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已有 250 次阅读2021-4-14 22:54 |个人分类:全球化

*邀请所在国的专家或者领袖如果他们有孩子也最好一起参加!应该成立俱乐部,举办各种活动  Invite experts or leaders in your country, and if they have children, it is best to join together! Clubs should be set up to organize various events



Aug 22, 2016 at 10:43 PM

亲爱的习和王给你们一个小小建议,Jackie挺会利用资源的,每次弹琴有问题她就直接发短信给汉斯而这位汉斯大老爷,有三个孩子的大音乐家,对Jackie特别好,几乎有求必应的!谢谢他你们现在是象战国时的合纵连横的张衡,是国际外交家可是你们有那么多的资源,为啥不利用啊?你们在给Jackie讲的时候,也可以试试邀请所在国的专家或者领袖,让他们客串来讲,一定更有趣,因为他们对当地的背景了解得更深如果他们有孩子也最好一起参加!大家在一起聊,也分担你们的教育重担,还可以互相调侃,互相认识,又增进语言学习,了解文化,一来二去增进感情,以后就可以带孩子互相串门了!我还在想你们是不是应该成立俱乐部,兴趣相似的可以相约一起去旅行,打高尔夫,滑雪钓鱼,喝咖啡,等等家属孩子还可以经常聚聚聊聊养孩子经!  或者有什么新东西可以大家分享分享孩子在一起熟了互相联系,长大了还可以相约一起出去玩,甚至一起做事业说不定还可以找到人生伴侣我挺想做organizer 的,我英文还可以呀,把人组织起来活动,大家开心!Steven他们今天送了Jackie一个小猪饭盒真可爱!Jackie真是命好,那么多人关心她,谢谢大家!Steven他们来去都没有定时,我们给你们的礼物还没有转给他们呢!下礼拜吧习主席,88,希望你们休息好,事情顺利你们到处飞,跟人打交道是挺不容易的,也希望你们多交朋友,因为我们也跟着沾光啊!


Dear Xi and Wang, give you a little advice, Jackie know howto use the resources, every time there is a problem with playing the piano, she will send a text message directly to Hans. And this Hans Master, a big musician with three children, is especially good for Jackie, almost responsiveevery time! Thank you. You are now strategist Zhang Heng, who was in a warring times, an international diplomat. But you have so many resources, why don’t you use them? When you are telling Jackie stories, you can also try to invite experts or leaders from their home country to make them more interesting, because they know more about the local background. If they have children, it is best to join together! Everyone talks together and shares your educational load. You can also ridicule each other, get to know each other, improve language learning, understand culture, and enhance your feelings one after the other. You can bring your children to meet each other in the future! I am still thinking, should you set up a club, similar interests can go to travel together, golf, ski fishing, coffee, etc. Family children can often gather together to talk about raising children! Or what? New things can be shared and displayed. Children get together and get in touch with each other. When they grow up, they can also go out to play together, or even work together. Maybe someone can find a life partner. I really want to be the organizer, I can still speak English. Organize people and organize activities, everyone is happy! Steven, they sent Jackie a piglet lunch box today, so cute! Jackie is really good, so many people care about her, thank you! Steven has no time to come and go, the gifts we have given you have not been transferred to them! Next week, Mr. Xi, 88, I hope you have a good rest and things are going well. You are flying around, it is not easy to deal with people, and I hope that you will make more friends, because we are also following you getting benefits!






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