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已有 197 次阅读2021-1-11 12:58 |个人分类:全球化

全球化更需要有一个和平的环境  Globalization requires a peaceful environment.


看华春莹还在例行记者会执着地解释法律,简直多此一举!对美国人来说,I am the law, don't you understand? 直截了当跟他们说,是我的领土,不想走就准备好哪天往下沉!中国人有句话,秀才遇见兵,有理说不清!冈都傻瓜才去说理呢. 跟外面接轨,会有很多麻烦事,国情不同理解事情不同,先把法律规章定详细,互动的时候就比较能受到保护,减轻伤害,知道有章可循怎么应对. 一带一路,你要面对几十个国家呢,每个国家都要一对多,是不是太麻烦了,太多障碍了所以我们设计大系统的,希望看到全球化一体化,打破国家边界政体屏障,为经济平顺运转开绿灯. 光这些就已经很多琐琐碎碎的工作要做了,如果再有人用武力挑不安的话,那就是无穷无尽一大堆麻烦. 就人心来说,全球化更需要有一个和平的环境,没人喜欢trouble maker,一道参与说不定还能分一杯羹!

Seeing that Hua Chunying is still obsessively explaining the law at a regular press conference, it is simply unnecessarilyextra! For Americans, "I am the law, don't you understand?" Straight to tell them that it is my territory, if no leave, be ready to sink!  Chinese have a saying when scholars meet  soldiers, and nothing is reasonable! Only fools  want to argue. Connecting with the outside, there will be a lot of troubles, different national conditions understand things different. First, the rules and regulations will be setup with details, when interacting, things will be more protected, less harm, peopleknow better how to follow the rules, how to deal with them. One Belt and One Road, you have to face dozens of countries, each country has  one-to-many relations, is it too much trouble, too many obstaclesSo when we design large systems, hope to see globalization integration, break  barriers of the national bordersso government can give a green light to the smooth operation of the economy. Only these, there are already a lot of trivial work needs to be done. If someone uses force to provoke uneasiness, it is endlessly full of troubles. As far as the human heart is concerned, globalization needs a peaceful environment. No one likes  troublemakerhoweverif with  participation, maybe even share a piece of it!






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