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已有 136 次阅读2021-10-14 23:13 |个人分类:中国

Apr 16, 2017 at 6:40 PM




亲爱的主席,据说从五月1号开始,国内会有新的政策,比如开放生育,比如没有城乡户口政策,是真的吗?今天看湖南台的歌手节目,终于结束了!最后一期居然把喜剧明星岳云鹏和李健搭档,唱的是西游记里女儿国与唐僧的故事,让岳云鹏唱女儿国王,李健唱唐僧,开始觉得不以为然有没搞错这两个风马牛不相及的人怎么可能在一起唱歌?可是没有料想到,岳云鹏的人气太棒了虽然歌喉不怎么样,喜剧明星的魅力远远超过歌手他一上场观众就激动,一开口观众就欢呼不已他居然唱走调了,唱去到观众几乎人人耳熟能详的他的招牌歌曲五环之歌啊,五环,你比四环多一环....” 哈哈哈哈 是故意的吧?88 比你的四环多一环儿呢!观众听得都经不住哈哈大笑, 看来喜剧的影响力,语言的力量,触动人心带来欢笑要远远超过音乐歌曲舞蹈呢,连刘欢和他的年轻搭档袁娅维两人含情脉脉所唱的情感又一春,都不及小岳岳的开口一笑逗 唐僧” 哥哥呀,刘欢和他得意弟子有情人关系吗? 我不熟悉他,想不明白为什么初中没有毕业的他,在中国那么地大受欢迎?歌手里边有一位哈萨克的迪玛西,觉得就像把岳云鹏错拉来与李健来唱歌,迪马希也是被错放了舞台,到歌手唱歌这所追求的不只是音乐的娱乐效果! 而这次和林志炫安排的英国歌后Haley westerns ,在声音上风格上才是真正跟迪马西相匹配的什么时候能看他们两个在一起唱?

Dear President, it is said that from May 1st, there will be new policies in China, such as open births, such as the absence of urban and rural ID registration policies. Is it true? Today's Hunan Singer's "Singer" program is finally over! The last issue actually paired comedian star Yue Yunpeng with singer Li Jian, singing the story of the Woman State and  Monk Tang Seng in the Journey to the West, and let Yue Yunpeng sing Woman State King, Li Jian sing Monk Tang Seng, and began to feel disapproved. Is there anything wrong? How can people who are not related to each other sing together? But unexpectedly, Yue Yunpeng's popularity is great. Although the singing voice is not good, the charm of comedians is far more than that of singers. As soon as he comes on the stage, the audiences are excited and the audience cheers. He actually sings away. The audiences are almost familiar with his signature song "Song of the Five Rings", "Ah, the fifth ring, you have one more ring than the fourth ring ..." Hahahaha is deliberate? 88, more than your fourth ring is one more ring! The audiences couldn't bear the laughter. It seems that the impact of comedy, the power of language, and the laughter that touch people's hearts are far more than music, songs and dances. Even singer Liu Huan and his young partner singer Yuan Yawei 
 the "Another Spring of Emotion" sung by them with emotions is not as good as Xiao Yueyue's smile to tease brother " Monk Tang" Does singer Liu Huan have a lover relationship with his proud disciples? I am not familiar with him. I wonder why Xiao yueyue, who did not graduate from junior high school, is so popular in China? There is a Dimash from Kazakhstan among the singers. I think it ’s like pulling Yue Yunpeng  to sing with Li Jian. Dimash was also misplaced on the stage and sang on the "Singer" show. Entertainment effect of music! And this time the English song Haley westerns arranged by Dimash and Lin Zhixuan, her sound style really matches Dimash. When can someone watch them sing together?






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