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已有 97 次阅读2021-5-8 22:54 |个人分类:领袖精英


5. 文化界人士: 这也是包罗万象的有影响力大的演艺界人士,对培养孩子有经验的教育界人士,作家,等等等等 总之要靠他们的影响力,将你们的全球化规划理念传播出去,能够建立一个好的教育系统为将来培养国际型人才,创业型人才,综合性人才使人们使将来的孩子们在文化上做贡献繁荣,而不是对立抗争文化是最直接和人交往的媒介,也是最容易打动人心的央视拍了100集的纪录片一带一路,这只是开始是在调查研究收集信息你看那些阿拉伯人,到义乌来长期定居和组家庭,中国人应该像他们那样走出去马云说要在全球开展电子商务,你先要出去帮人家准备使条件成熟中国的中秋晚会全部都是汉文化,月饼几百年没有什么变化文化要传承也要㢬扬,文化是有生命力的,要吸收变化这样才能长青! 也许你们已经在做了,我觉得the more the merrier!

6. 法律界人士: 他们为你们的规划在法律上护航,可以讲的题材 α. 各个国家的法律系统结构,b. 国际法.  c. 生活中的法律概念现在在国际上做事如没有没有法律,别人是不承认你不信任你的要让孩子们有一个法律概念我觉得你们光讲时事政治有点太狭隘了我希望看见你们向所有行业的人展示你们的理念,并听取他们的意见和评价而这些作为反馈就可以更加完善和丰富你们的规划,因为大家从不同的角度来看待这件事情,对你们的事业进行更细致地规范,也就更容易成功下次再写!


Last time I talked about to whom show your blueprint, this time continues

5. Cultural people: This is also all-encompassing. Influential people in the entertainment industry, educators, writers, etc. who have experience in educating children, rely on their influence to spread your global planning ideas and build a good education system to train international talents, entrepreneurial talents, and comprehensive talents for the future. It will enable people and future children to contribute to cultural prosperity rather than confrontation. Culture is the most direct medium for people to interact with, and it is also the easiest to impress people. CCTV took 100 episodes of the documentary "One Belt, One Road". This is just the beginning of investigation and research, collecting information. You see that the Arabs have come to Yiwu to settle and set up families for a long time. The Chinese should go out like them. Jack Ma said that he wants to do global e-commerce, you have to go out and help people prepare to make e-commerce conditions ready. China's Mid-Autumn Festival party is all Han culture, moon cakes have not changed for hundreds of years. Culture must be passed down, and it must be promoted. Culture is alive. It is necessary to absorb change so that it can last forever! Maybe you are already doing it, I think the more the merrier!

6. People in the legal profession: They are legally escorting your plans,  can talk about the subject matter α. The legal system structure of each country, b. International law. c. The legal concept in life. Now if there is no law in the international arena, others don't accept you, don't trust you. Let the children have a legal concept. I think that you are talking about current affairs politics, which is a bit too narrow. I hope to see you show your ideas to people in all industries and listen to their opinions and comments. And these as feedback can improve and enrich your planning, because everyone looks at this matter from different angles, and more detailed regulation of your planning, it is easier to succeed. Write more next time!






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