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已有 85 次阅读2021-9-27 23:23 |个人分类:全球化


Mar 21, 2017 at 9:40 PM




设置新的空中无人机轨道交通控制系统  Setting up a new air drone traffic control system

亲爱的主席,88Jackie说你们还要短文,OK 那我就接着写报酬呢?上一篇写到中国政府在全国各地培植特色小镇这样子的小镇可以有好几个功能,旅游,文化教育,养老,疏散人口,散布产业,等等当然你们会有纵横交错的交通网,快速的大干线为主的高铁网,四通八达的物流不断的高速国道网可是中国不同于欧洲,人口的密度太大了,一旦有紧急事件,高速路堵塞高铁停摆的时候,中国是不是应该以先天下之先,设置新的空中无人机轨道交通控制系统据说在阿拉伯半岛的迪拜,现在已经有了无人机载人的空中交通网, 虽然迪拜无人机只能一次载一个人,但是系统控制的雏形已经呈现如果中国能够设计创建起一套系统,设计控制中心软件,通过卫星或无线电短波操纵无人机,可以容纳好几种型号,从单人到多人,从载人到载物,设计不同的地点,飞行的轨道、高度,和飞行频率,甚至包括无人机的加油以及维修,储存仓库,以及地面人员的服务,于其他的公共交通网相融合,一整套完备的软硬件设施,规范!这是世界上绝无仅有的,先进的成熟的空中无人机交通管理系统,所具备的意义和影响,不下于中国成熟的高铁技术和铁路网系统!一旦中国在这方面有标准设置权,设备生产权,以及系统设计的能力,并有多少小时的安全运作记录,世界很多地方都可以运用这个技术,比如说岛屿众多的地区,菲律宾,印度尼西亚,太平洋沿岸以及加勒比海甚至地中海沿岸,波罗的海,沙漠地区,人口稀少地区,反正只要有需要,都可以有应用的市场!


Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie said that you still want my essay, OK! Then I will write. What about pay? The previous article wrote that the Chinese government cultivates characteristic small towns across the country. Such a town can have several functions, tourism, culture and education, pensions, evacuation of the population, distribution of industries, etc. Of course you will have criss-crossed traffic Network, high-speed rail network based on fast major lines, continuous high-speed national highway network with logistics in all directions. But China is different from Europe, and the population density is too high. Once there is an emergency, the highway is blocked, and the high-speed railway is shut down, should China set up a new air drone rail traffic control system first? It is said that in Dubai, Arabia, there is already a drone air traffic network, although Dubai drones can only carry one person at a time. People, but the prototype of system control has been presented. If China can design and create a system, design control center software, operate drones by satellite or wireless communication shortwave, and can accommodate several models, from single to multiple people, from carry people to carry objects, design different locations, flight trajectory, altitude, and flight frequency, even including drone refueling and maintenance, storage warehouses, as well as ground service personnel, other public transport network integration, a complete set of hardware and software facilities, regulate it! This is an unique and advanced aerial drone traffic management system in the world. The significance and impact of it is no less than China's mature high-speed rail technology and railway network system! Once China has the power to set standards, equipment production settings, and system design capabilities in this regard, with so many hours of safe operation records, this technology can be used in many parts of the world, such as islands, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Pacific Coasts and the Caribbean Sea. Even the Mediterranean coast, the Baltic Sea, desert areas, and sparsely populated areas. Anyway, there is a market for applications as long as there is a need!






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