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已有 92 次阅读2021-9-16 00:10 |个人分类:全球化

用同样的Disneyland的技术,加上当地的文化外观和包装建主题公园  Use the same Disneyland technology, plus local cultural appearance and packaging to build a theme park

今天Jackie说,她跟泰国国王和王储讲话了泰国才11岁的小王子又是一个没去过Disneyland的领袖孩子.  可能世界上绝大多数的国家领袖的孩子,以及政府人员的孩子都没去过吧好了,机会来了,你们能不能趁开国际会议的时候,邀请这些孩子们连同他们的父母,看哪一方有空方便呢,过来去上海迪士尼一游还有上次88提到说做房地产,是不是可以去印度巴基斯坦东南亚以及土耳其,埃及等地,也用同样的Disneyland的技术,象王健林那样,加上当地的文化外观和包装建主题公园,那当地孩子是不是就可以享受到这一类的娱乐了?这种在美国已经是陈旧的娱乐,Jackie从小去Disneyland都习以为常了。平心而论那些项目对小孩子是非常有吸引力的,对别的地区孩子来说又是很现代的而以后,如果你们能够创造更现代化的娱乐,比如现在的无人机,机器人,智能游戏,都可以在娱乐中应用,比如孩子可以坐上飞毯,自己操纵无人机拉着飞毯翱翔,那以后全世界包括美国小孩,都要去大陆玩了要创新才能够有高价值.  我的每一篇短文都是创新,因为都是我原创的,不是抄的!而且是你们喜欢看的! 谢谢亲爱的主席,88,每天花时间教Jackie,还恩惠我可是我觉得我能做更有价值的事情,不愿这样受恵因为你们是父亲,就像我辛辛苦苦养育她是无怨无悔的,做父母这样是应该的!我是不是要求你们太多了吧?有吗?只有你们这样对待她,她才会是你们真正的贴心小棉袄,因为小孩子本能知道谁对她好,她会一辈子缠着你们有没有吓到你们?那她才会信赖你们,为你们争光,站在你们的肩膀上,信心满满地延伸你们的事业!每天她一听说要她弹琴就激动万分,我深深地感谢你们对了,还请你们多多给她介绍领袖的孩子们我翘首以待有一天她能组成乐队呢或领队去Disneyland玩,嘿嘿嘿嘿 亲亲!


Today Jackie said that she spoke to the King and Crown Prince of Thailand. The 11-year-old little prince of Thailand is another leaders child who has not been to Disneyland. Perhaps the children of most national leaders in the world and the children of government officials have not been there. Well, the opportunity is coming. Can you invite these children together with their parents to see if it is convenient for them to come to the Shanghai Disneyland while there is an international conference.   Last time 88 mentioned  it is possible to go to India, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, Turkey, Egypt and other places to do real estate. Also use the same Disneyland technology, like Wang Jianlin, plus the local cultural outfits and packaging to build theme parks, then isn't it possible for the local children to enjoy this kind of entertainment? This kind of entertainment is already outdated in the United States, and Jackie has been accustomed to Disneyland since she was a child. In all fairness, those play items are very attractive for young children and very modern for children in other regions. In the future, if you can create more modern entertainment, such as current drones, robots, intelligent games, all can be used in entertainment. For example, children can sit on the flying carpet and control the drone to fly the flying carpet. If so, children from all over the world, including American children, will go to the mainland to play. Innovation can be of high value. Each of my essays is innovative, because they are my originals, not copied! And you like them! Thank you, dear Chairman, 88 taking the time to teach Jackie every day and favor me. But I think I can do more valuable things and don’t want to be subject to this. Because you are "fathers", just like I work hard to raise her. There is no resentment, and it should be for parents! Am I asking you too much? Have I? Only if you treat her like this, she will be your real intimate cotton jacket, because the child instinctively knows who is good to her, and she will haunt you all her life. Does it scare you? Then she will trust you, win glory for you, stand on your shoulders, and extend your career with confidence! Every day when she hears that she is asked to play the piano, she is very excited, and I thank you deeply. By the way, I also ask you to introduce her to the children of the leaders. I am waiting for her to form a band or lead the team to enjoy Disneyland, hey, hey, kiss!






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