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已有 104 次阅读2021-2-22 08:25 |个人分类:中国

Jul 9, 2016 at 10:19 AM


我在山西出大车祸  I got a big car accident in Shanxi


今天的车祸太奇怪了!大巴在道上正常行驶. 相撞的车辆不是同向,也非逆向. 而要撞大巴一定大吨位,结果行驶中横里右手正碰上大货车冲出来,好象算好时间冲着大巴来的.前面小客车倒霉先撞碎了, 如果不是大巴司机向左躱避,那是要出人命的. 大巴右前整个门和上下车道,都挤压没了!不能上下车了!只能敲碎窗玻璃爬下来的. 蛮完美的一个旅程,快到结束了,来这么一个车祸. 促其, 郁闷. 他们是要把全车人都送医院的因为我俩受微伤, 我流了很多鼻血, Jackie眼角破了,整个眼睛肿了起来,眼睛都看不见了,青紫一大片。 如果一到医院不知道要耽误多少时间误了飞机回上海就麻烦了!于是要求要直接去机场. 还好他们安排了私家车送我们一问,车主姓王! 一到机场就去医务室,医生说Jackie不碍事,给消了毒,清洁皮肤,说别洗澡,一二天就好了!放下心来. 也谢谢你们即时关心. 真不应该发生的事情. 如果这是预谋的,啥意思?啥目的呀?代价太大了,得不偿失啊!去我家破坏,下毒更有效. 对了,讬小男孩照看一下我的房子,告诉我每次去我家查看,都有一个卧室的窗开着关上了这个,下次另一间房开了,又关了,前一间的又开了!他不知道,这些年一直有鬼会进入我家,只是开窗啥意思?怎么那么多鬼.


Today's car accident was too strange! The bus was driving normally on the road. The vehicles that collided were not in the same direction, nor were they reversed. The vehicle that hit the bus must be a large tonnage. As a result, the right hand in the cross a large truck rushing out hit the bus. It seemed that after counting the time, it  directed at the bus. The passenger car in front of the bus crashed first. If it was not the bus driver who evades the left, it was going to kill more people. The entire right front door and the upper and lower steps of the bus were squeezed out! Can't get on or off! We could only break the window glass and climb down. A perfect journey, it was almost over, came to such a car accident. Depressed. They were going to send the whole buspassengers to the hospitalBecause we were slightly injured, I had a lot of nosebleeds, Jackie's eyes corner were broken, the whole eyes swollen, eyes could not be seen, and a large purple area. If we went to the hospital, we didn't know how much time we had to stay. If we missed the plane and return to Shanghai, we would be in big trouble! So I asked to go directly to the airport. Fortunately, they arranged a private car to send us. Just asked, the owner was surnamed Wang! When I arrived at the airport, we went to the clinicimmediately. The doctor said that Jackie didn't get in the way, gave medicine, cleaned the skin, and said not to take a bathfor a day or two! Finally I let go of my heart. Thank you for your immediate concern. That was really shouldn't happen. If this is premeditated, what do you mean? Eyes? The cost is too great, not worth the lost! Maybe going to my house to destroy, poisoning is more effective. Besides, the little boy taking care of my house  told me that every time he went to my house, there was a bedroom window open. Closed this, the next time another room openedAnd closed again, the previous one opened again! He didn't know that ghosts would enter my home these years, just to open the window? How come there are so many ghosts.







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