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已有 91 次阅读2021-4-18 23:11 |个人分类:全球化

Aug 28, 2016 at 2:43 PM


整个世界资源的不合理分配,对人类来说就是特别不公平应该重新安排分布人口。 The irrational distribution of resources throughout the world is particularly unfair to humans. The population should be redistributed.

习主席,88 Jackie的小名叫元元,请以后叫她小名. 88,看来Jackie向普京的提问,是一石激起千层浪了看来Jackie一夜北风紧 创意连德国总理默克尔也参加进来了. Jackie告诉我,默克尔是一个很棒的很善良的人请替我谢谢她默克尔是一个物理化学博士我小时候也是特别擅长物理看着她的形象觉得我跟她之间在某些方面有些相似对了是理科大妈型的哈哈哈哈! 其实Jackie讲的是如何在世界范围内合理地re-distribute population. 这绝对不是一件小事!也不是找几个国家大家同意了就行了的!为什么呢?基督教是禁欲的,基督教大多数分布在北半球较寒冷的地区又是富裕国家所以出生率不高人口稀疏的 .亚洲国家,天主教国家,伊斯兰国家,犹太人,都不禁欲,文化价值中是希望大家庭,多子多孙!天气炎热的国家,人的血比较热,荷尔蒙旺盛,物产也比较丰富吧,所以人口众多人生经验给我一个隐隐约约的感觉,一定的地区,一定的自然环境和资源条件下,在一定生产力经济条件下,按照人的数量和价值产出,应该有一定的比例和限制这样,在某种范围之内的人口密度才算是比较适宜合理的,太过或不够,生活品质就会有问题!我不知道有没有人专门研究过这个问题,这是属于人文学科,但是需要用理科的办法去分析和量化,归纳总结并给出一个数字的标准美国尤其是欧洲,他们在规划城市的时候一定有这些方面的公式和衡量的matrix. 如果真的有的话可能亚洲许多大城市的居民居住条件就不符合这类的标准当然有些人喜欢拥挤热闹如果有标准,将国家的所有的可耕地,各种行业规模和资源分布,与人口相配备的话,也许很多亚洲国家人口是太多了中国有13亿,印度有12亿,巴基斯坦2亿,印度尼西亚那么小的国家也有2亿,真的是搞错了!在这些国家的边境线里边,资源是有限的那每个国家要绞尽脑汁,想尽办法养活这些人呢!还有由此造成的环境污染,资源殆尽,真的是很让人头疼了在中国因为海鱼不够,所以大多吃河鱼而在美国,基本都吃海鱼,五大湖地区,因为引进中国的鲤鱼,结果因为没有天敌,所以泛滥成灾,还要花钱去灭!那儿当船在河里行驶的时候,众多鲤鱼就会跳起来要么越船而过,甚至会打脸!你说这要是在中国早就被人吃得差不多了!欧洲的大闸蟹也是这样可是远在亚洲的中国人对大闸蟹却是垂涎欲滴整个世界资源的不合理分配,对人类来说就是特别不公平那怎么办呢?重新安排分布人口啊,看上去简单,实际上没那么简单!

President Xi, 88, Jackie's nickname is "Yuan Yuan", please call her nickname later. 88, it seems that Jackie's question to Putin is a stone that stirs up a thousand ripples. It seems that Jackie has initiating creation. Even German Chancellor Merkel also joined in. Jackie told me that Merkel is a very good, very kind person, please thank her for her kindness. Merkel is a Ph.D. in physical chemistry, when I was a child,was also very good at physics. Looking at her image, I feel that I am somewhat similar to her, in some respects. Right, it is a scientific aunt type, hahahaha! In fact, Jackie is talking about how to re-distribute the population in the world. This is definitely not a trivial matter! It is not just looking for a few countries to agree, so that you can do it! why? Christianity is abstinence. Most of Christianity is distributed in colder regions of the northern hemisphere and rich countries. Therefore, the birth rate is not high and the population is sparse. Asian countries, Catholic countries, Islamic countries, Jews are unwilling to absurd, and cultural values are hopeful for big family, many children and grandchildren! In hot weather, people's blood is hot, hormones are strong, and the products are plenty, so the population is large. Life experience gives me a feeling of vagueness, that is, under certain conditions, certain natural environment and resource conditions, under certain productive economic conditions, according to the quantity and value of people, there should be a certain proportion and limit.  In this way, the population density within a certain range is considered to be more reasonable and proper. Too many or fewer, the quality of life will be a problem! I don't know if anyone has studied this problem specifically. It belongs to the humanities, but it needs to use the science method to analyze and quantify, sum up and give a numerical standard. The United States, especially Europe, when planning the city, there must be formulas and gauges of these aspects. If there are, it is possible that the living conditions of residents in many big cities in Asia do not meet such standards. Of course, some people like to be crowded and lively. If there are standards, consider all the countries arable land, the size of various industries and the distribution of resources, and the population, perhaps many Asian countries have too many people. There are 1.3 billion in China, 1.2 billion in India, 200 million in Pakistan, and 200 million in countries as small as Indonesia. It's really a mistake! In the borders of these countries, resources are limited. Every country has to rack its brains and try to support these people! There are also environmental pollution caused by this, and the resources are exhausted. It is really a headache. In China, because of the lack of marine fish, most of people eat river fish. In the United States, they basically eat sea fish. In the Great Lakes region, because of the introduction of Chinese carp, as a result,  no natural enemies so they are flooded and it costs money to destroy them! There are a lot of fish jumping when the boat is driving in the river, or they will cross the boat and even hit your face! You see, if they are in China, they have already been eaten up! The same is true for European hairy crabs. However, Chinese people in Asia are coveted for hairy crabs. The unreasonable distribution of resources throughout the world is particularly unfair to human beings. What should we do? Rearranging the distribution of the population, it seems simple, it is actually not that simple!




