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已有 111 次阅读2021-10-25 23:08 |个人分类:全球化

先进支付系统可以防扒手  Advanced payment system protects against pickpockets

May 2, 2017 at 5:56 PM


Io欧洲领袖居然为扒手做广告  European leaders even advertise pickpockets

我不知道欧洲这些国家的总统们,是不是有拿这些扒手工会的贿赂,还是跟他们有亲戚关系,或者也腐败一下在扒手公司投资了?那么积极替他们宣传做什么? 如果说这些扒手就像害人的老鼠那样,要一个一个把他们当场抓住,也不是一件容易的事情在欧洲有如此长的偷窃行为文化传统,要改变就像除四害那样,也许花的代价大而效果不彰! 看过一遍莫札特的歌剧魔笛,那位牧人是有超凡入圣的灭鼠办法就凭他一个人,一只笛子,只要他吹起魔幻的曲调,村里所有的老鼠,无论大小,远近,都会跟随着他的笛声,翻越山岭义无反顾地坠死悬崖!从来没有见过如此特别的灭鼠办法,你看有头脑有文化有高科技,就比最原始的方法不知要要先进多少,是如此的高效!虽然这是传说故事,但现在是可以用改变当地的电磁环境分布,把这些小动物引出洞的.  

北欧瑞典现在已经实行无纸币支付,但是还是以信用卡作为基础的当然对防范扒手起到很好的作用可是在互联网领域,中国走得更快更前卫, 中国的移动支付直接把支付和银行账户相连接,通过手机上微信的扫码,以无线通讯网作为信息传输的载体,根本不需要卖方有信用卡的服务硬件,只要提供二维码就可以了.  这是在人类文明中从来没有过的新鲜事物,这种商业模式支付方式大大简化了以前以物易物,黄金支付,货币支付的金融流通模式, 是如此得便捷及时手机的不同功能,在生活的衣食住行里被延长开发出来,互联网深入到人们的生活方式,被赋予更多的各种各样的功能。这已经是或缺不可的了! 我们在中国旅行,被人偷钱包的事件很少发生.  与其花心思去偷别人钱包,做鸡鸣狗盗之事,赚蝇头小利,与其花心思街头巷尾去抓那些小偷,花时间花经历华空间去处置他们,还不如设计新的技术,方便大众的金融活动,堵塞小偷们作案的可能性新的高科技的支付系统,就像魔笛里边的牧人吹出一个曲调,就把这些扒手都给引走了当然现在高科技对手机的安全防护也是要与时俱进的.


I don’t know whether the presidents of these European countries have taken bribes from these pickpockets union, or have relatives with them, or have been corrupted and invested in pickpocket companies? So what do you actively promote for them? If these pickpockets are like harming mice, it is not easy to catch them one by one on the spot. There is such a long cultural tradition of theft in Europe. To change is like removing the four harms, maybe the cost  is high and the effect is not obvious! I’ve seen Mozart ’s opera "Magic Flute". The shepherd has a super rodent killing method. With him alone, a flute, as long as he plays magic tunes, all the mice in the village, regardless of size, far and near, they will follow his flute and fall across the mountains to the cliff without looking back! I have never seen such a special anti-rodent method. If you have  brains, culture and high technology, it is much more advanced than the most primitive method. It is so efficient! Although this is a legendary story, it is now possible to lead these small animals out of the cave by changing the local electromagnetic environment distribution. Nordic Sweden has now implemented paperless payment, but it is still based on credit cards. Of course it plays a good role in preventing pickpockets. But in the Internet field, China is faster and more avant-garde. China ’s mobile payment directly pays and bank account is connected, through the scan code of WeChat on the mobile phone, and the wireless communication network is used as the carrier of information transmission. There is no need for the seller to have credit card service hardware, as long as it provides a QR code. These new things have never happened in human civilization. This business model payment method greatly simplifies the previous financial circulation model of barter, gold payment, and currency payment. It is so convenient and timely. The different functions of mobile phones have been extended in the daily necessities of clothing, food, housing and the Internet. Going deep into people's lifestyles, they are endowed with more various functions. This is already indispensable! When we travel in China, there are very few cases where people steal wallets. Rather than trying to steal other people ’s wallets and stealing to make money, instead of trying to catch those thieves on the streets, and spending time and energy to deal with them, it is better to design new technologies and facilitate financial activities of the public to block the possibility of thieves committing crimes. The new high-tech payment system is like the shepherd inside the magic flute blowing a tune, and these pickpockets are led away. Of course, high-tech security protection for mobile phones is also advancing with the times.







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