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已有 102 次阅读2021-10-12 22:47 |个人分类:中国


Ÿ       首次在高轨卫星工程化应用自主研制的电推进系统,完成南北位保任务,大幅提高有效载荷装载比和卫星在轨寿命一般卫星在轨10年到20年,用电推进可以延长寿命.

Ÿ       首次在我国卫星上应用Ka频段多波束宽带通信载荷,通信总容量达20Gbps,超过我国已研制发射的通信卫星容量总和天呢,这么宽的频带呀一般我们看电影一部电影大概有一G. 也就是说每秒可以传20部电影. ka是超高频的,在美国这边是属于军用的信号收发技术,天线信号处理,要求非常高.

Ÿ       首次开展我国高轨卫星与地面的双向激光通信技术试验,速率最高达到2.4Gbps; 激光啊以前还是实验室的技术,现在已经应用阶段了!美国这边国防部,尽想着用激光杀人了!像得了狂犬病到处咬人的,拚命烧钱的战争疯子!

Ÿ     首次在我国高轨长寿命通信卫星上百分之百工程化应用国产化产品,改变了相关产品长期依赖进口的局面。超棒啊!以后中国的高科技产品,走遍世界都可以通讯了亲爱的主席,88,你们真棒!love you! 


This time, China ’s satellites are so amazing that ShiJian 13th satellite has created many “firsts” of China ’s communications satellites:

Ÿ  For the first time, the self-developed electric propulsion system was applied to the engineering of high-orbit satellites for the first time to complete the north-south protection mission, which greatly improved the payload loading ratio and satellite on-orbit life. Generally, satellites in orbit for 10 to 20 years can use electric propulsion to extend their life.

Ÿ  For the first time, a Ka-band multi-beam broadband communication load was applied to a satellite in our country, with a total communication capacity of 20 Gbps, which exceeds the total capacity of communication satellites that have been developed and launched in China; God, such a wide frequency band, generally we watch a movie. In other words, 20 movies can be transmitted per second. Ka is ultra-high frequency, which belongs to the military in the United States. Signal transmission and reception technology, antenna signal processing, are very demanding.

Ÿ  The first two-way laser communication technology test between China's high-orbit satellite and the ground was carried out, with a maximum rate of 2.4Gbps; laser, the technology of the laboratory was previously used, and it is now in the application stage! The US Department of Defense is thinking of killing people with lasers! Like a war lunatic who has been bitten by rabies and desperately burns money!

Ÿ  The 100% engineering application of domestic products on China ’s high-orbit long-life communication satellites for the first time has changed the situation of long-term dependence on imports for related products. Awesome! In the future, China's high-tech products will be able to communicate all over the world. Dear Chairman, 88, you are awesome! love you!






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