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俄国人的extraordinary,可能跟他们对整个宇宙的不同领域大系统的艺术感, 和谐感, 美 ...

已有 62 次阅读2021-4-12 21:16 |个人分类:全球化

俄国人的extraordinary,可能跟他们对整个宇宙的不同领域大系统的艺术感和谐感美感和敏感有关!  The extraordinariness of the Russians may be related to their artistic sense, harmony, beauty, and sensitivity to the big systems in different fields of the universe!

Jackie今天上课跟老师顶嘴了,因为她觉得自己有理不按老师说的做,老师生气了!我也批评她.  都是你们给惯的,你们给Jackie讲课的时候,她顶嘴吗?不可以给她养成坏习惯的!我教育她,无论对谁都是要尊重的尤其对教你的人,是更要听从的,因为不听老师,老师一不高兴可以不教你!老师问什么,你就给他要的东西,而不是你想给的东西,人是不同的!就像你喜欢吃 hash brown , 我却给你吃炒面,说一样填饱肚子还有营养,你愿意吗?这位老师教课不是老师讲学生听的模式,他喜欢多一点的互动,喜欢孩子不光能懂得含义,更能用语言表达出对乐理的具体概念的理解,我觉得这样挺好的.  有很多音乐上的东西,弹了那么久,她自己理解,可是她不善于用英文来表达!很多时候她跟我讲话,半路杀出来一句话,没有主语没谓宾,让我丈二和尚莫不着头脑!小孩子讲话一般都是模模糊糊,没有很清晰的时间逻辑顺序的,Jackie给你们讲话的时候她的表达意思清楚吗?等你们给她讲完那一个人物事情的时候当她回答问题的时候一定要给她review, 让她很清楚地完整地把句子讲完把意思表达清楚也就是训练她在脑子里先把概念做一个排列组合她以后写文章也需要这样的思考过程,需要这样条理分明的. Jackie从小听力就很好能够分辨些微音调的差别所以我才让她学音乐的这位乐理老师对她的听力很满意作曲者得要听得出和谐音不和谐音啊那样才知道美不美呀! 俄国人大多数在音乐美术上从小都有训练,艺术感觉超高的即使他们后来长大进入数学工程,在互联网上信息安全领域能够非同寻常,extraordinariness 可能跟他们对整个宇宙的不同领域大系统的艺术感和谐感美感和敏感有关!



Jackie talked back to the teacher today because she felt that she was not doing what the teacher said, and the teacher was angry! I also criticized her. They are all used to it. When you give Jackie a lecture, does she talk back? Can't give her bad habits! I educate her, "To whoever you should be respectful. Especially for those who teach you, it is more to listen to, because if you don't listen to the teacher, the teacher will not teach you if he is not happy! What the teacher asks, you will give him answers, not what you want to give, people are different! Just like you like to eat hash brown, I give you fried noodles, say that you have enough stomach and it hasnutrition, are you willing to accept?" It is not that teacher who talks about the mode of listening to students, but teacher likes a little more interaction. He likes children not only to understand the meaning, but also to express the understanding of the specific concepts of music theory in words. I think this is quite good. There are many things on music, even she played for so long, she understood it, but she was not good at expressing it in English! A lot of times she talked to me, halfway through a sentence, no subject noobject, I don’t understand! Children's speeches are generally vague and there is no clear logical sequence of time. When Jackie gives you a speech, is her expression clear? When you tell her the character thing, when she answers the question, you must give her a review, let her finish the sentence clearly and completely, and express her meaning clearly. That is, train her in her mind, make a permutation and combination of concepts,   think about this process in the future. It needs to be so organized. Jackie is very good at listening, can distinguish the difference of micro-tones, so I let her learn music. Theory teacher  is very satisfied with her hearing. The composer must hear the harmony sound dissonance, so that she knows that beauty is beautiful! Most Russians have been trained in music and art since childhood, and their art feelings are super good. Even if they later grow up into mathematics engineering, the field of information security on the Internet, they can be extraordinary, and extraordinary may be related to their artistic sense, harmony, beauty, and sensitivity to the big systems in different fields of the universe!






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