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已有 222 次阅读2021-10-26 23:38 |个人分类:全球化

市场经济用外向思维来思考  Market economy should be considered with outgoing thinking欧洲的文化有比较狭隘之处 European culture is narrow in some places

上次讲到欧洲的文化总觉得欧洲人比较狭隘的,促刻.上次去布拉格,去看广场上那个有名的钟楼.边上小店的老板告诉我,当时那位制造钟的人,完工以后就被人把眼睛给戳瞎了,为什么?因为不想让这个技术流传到外边去,世界上只有这儿有这样的精美奇巧的钟,唯一!你看那些后面操纵者心里多阴暗了,就为了这个,残害匠人啊谁敢出类拔萃呀?谁敢真心真意卖命?这是一种朝内的负能量的心理和文化秦始皇的时候已经把真人陪葬换做兵马俑了.  如果换我到现代社会,因为市场经济用外向思维来思考,如果我有这个技术,我可以把它作为一个招牌,可以以那位技术高超的工匠做牌子组成一个团队,去各个地方接项目,帮他们制造教堂学校的钟楼.  保持核心技术不变,可是可以有不同的艺术变换和设计就像迪士尼和诺氏乐园一样,可以在全世界开分园,让大家来游玩,让设计创造者们有巨利又可以积累资金为新的技术做研发.这样正能量的滚雪球,大家开心,多棒啊!觉得欧洲那些领袖们,应该少一点炫耀扒手们的阴暗心理,应该外向思考开放协作,把旅游产业质量提升听说你们会请河南的土地爷来跟Jackie交流,河南山西陕西都是中原地带,历史人文深厚大学的时候,某年暑假去过的,少林寺龙门石窟白马寺,印象非常深刻去年去了山西,非常不错,陕西省对当地的文化的保护,看都出是下了一番本钱的,尤其是王家大院等一大批的砖结构建筑,是在公元一千年左右其先进程度要比柬埔寨的吴哥窟,印度的泰姬陵建筑,很多欧洲建筑、不知道要早多少年.而且有很多的文化古迹,只是Jackie看了可能记不住我在网上找了中国历史的视频,当然还得拜托你们大人们,一集一集传给她看,没看完一集,事后要问她讲什么过一阵再挑其中重点,可以在和土地爷们一起把酒重叙因为她最听党的指挥,最照你们的话做呀,所以你们给她最合适!对了,不知道那些发达的欧洲国家,土耳其,俄国,有没有这样子的系列纪录片?有英文字幕的?能否也让Jackie看,这颗给每一个领导人自己讲,信息量要大得多!领导人是负责画龙点睛的,而且最好讲的时候,能够边上放有好吃的东西! 郭文贵说停工三周不爆料,郭文贵不可怕,可怕的是他身后那个黑兽. Trillion and billion,想来是你们吧?!也给我一点机会腐败呀.


Last time I talked about European culture. I always think that Europeans are more narrow-minded. Last time I went to Prague to see the famous clock tower on the square. The owner of the small shop on the side told me that the man who made the clock at that time, after the completion of the work,  was blinded by the eyes, why? Because the boss didn't want this technology to spread outside, there was only such an exquisite and wonderful clock allowed in the world, the only one! You see how dark the hearts of those manipulators behind are. For this reason, the craftsmen are tortured. Who dares to be extraordinary? Who dares to sell his life sincerely? This is a negative energy mentality and culture inside. When Emperor Qin Shihuang had replaced the real person ’s burial by terracotta warrior. If  it changes to a modern society, because of the market economy, I use extroverted thinking. If I have this technology, I can use it as a brand. I can use the skilled craftsman as a brand to form a team and go to various places to pick up projects to help them build the bell tower of the church and school. Keep the core technology unchanged, but there can be different art changes and designs. Just like Disneyland and Knotts Berry farm, I can open branches around the world, let everyone come to play, let designers creators have huge profits.  They can also accumulate funds for research and development of new technologies. With such positive energy snowballs, everyone is happy and how great! I feel that those leaders in Europe should not  show off the dark minds of the pickpockets. They should think open and cooperate with each other to improve the quality of the tourism industry. I heard that you will invite the governor of Henan to communicate with Jackie. Shanxi and Shaanxi are all Central Plains. The history and culture are profound. When I was in college, I visited the Baima Temple of Longmen Grottoes of Shaolin Temple during a summer vacation. I was very impressed. I went to Shanxi last year, which was very good. Shaanxi Province ’s protection of the local culture is a bit underwhelming. The capital, especially a large number of brick buildings such as the Wang Family Courtyard, is more advanced than Angkor Wat in Cambodia and the Taj Mahal in India   about a thousand years ago, much earlier than many European buildings. There are many cultural monuments, but Jackie may not remember it when we watched it. I found a video of Chinese history on the Internet. Of course I still have to ask your grown-ups to pass it on to her one episode after another, and ask her what it said about afterwards. After a while, pick out the key points, you can drink and recount with the local masters. Because she listens to the party's command the most, and can do what you say the best, so you giving her is the most suitable! By the way, I wonder if those developed European countries, Turkey, Russia, have any series of documentaries like this? With English subtitles? Can Jackie also watch it? This is much greater amount of information  than  every leader tells about his country! Leaders are responsible for key points, and it is best to put delicious things on the side when speaking! Guo Wengui said that he would stop talking for three weeks without breaking the news. Guo Wengui was not terrible. The terrible thing was the black beast behind him. Trillion and billion, think is that you? ! Also give me a chance to be corrupt.









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