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已有 103 次阅读2021-2-22 08:33 |个人分类:中国

Jul 11, 2016 at 7:42 PM


我们遭受车祸,受羞辱,是为了世界改变, 都是为了将来广大民众和孩子们, 不用再受这类枪子了 We are suffering from car accidents, being humiliated, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the general public and children in the future, no need to be subjected to such gun bullet


今天又有戏了!昨天在楼梯口碰见英国来小帅哥外教,告诉我这儿住了六七个外教,因为电梯被卡了,前天他还帮德国外教将行李搬到六楼. 原来不是我一人住在这儿. 只是这太搞笑了,一帮老年人抗议学校,却霸占招待所电梯入口不让客人上下,这是干吗呀?好像风马牛太不相及的事, 或者是存心借因头为难住客的?他们也知道其它外教客人故事?要存心跟他们作对?太喜剧了吧?而且抗议也没啥正当手段,也不请律师,不呈书面文件,搞笑似地在大厅放一个黑盒子,边上贴两张手写字的大纸,啥意思? 今天早上,下面电梯开了条缝,好不容易挤出去了. 可是下午,不一样了喧哗老年人全被赶到入口另一边电梯这边一个校门卫,两个黒衣警察,坐鎮!电梯畅通了,我忍不住在大厅里跳舞,看见那些恶婆mean looks,禁不住开心大笑一转身,对他们摇一下大屁股. 当然绝对没有主席88舞姿优美,但意韵十足. 来往的外教都对老人们一脸不满,匪夷所思的. 晚上,又有三个黑衣警察. 啦啦啦... 老不死的有精力没事做,为啥不去去跳广场舞. 被警察赶到一边,连晚上睡觉的空间都没有,家里事情也没法做,吃饭作歇不正常,主子这样会把狗玩坏哟!太精彩了


There is another show today! Yesterday I met the British foreign language teacher at the stairway and told me that it lives here six or seven foreign teachers. Because the elevator was stuck, the day before yesterday he helped the German foreign teacher to move the luggage to the sixth floor. It was not just me who lived here. It’s so funny, a group of seniors protesting the school, but occupying the entrance of the guest house elevator, not letting the guests get up and down, what is it? Is it like something totally irrelevant, or is it on purposely make troubles for guests? Do they also know the stories of other foreign language teachers? Want to go against them? Too comic, right? Moreover, was it really there was no proper means of protest, no lawyers, no written documentsTheyput a black box in the middle of the hall, and two large papers written by hand on side. What did you mean? This morning, the elevator opened below and it was hard to squeeze out. But in the afternoon, it was different. The old people were all pushed to the other side of the entrance. There was a school guard at the elevator, two policemen, sitting in the hall! The elevator was smooth, I couldn't help but dance in the hall, I saw the evil women mean look, I couldn't help but laugh. Turn around and shake my big ass on them. Of course, there was absolutely no president Xi and 88 dancing grace, but full of rhyme. The foreign language teachers who are coming and going are dissatisfied with the old people and are incomprehensible. At night, there are three black policemen. La la la... if elders have energy,why not go for a square dance. The old people were pushed to the side by the police. They didn’t even have room to sleep at night. They couldn’t do anything. It’s not a normal life. The master will kill the dogsif play them this way! Fantastic!


据说学佛的有一种闭关修炼的过程,这些人是不是活得不耐烦,要找个地方“修炼修炼”老身只是这么阻碍别人正常生活,不让上下电梯,就已经陷入不守法的肮脏地哪根筋搭错了?想起去年回国,也有上海老阿姨旅途来搞,怎么回事, 我招谁惹谁了?今年又是车祸,又是聚众堵电梯,是针对我吗?我有啥么子介值得搞?想不通! Jackie告诉我,车祸那批人基本上还在医院待着呢,我太庆幸自己逃离他们,明天就可以回美国了. 我觉得车祸大概是想表达两大内部集团内讧. 或想说,要融入体系没那么容易. 或想给我们制造些麻烦!Jackie问我车祸时第一个反应是什么,weird! 就是这想法!学校边上是地段医院. 早上又带她去看了一下要了抗菌消炎药,涂上消毒盐水,药水,一会儿就消肿了. 再次证实没有大问题.心里默默难过祈祷, 可爱Jackie孩,又替谁挡枪子了比起其他人,我们算是幸运的所有这些,都是为了将来世界上广大民众和孩子们不用再受这类枪子

It is said that there is a process of retreating in the study of Buddhism. Are these people impatient to live, so find a place to "cultivate and cultivate" the old body? Just to hinder the normal life of others, not to let the elevator go up and down, then it has fallen into the lawless dirty ground, which is wrong with them? I think of returning to China last year, and there were also old Shanghai ladies coming to interfere with us, what is going on? Who am I to provoke? This year is eithercar accident or a gathering blocking elevator. Is it for me? I have something to say, is it worth doing? Can't figure it out! Jackie told me that the people in the car accident were basically still in the hospital. I am too glad that we fled  couldreturn to  United States tomorrow. I think the car accident is probably to express the guilt conflict of the two internal groups. Or to say, to integrate into the system is not that easy. Or want to create some trouble for us! Jackie asked me, what was my first reaction in a car accident, Weird! This was my thought! On the edge of the school is the local hospital. In the morning, I took her to see a doctor. I took antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, applied disinfectant salt water, and medicine. After a while it was no longer swollen. I confirmed that there was no big problem that I was praying “cute Jackie girl, blocking the gun shots for someone!” We are still lucky compared to others. All of this is for the future of the general public and children in the world, no need to be subjected to such gun shots!






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