First, there are barriers to national borders. Now that the national borders are bonding people, how much do you have to pay for immigration to the United States? Investing in immigrants requires one million dollars. If you don’t have money, you must spend at least 10 years of youth. Ah! The United States is still open to immigrants. Those European countries, who are so indifferent to outsiders, will not let you immigrate at all, and what about thousands of people from poor countries?


第二,有历史文化障碍像我们这些半路出家到美国来的,就像插花一样,跟当地的文化总有点格格不入的呀如果你让我们去吃麦当劳,连吃三天,只要三天,我们的胃就受不了!去看美国的电影,我想问问看,有几个外来的成人,能够完全听懂他们讲些什么鬼?眼花撩乱看完激动一阵,出门都忘了我去了一年这边的教会,试了好多次,还是觉得没法跟他们融合,他们很多都没有进大学呀,他们讲的东西我没兴趣呢,我讲的东西他们也不懂!要找高层次的,有文化的人,在美国很少呢!当然应该去找会赚钱的人如果你就是把人放到一个选好的空旷的地方,这些人在那如何生存也是一个问题或者你象以色列那样,把一块地围起来,建犹太人集中区,你怕不怕当地人对你有偏见,发动恐怖袭击呀?新疆建设兵团,几十万人去新疆开垦农场,建立工业,保卫新疆可是那些人连找女朋友成家都成问题你看当初那些老兵去台湾,在眷村里勉强度日,日子是怎么过得呀? 当年那些闯关东的山东人,还算讲的同样都是中国话呢,出关外过的日子,很艰难的!所以,不是那么简单的!


Second, there are historical and cultural obstacles. Like us halfway to the United States, like a flower arrangement, it is a bit out of place with the local culture. If you let us go to McDonald's, even eat three days, as long as after three days, our stomach can't stand it any more! Going to see American movies, I want to ask, how many foreign adults can fully understand what they are talking about? I was so excited that I went to the church for a year. I went to the church for a year and tried it many times. I still felt that I couldn’t integrate with them. Many of them didn’t go to college. I was not interested in what they said. They didn't understand what I was talking about! Looking for high-level, cultural people, rarely in the United States! Of course, you should find someone who will make money. If you just put people in a good place to choose, how to survive there is also a problem. Or, like Israel, encircle a piece of land and build a Jewish concentration area. Are you afraid that the locals will be biased against you and launch terrorist attacks? Xinjiang Construction Corps, hundreds of thousands of people went to develop agriculture in Xinjiang to establish industry and defend Xinjiang. But those people even have problems finding a girlfriend to form a family. You see, when the veterans went to Taiwan and had tolive in enclosed village, how was the life like? Got it? At that time, those Shandong people who were in Guandong outsidewere at least still speaking Chinese in the same way. It’s very difficult to go out and go abroad! So, it's not that simple!





Third, population migration is not only balanced by the density of population distribution. It is also necessary to use the overall vision of the world economy, take migration as a means and ways to boost the destination economy! In the case of Russia, the Soviet Union has vast land, which has a very small population relative to Europe, America and Asia. Because of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, each of the republics has independence and gives them greater freedom to develop their own. Yes, it should be. However, the motive and purpose of splitting the Soviet Union between the United States and the West is not this. The timing of the split of these former Soviet states is not right, and the conditions for self-development after splitting are immature, while the United States and the West split the Soviet Union, the purpose is not to give more opportunities for development to the republics, but to weaken the power of the Soviet Union and impose economic sanctions on the Soviet Union. The color revolution in the former Soviet republics is to maintain the ideology of the United States and the West, and the control of the world! The concept of this top-level design is self-respecting, selfish and hegemonic, and has no positive significance for all mankind. Therefore, those independent republics, although separated from the Soviet system, but because it used to rely on this system to live, it is part of the system. Now it has to be independent. They don’t have so much ability to build a complete system. Just like a child who is still breastfeeding, suddenly sheaned. The baby also doesn't get used to the milk powder that others have given him. It is not a smoothtransition,  they didn't get a new life!  If the former Soviet Union was a big truck, now Russia is like missing a lot of wheels, relying on the remaining key wheels, barely balancing  and marching forward. And many roads are still not allowed to go, this design is very problematic!


