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已有 124 次阅读2021-11-19 23:31 |个人分类:中国

中国现在的新四大发明  China's four new inventions

May 28, 2017 at 8:02 PM


把所有现在最高的科技一网打尽就能从根本上改变既有系统  All the best technology in the world can be changed to fundamentally change the existing system

Jackie说你们让我写中国这离我十万八千里的,写什么呢? 这是外国人说中国现在的新四大发明:国家名片高铁、网购、支付宝和共享单车。 你看这四个新的发明,没有一个基础科技是中国自己发明的高铁是从别人那儿学来的,但是中国加以改进组合,有那么广大的土地来试运,有那么多人口来运载,几年下来,技术自然就成熟了,就变成中国自己的名片了世界上有哪几个国家有中国这样子的条件来成熟这样一个科技呀?网购和支付宝是在互联网上开发出来的应用,就像是在互联网基础上,用软件方式搭建出新的楼房一样盖楼人人都会,但中国的网购和支付宝应用市场大呀,为民众购物支付带来天大的方便啊,所以成功啊世界上有多少国家有那么多人购物需要像中国人这样那么多选择呢?这边的supermarket, department store, all kinds of retails, 足够满足这边的居民了。可是这些对中国人的是远远不够的共享单车,别的地方也有啊,这是一种新的资源优化方式,是上一层的系统范围的优化呀中国现在要造大飞机,也是对不同部件的优化组装啊如人类要改变这个世界,提高经济水平,可以在不同的层次中国现在在最底层的单位层次发明创造上,还比不过欧美日本高铁技术互联网技术自行车技术,原始都不是中国的,中国只是在把现有的底层单位的技术,有机地组合来创造出新的服务产品而已当然光系统组合就可以有很多玩法的,比如一带一路就属于这一类的,也就是改变整个社会的上层系统结构.  今天我回来的路上Jackie说,美国人都去这样的商店买东西,他们还有别的地方可以买吗?我说有啊,大多数中国年轻人都不去实体店买东西,忙啊也没那么多时间去每家店兜来兜去的他们现在都喜欢网购啊!马云办的VR店,以后会超过实体店的销售呢国内听说买了不合身还可以退,专门有人送货的,这样大多数没有车的国内的人,买东西不就方便了吗?新的技术产生以及实质的应用不就改变以前既有的社会商业运作模式吗? 前两天我在网上看见一个录像有喷气飞人在空中和战斗机一同翱翔如果将这个科技稍加改变,变成个人飞行器,比如说在城市中建立一个个人飞行器的空中高速轨道网,安全有保证的话,那我们以后出行除了地面的自行车,汽车地铁,甚至高速路,还可以选空中飞行器那交通系统的结构不就提升改变了吗? 我看见中国政府里有更多的工科院校出来的领导人,希望中国以后可以在这些基层的技术上有所突破,现在世界上在这方面做得最多的应该是美军的系统吧他们几乎把所有现在最高的科技一网打尽啊,就能从根本上改变既有系统比如有了电子影像柯达的胶卷就关门了,或者将既有的技术优化组合,创造出新的应用来又如一带一路全球一体化嘿嘿嘿 亲爱的主席,88沃尔玛和Target CEO都是学商出生的,这两家只提供平台销售生活用品,而不事生产,却能做到世界上如此大的规模,所以学习数学和商是很有用处的!但是如果像88那样,学世界政治大系统设计,在世界顶端设置平台制定政策让各行各业政通人和,那才是真正的了不起呢!要超过Walmart, Target千百倍呢


Jackie said you asked me to write about China. This is  thousand miles away from me. What should I write? This is what foreigners say about China's four new inventions: national business card high-speed rail, on line shopping, Alipay and bike sharing. You see these four new inventions, none of the basic technology was invented by China itself. The high-speed rail was learned from others, but China has improved the combination. China has so much land for trial operation, and so many people to carry it. After a few years, the technology will naturally mature and become China ’s own business card. How many countries in the world have the conditions like  China to come make such a technology mature? On line shopping and Alipay are applications developed on the Internet, just like building new VR buildings using software on the basis of the Internet. Everyone will build a building, but China ’s on line shopping and Alipay are popular because of the large application market. Their shopping payment brings great convenience to people, so it is successful. How many people in the world need to have so many choices for shopping like the Chinese? The supermarket, department store, all kinds of retails here are enough to satisfy the residents here. But these are not enough for the Chinese. Bicycle sharing, they are already there in other places, this is a new resource optimization method, it is a higher level of system-wide optimization. China is now building large aircraft, also optimize the assembly of different parts. If humans want to change the world and improve the economic level, it can be carried out at different levels. China is now inventing and creating at the lowest level, but it is no better than Europe, America and Japan. The original is not Chinese. China is just organically combining the technology of the existing bottom-level units to create new service products. Of course, there can be many game-plays only by combining systems, such as the One Belt and One Road, that is, to change the upper-level system structure of the entire society. Jackie said on my way back today, "Americans go to department stores like this, do they have other places to shop?" I said yes, most young Chinese People don’t go to physical stores to buy things. They are busy and don’t have so much time to go to each store. They like it now on line shopping!  Jack Ma's VR store will surpass the sales of physical stores in the future. In China, I have heard that if you buy it, you can return it if not satisfied, and someone will deliver it. Isn't it convenient for most domestic people who don't have a car to buy something like this? Doesn't the new technology and the actual application change the existing social business operation model? Two days ago I saw a video on the Internet with a jet trapeze flying in the air with a fighter plane. If this technology is slightly changed and turned into a personal aircraft, for example, a high-speed orbital network of personal aircraft in the city, such if safety has a guarantee, then we can choose aerial vehicles in addition to bicycles, cars, subways, and even highways on the road. Will the structure of the transportation system be improved? I see that there are more leaders from engineering schools in the Chinese government, and I hope China can make breakthroughs in these grassroots technologies in the future. Now the world ’s most capable of this is the US military ’s system. They have almost all the world ’s highest technology in the world. They can fundamentally change the structure of the existing system. For example, with electronic images, Kodak film has closed, or the existing technology is optimized to create new applications. Another example is the global integration of the Belt and Road Initiative. Dear Chairman and 88, both Walmart and Target CEOs have a business and academic background. These two only provide a platform to sell daily necessities, but they are not involved in production, but they can achieve such a large scale in the world, so it is useful to learn math and business! But if it is like 88, learn the design of the world's political system, and set up a platform at the top of the world to formulate policies to allow all walks of life to work together, then it is truly amazing! That's more than a thousand times that of Walmart and Target!









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