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已有 99 次阅读2021-11-26 00:23 |个人分类:创意

search engine 加人工智能选择,那不就快捷多了吗? Search engine plus artificial intelligence choice, isn't that much faster






每人戴上VR黑眼罩有点不切实际的也许互动的全息影像更适合可以把大脑也作为VR的一部分,让人可以凭想象和意念在VR 中活动 It s a bit impractical for everyone to wear a VR black eye mask. Perhaps interactive holographic images are more suitable. You can also use the brain as part of VR, allowing people to move in VR based on imagination and ideas

这个网站教学龄前刚刚开始说话和学写字的孩子学英文最棒!88可以先让小孩子在电脑上玩起来,里面有很多动画,学ABC我们这边跳舞的时候,妈妈就给躺在摇篮里的小宝贝一个手机,让他们自己看游戏小孩子一两岁的时候学语言,如果从小就听美式英语发音,那他长大的口语也是美式英文口音的可惜这网页上面没有历史艺术文化,但这是我所见过的美国这边最好的小孩课外辅导网站了很多时候我为了寻找某些信息我们就很容易葬身网站大海谷歌的 search engine 会给你一长串的列表,但不会告诉你哪一个是你需要的,不会去看内容于是我就在想,可不可以有什么样的有效的VR空间,把他们的每一个网站的外衣脱掉,把他们的内容集中起来呈现,并加人工智能,那不就快捷多了吗?比如说上dating 网页,客人要一个一个人去查,看了他们写的东西,一点feeling都没有这就像瞎着眼睛去摘花一样客人看看可以了就做最基层的交合,所以很多时候,就是有了婚姻也就是在表层的交合而已啊因为code不一样,也没有适当的长期交流渠道呀! 不是讲互联网以后会融入物流网一部分其实物流网是整个社会人类活动的一部分所以如果要建造VR智能空间,是一步一步摸着石头过河向前突破呢,还是高瞻远瞩一点,先给出一个大的框架,然后一点一点上升丰满呢?就像那些大公司的CEO不一定要知道公司的产品具体操作,但熟悉Business model如何运转就可以进行管理一样也许设计者可以先分析一下所要监管的对象,然后针对不同的分类设立特别的VR空间,这些就像我们在用 word 时可以选择的 template, 那以后如果有新的内容加进来,按照分类叠加就行我在想象,如果以后要在VR中遨游,非得每人戴上那个黑眼罩的话,那是有点不切实际的也许互动的全息影像更适合现在所有的输入都是通过视觉,也许以后可以直接和视觉神经相连或者和大脑直接相连更进一步,有些东西可以把大脑也作为VR的一部分,让人可以凭想象和意念在VR 中活动,而不必开发出像鼠标这样的工具哈哈哈哈  像下面这种在海底开管道通高速火车会有好多的应用,从亚洲去美洲的高铁通过白令海峡也可以用这样的通道!于是我在想象,什么时候可以在空中也有这样的多层的信息VR通道呀?那大家在家办公也许我们现在洛杉矶等世界大城市的交通,就不会那么阻塞了!哈哈哈哈

This site teaches children who have just started speaking and writing to learn English, the best! 88, you can let the children play on the computer first, there are a lot of animations to learn ABC. When we dance zumba here, mother will give the baby lying in the cradle a mobile phone to let them watch the game. A child learns languages ​​when he is one or two years old. If he listens to American English since he is a child, the spoken language he grows up in is also an American English accent. Unfortunately, there is no historical art and culture on this page, but this is the American side the best child extracurricular tutoring website I have seen. Many times I search for certain information, we can easily "bury" in the website sea. Google's search engine will give you a long list, but will not tell you which one is you want to see the content  or you need it. So I am wondering, what kind of effective VR space can take off the coat of each of their websites, put their content together and present it, and add artificial intelligence? Isn't that much faster? For example, on the dating page, the guest has to check it one by one, and after reading what they write, the guest does not feel connection at all. This is like picking a flower blind. So in many cases, people just have marriage, which is the interaction on the surface. Because their communication code is different, there is no proper long-term communication channel! People don’t say that the Internet will be part of the logistics network in the future? In fact, the logistics network is part of the human activities of the entire society. So if you want to build a VR smart space, do you step by step searching the stones through the river and make breakthroughs, or do you look forward to it, give a big frame, and then rise and plump little by little? Just like the CEOs of large companies do not necessarily need to know the specific operation of the company ’s products, but the CEOs can manage the business model if they are familiar with how it works. Maybe the designer can analyze the objects to be supervised first, and then set up special VR space for different classifications. These are like the templates we can choose when using Word, and if new content is added in the future, it will be superimposed according to the classification. I imagine that if you want to swim in VR in the future, everyone must wear the black eye mask, that's a bit impractical. Perhaps a holographic image that can be interacted with people is more suitable. Now all the input is through vision, maybe in the future it can be directly connected to the visual nerve, or directly to the brain. (Human-machine interfaces now exists. ) Further, there are some things that can use the brain as part of VR, allowing people to move in VR based on imagination and ideas, without having to develop tools like a mouse. There will be many applications for trains, and the high-speed rail from Asia to America can also use this channel through the Bering Strait! So I am wondering, when can there be such a multi-layer information VR channel in the air? Then everyone is working from home, maybe the traffic in the world's major cities such as Los Angeles will not be so blocked! Hahahaha









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