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已有 83 次阅读2021-6-12 23:08 |个人分类:全球化

要找像样的印度,伊朗伊拉克,阿拉伯,埃及中东的音乐,却少的可怜,只有国歌  Looking for decent Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Arab, Egyptian, Middle Eastern music, but very few, only the national anthem

我趁Jackie去画画,就到办公室想找一些中亚印度和中东国家的一些乐曲可是在网上搜索了半天,虽然这边美国的各种音乐类型的谱非常齐全,当然很多音乐是免费的,可是要找像样的印度,伊朗伊拉克,阿拉伯,埃及中东的,却少的可怜,只有国歌!于是我开始感叹为什么 David他们每年会赚这么多钱了,这市场都被他们挤满了,别人的好作品都进不来呀!像我们这种从国外来美国的,再喜欢这边的流行乐也是有限的,不像Jackie这样从小听的脑子里只有这边的pop, 我还算好的给她古典还有各国的音乐洗脑告诉她 “你现在接触各国的文化,是不是把各个国家的音乐也试弹弹? 结果她又一扭头,妈妈,don't botherWang will arrange everything, ..," 真的,这可是要花很多力气去找呢,最好去找当地做这行的,只有他们才有乐谱,你们能找得到这么多吗?还有各国的音乐艺术史,如果有,也请多替她看看我很喜欢新疆蒙古藏族的某些民歌,哦对了,今天早上我问Jackie,“昨天英文歌是谁唱的,这么好听!”她说是彭妈妈唱的,彭妈妈不是唱民歌的吗?唱英文歌也这么好?赞叹了!我在想如果在世界舞台上,这些国家的文化,音乐啊艺术啊时装啊手工艺啊,还是一个空白的话,那一定是有大生意可以做的呢,你看David还有Steven, 就捷足先登跑到印度跟他们合作了你们是不是应该快马加鞭呢?你们是近水楼台呀应该先得月的,又有那么多的少数民族,比如去跟哈萨克斯坦,跟俄国,甚至土耳其伊朗印度,联合搞音乐和绘画,建特别的建筑主题公园什么的,迸发出的火花应该有特别的光芒的!你看印度没有什么主题公园,真正的旅游地也就是古迹,如果你们把现代的娱乐园建起来,是那边印度人从来没有经历过的,他们一定会蜂拥而至的!啥时候能看见这些文明古国有悠久历史的文化都能够重新灿烂,到网上一搜就能够找一大批,大陆市场丰富多彩,那大家都开心!亲爱的主席,88,请你们多介绍介绍吧!


When Jackie was in art class,  I went to the office to find some music from Central Asia, India and the Middle East. But I searched the Internet for a long time, although the spectrum of various music types in the United States is very complete, of course, many music is free. But looking for decent Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Arab, Egyptian, Middle  music, but so pitiful very few, only the national anthem! So I began to sigh, now I know why  David makes so much money every year, and the market is crowded with their products, and other people's good works can't get in! Like us, who come to the United States from abroad, even if I like the pop music here a lot, it is limited. Unlike Jackie’s mind,  she only has pops here. I am still good, brainwashing her classical and national music. Tell her "You are now in contact with the culture of each country, are you trying to play the music of each country?" She turned her head again, "Mom, don' t bother, Wang will arrange everything, ..," Really, this takes a lot of effort to find it. It is best to ask local musician, only they have music scores. Can you find so much? There are also music and art history in various countries. If so, please find more for her. I really like Xinjiang, Mongolia, some folk songs of Tibetans. Oh, yes, I asked Jackie this morning. "Who was singing yesterday's English song, so nice!" She said that the song was sung by Peng Mama. Doesnt  Peng Mama sing folk songs?  Is she so good to sing English songs? Marveled! I wonder if on the world stage, the culture, music, art, fashion, crafts of these countries, if they haven't been shown yet, there must be a big business to do so. You see David and Steven, they first went to India to cooperate with them. Are you supposed to be quicker? You are near the water, you should get the fish first, and there are so many ethnic minorities, such as going to Kazakhstan,  Russia, even Turkey, Iran, India, jointly engaging in music and art, building special architectural theme parks. The sparks that are emitting should have a special light! You see that there are no theme parks in India. The most tourist destinations are the monuments. If you build a modern entertainment park, the Indians have never experienced it, they will flock to enjoy it! When I saw this civilization, the culture with a long history of ancient civilizations could be re-emerged. When can we see the long history and culture of these ancient civilizations renewed? You can find a large number of online search, the mainland market is rich and colorful, then everyone is happy! Dear President, 88, please introduce more about it!






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