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已有 130 次阅读2021-12-2 23:58 |个人分类:全球化

Jackie全面接触社会各行各业的顶尖人士  Jackie has full contact with the top people in all walks of lifeMichael Bay原来也是被领养的.要给人以深刻印象,就要有出格的行为  Michael Bay was originally adopted. To impress people, it requires extraordinary behavior

那位美国导演Michael Bay原来也是被领养的,一直没有婚姻孩子不知道是什么心理上的伤害,阻止他迈开人生的成长步伐两年前JackieYbarra 中学的时候,一大批美国好莱坞大腕们集合时Jackie就已经认识他了这位老兄性格特异与众不同,当时还跟她的俄国大情人过不去,甚至逗她,借由测试她的柔软度,让她吻她的脚尖这次窄路相逢又见面了,哈哈哈哈 他没敢逗 JackieJackie却潇洒自如逗他,一看见他就把腿竖起来,两边吻脚尖,把他给逗笑了所以我告诉 Jackie要给人以深刻印象,就要有出格的行为!哈哈哈,比如跳椰壳呼辣舞,whip na na 什么的,哈哈哈  今天是去看空中巴士的CEO,汉莎航空的CEO还有富国银行的CEO. 本来3:30要结束的,后来改成5:00刚才Steven写短信来说要7:00去接她我让他给Jackie一点工作,因为Jackie有做市场广告的天份,她从小就比较知道怎么跟人打交道,招摇撞骗花言巧语去voodoo别人挺有效的.  你看她跟Aliya打成一片的火热,那你们以后有需要去中东那边推销产品,让她去准没错的!觉得Jackie开始注重衣着了,昨天挑的是牛仔短裤和T恤,后来觉得不妥,换了一件有些lace的双层下摆的白背心,就有飘逸感了今天更是挑一件前后有镂空绣花的深蓝色连衣裙,腰带一束盈盈一握的,娇美的女孩子气就出来了我从来没有听到她见过的人对她怎么反馈的,反正有大导演Steven在后面替她撑着,亲爱的主席88由你们在天上罩着,你们喜欢她这一点毫无疑问,小孩子就是拿来玩的而且丫小句野孩子身上有一种说不出来的搞笑特质,你们跟她是嘻嘻哈哈情话绵绵,美国人可是会含沙射影唇枪舌剑的就让丫小句野孩子去精彩应对吧!哈哈哈哈 

The American director Michael Bay was originally adopted and has no marriage nor children. I don’t know what kind of psychological harm  prevented him from taking the pace of life. When Jackie was in Ybarra Middle School two years ago, when a large number of big Hollywood celebrities Jackie already knew  in the United States gathered, this man had a special character and was different, and was even in trouble with her Russian lover. He even teased her by letting her kiss her toes by testing her flexibility. This time the “narrow road meets” they met again, hahahaha he didn’t dare to tease Jackie, but Jackie teased him freely, as soon as she saw him, put her legs up, and she kissed her toes on both sides. This made him laugh. So I told Jackie that if you want to impress people, you have to behave abnormally! Hahaha, such as hula dancing with coconut shell Bra, whip na na or something, hahaha Today she went to see the CEO of Airbus, the CEO of Lufthansa, and the CEO of Wells Fargo. Originally, it will end at 3:30 pm. Later, it was changed to 5:00 pm. Just now Steven wrote to pick her up at 7:00 pm. I asked Jackie to work for him a little bit more because Jackie has the talent for marketing. Since childhood, she knows how to deal with people. She will bluff and spoof to voodoo others, which is very effective. You see that she is so hot with Aliya, then if  you need to go to the Middle East to sell products in the future, so she is right sales! I think Jackie began to pay attention to clothing. Yesterday she chose denim shorts and T-shirts. Later, she felt inappropriate. She changed to a white vest with a double-layered hem and she felt a sense of elegance. A dark blue dress with openwork embroidered on the front and back, and a bunch of belts that are full of grip, and the beautiful girlishness came out. I never heard how people she had seen gave her feedback. Anyway, there is a big director Steven supporting her at the back. Dear Chairman, 88, you are covering her in the sky. You like her. There is no doubt that children are used for fun. And there is an indescribable funny character in the wild child, you and her are giggling. Americans can insinuate, lip service, so let the wild child deal with it wonderfully herself! Hahahaha






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