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已有 162 次阅读2021-3-1 09:43 |个人分类:全球化

藏传佛教和内地佛教合并了  Tibetan Buddhism and mainland Buddhism merged


不光如此,这些寺庙的结构装饰连成一体,就像一个好的系统设计,整体就是一个设计精良,统一规划,分布巧,装饰有致的艺术品!就连树木的选择,树种,栽种地点,都考虑了美观的效果. 这些庙宇都不大,但一层一层的门楼,墙上的雕花,大殿的缕花窗,精致的走廊,铜雕的香炉,都是那么轻巧细致到位!我在里边转了一圈又转了一圈,看不够,醉了!有一次,大雄宝殿关门了不让进去!从门缝里看,原来一僧人在里边敲木鱼唱经呢!那么认真,那么虔诚!从来没有见过! 这次五台山正好碰见梦参法师101岁生日,哎呀那么多的僧人啊,是我平生见到过的最多的僧人!大开眼见. 不只如此,第一次见识到原来有那么多种的僧衣如果每一种僧衣代表一个流派的话,那中国的佛教就有那么多的流派!大概有几十种吧!有灰色的,土黄的,灰色,灰兰的,棕红的,橘黄色的,青绿色的,布衣的,袍子的,长褂的,连帽子的,各种各样的,这次连藏传佛教的喇也来了五台山!他们穿的衣服明显和内地的僧人不一样!感觉上来说,内地的和尚年纪比较大一点,而藏传佛教来的和尚, 有些好年轻啊!看着他们熙熙攘攘地三五成群地在街上走,现在藏传佛教和内地佛教合并了,原来中国有那么多信佛的人啊!居说连星云法师也来了!好事啊!只是觉得中国的佛教是避世的,在精神上组织上系统上较少给予正能量.

Not only that, the structure of these temples is integrated into one, like a good system design, the whole is a well-designed, unified planning, exquisitely distributed, well-decorated artwork! Even the choice of trees, tree species, and location of planting have taken into account the aesthetic effects. These temples are not large, but the gatehouses on the ground floor, the carved walls, the window of the hall, the exquisite corridors, the bronze sculptures. Incense burners are so light and detailed! I circled around inside and turned around again, still did not get enough, dazzling! Once, the Daxiong great Hall was closed and they did not allow others to enter! From the cracks in the door, it turns out that a lot of monks were knocking on the wooden fish singing inside! So serious, so sincere! Never seen it! This time Wutai Mountain happened to meet the 101st birthday of Master Meng Shen, and so many monks whom I have ever seen in my life! Not only that, the first time I saw that there are so many kinds of Buddhist robes. If every cloak represents a genre, then there are so many genres in Chinese Buddhism! There are dozens of them! Gray, earthy, dark gray, gray orchid, brown red, orange, turquoise, cotton clothed, robe, long dress, even hat, all kindsThis time even lama of Tibetan Buddhism also came to Mount Wutai! The clothes they wore were obviously different from the monks in the mainland! Feeling that the monks in the Mainland were older, and the monks from Tibetan Buddhism were somehow younger! Watching them rushing down the streets in groups of three and five, now Tibetan Buddhism merged with Buddhism in the Mainland. It turns out that there are so many people who believe in Buddhism in China! It was said even the Nebula Mage was coming! Good thing! I just think that Chinese Buddhism holdslife style escaping from the world, in the spirit, organization, system, less positive energy is given.






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