我觉得应该先对整个世界经济的分布有一个透彻的分析,对各国的资源和人才要有一个全面的掌握,对未来经济发展的有一个大的总体合理规划,比如说某些地方缺什么样的产业,某些地方土地适合什么样的农业产出,某些地方如果需要这些产业那要配备什么样的人才和资源资金譬如说欧洲,尤其北部缺少蔬菜供应,那是不是应该想一想,在什么地方,北欧地区,近北欧地区,可以建立一个温室蔬菜基地,以供应北欧地区的蔬菜和新鲜水果?规模有多大?怎么运输?等等等等.  俄罗斯的徽章上是双头鹰,表示俄罗斯是既向东又向西扩张的地霸可是看看现在俄罗斯的人口政治文化分布,向西是雄鹰,向东是爬虫,不符合它的形象就地球来说,物流要从亚洲通向美洲,两个大陆迟早会相通的,而唯一可能经过的,就是通过白令海峡到阿拉斯加亚洲的东部朝鲜半岛和日本群岛,是人口众多但是相对富裕的地区中国的东三省也是人口众多那俄国可不可以和这些国家联合起来,划出一个沿着太平洋海岸线而纵深多少公里的,一直到白令海峡的特区在这特区里允许日本中国韩国等的投资,移民,逐步地在这一带聚集人气,使其繁华起来,这样就自然对高铁铺展去阿拉斯加,提供了必要条件和资源!而如果因为东部那一带的繁荣,而成为另一个文化政治经济中心对俄国是有百利而无一害,因为俄国有强大的文化,如果能跟东方的日本和中国文化相融合,创造出新的文化繁荣的话,那才是人类的福气!顺理成章, 美国的太平洋东岸从阿拉斯加经过加拿大一直到西雅图,这一代也需要人去开发,将其繁荣起来!因为这会是以后欧亚物流交流的必经之路,有路有货有人,就会繁荣!爱斯基摩人,美洲印第安人很早不就是从亚洲过去的吗?现在再放几千万中国人过去,北冰洋的渔业,木材加工,畜牧业等等 就会发展起来这是全球经济一体化物流所必须的通道的建设!


I think that you should first have a thorough analysis of the distribution of the entire world economy, a comprehensive grasp of the resources and talents of all countries, and a large overall rational plan for future economic development, such as what is missing in some places, types of industry, what kind of agricultural output is suitable for some local land, and if some industries need certain industries, what kind of talents and resources should be equipped? For example, Europe, especially the lack of vegetable supply in the north, should it be consider? I ask, where, in the Nordic region, near the Nordic region, can you build a greenhouse vegetable base to supply vegetables and fresh fruits in the Nordic region? How big is the scale? How to transport? Wait a minute. The Russian badge is a double-headed eagle, indicating that Russia is a landlord that expands both eastward and westward. But look at the population, politics, and cultural distribution of Russia now, westward is the eagle, eastward is  reptile, does not conform to its image. As far as the earth is concerned, logistics needs to pass from Asia to the Americas. The two continents will sooner or later communicate, and the only thing that can pass is through the Bering Strait to Alaska. Asia's eastern Korean Peninsula and Japan, the archipelago is a region with a large population but relatively rich. China's three eastern provinces are also populous. Can Russia join forces with these countries to divide a special belt zone along the Pacific coastline to the Bering Strait, with how many kilometers width. In this special zone, Japan, China, South Korea and other investments, immigrants, can gradually gather in this area to make people prosperous. Naturally provide high-speed rail to Alaska, providing the necessary conditions and resources! And if it is another cultural, political and economic center because of the prosperity of the eastern part of the country, it is good for Russia. Because Russia has a strong culture, if it can be integrated with the Japanese and Chinese culture of the East, create prosperous new culture, that is the blessing of mankind! Naturally, the US Pacific East Coast from Alaska through Canada to Seattle, this area also needs people to develop and prosper it! Because this will be the only way for European and Asian logistics exchanges byland in the future. If there are people on the road, there will be prosperity! Eskimos, American Indians went from Asia very early? Now, with tens of millions of Chinese people goingover, the Arctic Ocean's fisheries, wood processing, animal husbandry, etc. will develop. This is the necessary channel for the global economic integration logistics!






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