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已有 89 次阅读2021-11-25 00:11 |个人分类:领袖精英

Jun 3, 2017 at 7:29 PM



原来填补代沟的最好办法就是去跳比年轻人更正宗的舞  It turns out that the best way to fill the generation gap is to dance more authentic dances than young people

亲爱的主席,88Jackie说你们喜欢我昨天写的短文呢,真的喜欢吗?已经连着好多天夸奖我了呢,于是我喜出望外的,兴高采烈的,开始轻狂地跳Latin Zumba, ----啦啦达,拉----啦替达,冬达达冬达,冬达达西拉。我现在对拉丁舞的节奏动作基本掌握得不错了,跳起来自觉有那个拉丁味了.  我一听乐曲就知道怎么样跨腿,摇肱,舞动胳膊,摇头晃脑,很自得其乐的真的,Jackie是跳不出那种风骚性感,充满诱惑热情奔放的摇曳舞步,她只会跳装模作样优雅高贵的,骨感纤柔的芭蕾只可惜没有小鲜肉在那边,偶尔有几个小孩子,所以要找人飞媚眼的机会都没有我每次听见你们说喜欢我的短文,忍不住就会左顾右盼性感地抖肩。 哈哈哈哈,我们跳的舞里面,不光有拉丁的chachasalsa什么的,还有阿拉伯的肚皮舞,甚至改编印度的舞蹈,各种风格的都有今天我开车子,广播里听见一段曲子,我就不禁说,“啊!那就是我们跳舞的曲子呀”忍不住开始摇晃,前后抖肩膀Jackie听了说,”这是我熟悉的歌曲啊,怎么你也知道?” 然后很鄙视地在一旁斜着眼撇着嘴,看着我那么轻狂地跳舞,哈哈哈哈哈, 我突然发现,原来填补代沟的最好办法就是去跳舞,而且跳得比他们更正宗气气这个老当面嘲笑我还活在上世纪五十年代的 小猢狌”. 在我印象中,比尔盖茨是一个不苟言笑的人,无论是他小时候照片还是他参军的照片,就是那种理工男的一本正经可是大大出乎我的想象,Jackie告诉我,“ He is chill".  哎,要让一个小孩子说“Chill", 可不是一件容易的事儿我在想可能是因为他有三个孩子吧,是靠哄孩子学来的 cool亲爱的主席,88想想两年前你们开始一本正经安安静静教她家庭作业的,可是现在每天就听见她嘻嘻哈哈的,连比尔盖茨都说她调皮”. 不是她调皮,是你们这两位大调皮把她熏陶出来小调皮的你们现在在世界政坛今非昔比鸟枪换炮了,搞笑本领一流的我不知道你们周围的亲朋好友,有没有告诉你们啊?反正我记得Jackie说,你们跳舞的时候,后边的站岗警卫都憋不住狂笑不知道下次你们什么时候去找Warren Buffett 老头,看他怎么样?

Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie said you like the short article I wrote yesterday, do you really like it? You have praised me for many days, so I was overjoyed, happily, and began to dance Latin Zumba wildly, La ---- La Lada, La ---- La Tida, Dong Da Dongda Da Silada. I now have a good grasp of the rhythm and movement of Latin dance. I feel  Latin taste when I dance. I know how to cross legs, shake my hip, dance my arms, shake my head and shake my shoulder as soon as I listen to the music. I am very happy. Really, Jackie can't dance that kind of coquettish and sexy, full of temptation and passionate swaying dance steps. She only dances up to be elegant and noble, and the skinny ballet. Unfortunately, there are no handsome guys over there, and occasionally there are a few children, so I have no chance to find someone to flirt. I hear you say you like it every time of my essay, I can't help but I will shake my shoulders sexily. Hahahaha, in the dances we danced, not only the Latin chacha, salsa or something, but also the Arabic belly dance, and even adapted the Indian dance, there are all kinds of styles. Today I drove and heard a piece of music on the radio, I couldn’t help saying, “Ah! That ’s the song we danced”, I couldn’t help but start shaking, shaking my shoulders back and forth. Jackie heard, “This is a song I’m familiar with, how do you know it? ” Then she was squinting aside, squinting her mouth contemptuously, watching me dance so frivolous, hahahahaha, I suddenly found that the best way to fill the generation gap is to dance and dance more authentically than they do. In this way, I can make this old "little monkey"angry who still laughed at me being in the 1950s. In my impression, Bill Gates is an unsmiling person, whether it is a photo of him when he was a child or a photo of him joining the army. It ’s a serious man of science and technology. But it’s far from my imagination. Jackie told me, “He is chill”. Hey, it’s not easy for a child to say him “Chill”. I’m thinking, maybe it's because he has three children, he learned it by coaxing his children. Dear Chairman, 88, think about two years ago you started  seriously and quietly teaching her homework. But now I hear her giggling every day, even Bill Gates says she is “naughty”. It’s not her naughty, it’s you two big naughty who nurtured her into a little naughty. You are now in the World Political Forum. The shotgun has been replaced by a cannon, and you have first-rate funny skills. I don’t know if friends and family around you have told you this? Anyway, I remember Jackie say that when you dance, the guards standing behind you can't hold back laughing. I don't know when you will find the old man Warren Buffett next time, how about him?






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