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已有 75 次阅读2021-4-8 22:45 |个人分类:全球化

所有中国邻国都装备上导弹攻击系统,再花个几十万亿的置装备,对中国来说都不起作用的,中国是不怕的!  All Chinese neighbors are equipped with missile attack systems, and they spend a few trillions of equipment, which is not effective for China. China is not afraid!

就像我在上一个短文中提到的,为了某些特定的目的而在内部所制造出来的variation, 会是将来无穷无尽的麻烦来源,这种鸡鸣狗盗的勾当,是非常狭隘,短见,不负责任,是为全人类带来不幸和灾难的根源!出如此下策的人,可以看得出,是非常缺乏历史文化背景的,是缺少人文精神的,是缺少人性的,是在美国军事系统中产生出来的变态机器工具,是没有统治才能的,没有政治眼光的,反人类社会的,跟上帝对着干的,没人类理性良性的行尸走肉!真想不通美国某些中枢神经系统的人,怎么让美军堕落到这种程度亲爱的习和王, Jackie还要让我讲北韩,北韩是大石覆盖下的危卵,是在夹缝中求生的战战兢兢小爬虫!当它意识到中国已经抛开原来的轨道,走上一条决定把中国融入世界系统的不归路的时候,它也想挣扎可是,88,我觉得你们并不希望,或者它也没有能力去改变现状,就让它作为一个缓冲区,不死不活地吊在哪儿有人也是这么安排我的呀这样我就对某人不构成威胁了!可是朝鲜要朝前走啊,这个国家有百姓啊,不能原地踏步,要有所作为呀!我想也就十多年前吧,他们应该跟美方暗通款曲了不然你看THAAD这场戏怎么会演得那么和谐,配合那么默契呀!韩国民众集会抗议部署THAAD系统,北韩就跟着放几枚导弹,反过来支持南韩的政府决策,它真的会去射韩国导弹吗?韩国人那么联系紧密的,说老实话在美国的韩国人和北韩人根本就分不清楚的做戏给全世界不明就里的人看的呀!就像三k党跳出来支持川普一样,想把川普抹黑成一个3K党吗?对中国来说,现在还是将来,你就是把所有的东南亚中国邻国,以及菲律宾台湾韩国日本,印度阿富汗哈萨克斯坦,蒙古所有中国邻国都装备上导弹攻击系统,还不仅是防御的THAAD系统,再花个几十万亿的置装备费,对中国来说都不起作用的,中国是不怕的!庆父不死,鲁难未已!要改变北韩的现状,要改变世界的现状,按照牛顿第二定律,需要有更强有力的势力,改变美国的军事系统!于是想起了毛泽东的愚公移山,得道多助,失道寡助,多行不义必自毙想起对Jackie说的话,你一定要按上帝的法则办事,上帝才让你成功!” 美国的军事系统应该是为人类的和平幸福而设立的.

As I mentioned in the last essay, the variation created behindthe curtain for some specific purposes will be the source of endless troubles in the future. This kind of low class behavior is very narrow minded and short-sighted. Irresponsibility is the root cause of misfortune and disaster for all mankind! Those who have made such a policy can see that they are very lacking in historical and cultural background, lacking humanistic spirit, lacking humanity. It is a metamorphic machine tool produced in the US military system. It has no rule, no political vision, anti-human society, and God's confrontation, no one is rational and benign walking dead! I really can't figure out how some people in the central nervous system in the United States have let the US military fall to this level. Dear Xi and Wang, Jackie wants me to talk about North Korea. North Korea is a dangerous egg covered by big stones. It is a survival little reptiles in the cracks ! When it realized that China had already set aside its original track, it decided to integrate China into the world system when thereis no return, North Korea also wants to struggle.  However, 88, I don’t think you want it change, or it has no ability to change the status, just let it be a buffer, or wherever let it hang. I am also arranged by someone as the same way, so I don't pose a threat to someone! But North Korea has to go forward, there are people in this country, you can’t stay in place and have to make a difference! I think it will be more than ten years ago, they should secretly connect with the US. Otherwise, you won’t see how the drama of THAAD be so harmonious, so tacit! South Korean people gathered to protest the deployment of the THAAD system. North Korea followed with a few missiles, which in turn supported South Korea’s government decision. Will North Korea really shoot Korean missiles? The Koreans are so close-knit, and  in the United States you can not tell if they are South Koreans or North Koreans. They act for those who are unknown in the world! Just as the KKK jumped out to support Trump, would they like to smear Trump into a 3K party? For China, now and in the future, even equipping all the Southeast Asian Chinese neighbors, as well as the Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, India, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, and all of China's neighboring countries,  with missile attack systems, not only the defensive THAAD system, even  it takes  more than $20 trillion  to set up equipment  for China, China is not afraid! Itwas said if father Qing is not dead, country Lu is alwayssuffering! To change the status of North Korea, to change the status  of the world, according to Newton's second law, it is necessary to have more powerful forces to change the US military system! Then I remembered Mao Zedong’s “Foolishman moves the mountains”. Follow God’s rule, you get morehelp, otherwise less help. Many unrighteous things will lead toself-defeating. Think of what Jackie said, “You must do things according to God’s law, God will let you succeed!” The US military system should be established for the peace and happiness of mankind.






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