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已有 91 次阅读2021-9-24 00:07 |个人分类:全球化

搞经济就要安定,要休养生息,要互通有无,要共荣才好  Economic prosperity requires stability, recuperation, interoperability, and common prosperity.





亲爱的主席,这个是讲陕西的好美哦,这个节目的策划真是有头脑有艺术观眼光不凡我希望以后多多看见央视出这样的节目,不要中国文艺那样三八地瞎胡搞沙特国王兴师动众访日访中不知道结果如何?昨天88居然没有出席见面会!就是说中国智库对其还不太重视,谁让他先去日本了,谁让他跟美国ISIS搞在一起胡搅蛮缠了伊斯兰世界应该统一起来,现实一点把中亚西亚中东安定下来,少一些你争我夺的零和,因为这没啥意思搞经济就要安定,要休养生息,要互通有无,要共荣才好.  亲爱的主席,88,谢谢你们关心,Jackie未来的学校是以文科为主的,他们有很好的music program, 有去卡内基演出过好像去年在匹兹堡的高中乐队比赛还得了一等奖我问了那位音乐领头的,他说他们有各种机会,给玩各种乐器的孩子.  甚至有学生录取哈佛斯坦福加州理工学院他们都有特别地为小孩子们录像,作为申请的一部分他们还有心理学,企业管理,戏曲,艺术,卫生健康,和领袖人物特别培训班.  上次那位拉丁小男生,就是因为能说会道被斯坦福的政治系录取了. Jackie可以去这边的音乐艺术和管理领袖班,当然更希望是老师喜欢她,对她关爱有加特别培养!如果能录取斯坦福,那是我的最高目标了,希望大学有一年可以在欧洲后面两年可以去大陆实习,以后毕业找工作就不愁了! 学校有很多亚洲孩子,都很用功的很有特长很会表现的,是能去好的大学的.  只是以后大学毕业人生如何,难说!我们同学的男孩子们,有好些都是名大学毕业,在美国找到了工作,却找不到好老婆!我的表哥3岁来美,48岁才结婚,太太也是年龄大了,怀孕了却把孩子丢了!可能这辈子再也不会有孩子了!亚洲人在这里不容易了! 今天我再去学校看看他们的各种活动!


Dear President, this is about Shaanxi. It ’s so beautiful. The planner of this show is really brainy, artistic, and visionary. I hope to see more CCTV shows like this in the future. King of Saudi Arabia visits Japan then visits China. I don't know what happened? Yesterday 88 did not attend the meeting! That is to say, Chinese think tanks have not paid much attention to them, who asked him to go to Japan first, and who let him get involved with the US ISIS. The Islamic world should be unified and realistically settle Central Asia, West Asia, and the Middle East. Some of the zero sums you fight for me, because it’s not interesting. To be economically stable, to rest and to live together, to be prosperous. Dear Chairman, 88, thank you for your concern. Jackie ’s future high school emphasizes in liberal arts, they have a good music program and have performed in Carnegie hall. It seems that last year high school band competition in Pittsburgh won the first prize. I asked the music teacher and he said that they have different opportunities for children playing various instruments. Even students have been admitted to Harvard, Stanford, California Institute of Technology, they all have special videos for young children attached as part of the application. They also have psychology, business management, opera, art, health, and special  leadership training course. Last time that Latin boy was admitted to Stanford ’s Political Department because he was eloquent. Jackie can take music art and management leadership class, of course, I hope that the teacher likes her and has a special training in caring for her! If  she can enroll in Stanford, that is my highest goal. I hope that she  can go university in Europe for one year and the mainland internship in the next two years. She won't worry about graduating after finding a job! There are many Asian children in the school. They are very hardworking, very talented, and will perform well. They can go to good universities. It’s just hard to say what kind of life after the graduate from college in the future! Many of our classmates have graduated from famous universities and found a job in the United States, but could not find a good wife! My cousin came to the United States at the age of 3 and got married at the age of 48. His wife is too old, but she lost her child when she became pregnant! Maybe there will be no more children in this life! It's not easy for Asians here! Today I will go to school to see their various activities!






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