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已有 90 次阅读2021-3-1 09:35 |个人分类:北美生活

Jul 20, 2016 at 12:18 AM

美国人对读书好并不怎么看重,尤其对数学好的孩子敬而远之,更注重运动体型和性格  Americans are not very concerned about academics, especially for children with good mathematics, and pay more attention to sports, body shape and personality.

Jackie说还要我写. 看见你们做领导都是有女儿,就讲一点这边dating的事犹太人是以母亲为主的,如果妈妈是犹太人那孩子也算犹太人,所以犹太人有各种种族,可以是金发碧眼,也可能是黑人有一次去以色列过逾越节,五花八门的犹太人看得我眼花缭乱的!所以犹太人是最会外嫁的! 我也很希望看见这边中国女孩外嫁的但是很多女孩子不知道怎么去打动人心,因为不知道别人的价值观和生活习惯!这是很可以理解的,这边的年轻人和国内的女孩子生长环境是不一样的,这边小孩子没有 “万般皆下品唯有读书高的价值,对读书好并不怎么看重,尤其对数学好的孩子敬而远之!这儿的孩子小时候要参加很多运动身体强壮匀称,自然就好看了,而且运动好的人性格比较阳光一些,也就比较受人欢迎! 欧洲人跟中国人还有一些相似的价值,比如看中家世,比如看中是不是会讲多国语言,会不会才艺,在智力上是不是聪明啊,等等!可是美国人没有那么的深沉,不会给你讨论人生的问题,哲学问题,精神追求问题,美国人只看你的形体,女孩是不是性感苗条,男孩是不是高大强壮帅气, 有吸引力白人喜欢女孩瘦瘦长长的,拉丁裔喜欢女孩比较前凸后翘性感的,还有性格是不是和顺,是不是有一技之长可以赚钱!够了!

Jackie still wants to write. Seeing that your leaders all havedaughters, just tell a little about dating. The Jews are mother-oriented. If the mother is Jewish, the child is also Jewish. So Jews have a variety of races, either Blondie or blackor mid-easter. Once I went to Israel for the Passover, saw diverse ofJews made me dazzling! So the Jews are the most likely to marry outsiders! I also hope to see Chinese girls marryoutsiders. But many girls don't know how to impress people because they don't know the values and habits of others! This is very understandable. The young people here and the domestic Chinese girls are not the same. The children here do not have values of the "everything is lowonly education ishigh," and it is not very important for going school studyingespecially not worth for children with good mathematics! Children here like to participate in a lot of sports when they are youngTheir bodies are strong and well-balanced, naturally it is good to watchPeople who are good at sports, their characters are more sunny, more popular! Europeans have some similar values to the Chinese, such as the prestigious family background, such as  speaking multi-languages,  talented, intellectually intelligent, and so on! But Americans are not so deep, they won't talk about life issues, philosophical issues, spiritual pursuits, Americans mostly look at your form, girls are sexy and slim, boys are tall, strong, handsome, attractive. Europeans like  girls thin and tall, Latinos like the girl to be more slanted and sexyIf girls character is harmonious, with a skill to make money! Enough!






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