny. So I was thinking, what does Jackie need to be so powerful? As long as she follows you, she will make you laugh and make you and world leaders happily together in World Political Forum, that is also a very good life. You see you have a little girl as a companion. When you talked and laughed easily, you decided on the big things to make a supersonic airplane. You can also take the opportunity to tease her. Anyway, Jackie is very happy to come back and tell me that she  has learned many things. Why are they all Jews? Hopefully, once Jackie comes back and told me that she is with Chinese people, such as Wang Jianlin, if she is so happy, that would be great. Are Chinese entrepreneurs often meeting like Jews? Do they also talk and stay together in harmony? 88. Today I ask you again, I hope I can also listen to those leaders who talk about the cultural and religious philosophy of various countries in the world politics. That must be very interesting, and it ’s very exciting. You said you would consider, dear 88, this is the most satisfying thing in the world! Can you not misunderstand my request with narrow selfishness? Because that is too much, and that is the idea of ​​guessing a gentleman with a narrow heart. The humanistic essence between heaven and earth must be shared by everyone, and civilization will flourish. Plead 88, thank you 88, kiss 88, please?






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