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已有 130 次阅读2021-1-20 14:53 |个人分类:全球化

May 6, 2016 at 1:54 AM


*将中国的政治经济迅速发展的经验和理论品牌竖起来  Put the experience and theoretical brand of China’s rapid political and economic development


国外都说中国没有自己的品牌,到现在连一个真正的国际名牌都没有!可是我觉得中国智库这些年所做的,是一个出类拔萃的品牌,是完全可以向世人炫耀的!上次讲到把政治经济的运作用变成理论和数字模型,其实不止这些吧! 感觉到现在这边的智能化控制, 已经到了很高级的阶段,犹太人擅长的心理学模型, 已经应用在整个社会的管理中,当然应该还有他们擅长的医疗和法律. 如果你们做数字化模型,应该以现成的智能控制结构为基础,我不知道有没有人, 做文化宗教等方面对经济政治方面的影响. 如果还没有的话,我想你们有事做了! 我不是政治经济方面的专家,自从认识你们, 我恶补了许多. 我是做大系统设计, 软件设计的,但我觉得我的知识构成跟你们的既有重叠的地方,而更多是互补的. 我想事情的角度,会跟你们的不一样. 我会更考虑到如何将其数字化实现. 我想帮你们将中国的品牌竖起来!给我一个机会吧!


Foreign countries say that China does not have its own brand, and till now there is no real international brand name! However, I think that what the Chinese think tank has done over the years is an outstanding brand that can be fully shown to the world! Last time I talked about turning the operation of the politics economy into a theoretical and numerical model, it’s not just that! I feel that the intelligent control here has reached a very advanced stage. The psychological model that Jews are good at has been applied to the management of the whole society. Of course, there should be medical and legal laws that they are good at. If you do digital models, It should be based on the ready-made intelligent control structure. I don't know if anyone has any influence on the economic and political aspects of culture and religion. If you haven't yet, I think then you have something to do! I am not an expert in politics nor economy. Since I have known you, I have made up a lot of things. I am a big system designer and software designer, but I feel that my knowledge constitutes a place that overlaps with yours, and more is complementary. I think my point of view will be different from yours. I will think more about how to digitize it. I want to help you put the Chinese brand up! Give me a chance!






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