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已有 149 次阅读2020-11-27 10:25 |个人分类:全球化

印度缺强有力的政权 India lacks a strong regime


我觉得印度缺的是一个强有力的行政政府和权力,现行的民主政权可能不但不能带来有效的反而会成为项目进行的障碍. 印度人口众多密度过高,我觉得他们应该在新的投资时候不只要考虑到地点便捷等,要考虑到给足够的空间,为某些行业将来的发展留有余地. 我也不希望他们再重复中国的老路做很多污染严重的利润很少的技术低下的产业. 我希望他们跟中国能够合作,有那么多人那么聪明的脑袋,为什么花心思在对抗上,互残互伤呢?为什么做有尖端科学的,有创造性的,研究和发展的产业 对于发展中国家,衣食住行民生是很重要的,印度应该分析一下十亿人的各种需求,再看看现存的供应是什么情况,然后按人口分布人口素质寻找适合自己的生产方式和结构配备,善用活用资本,尽快让经济发展,使人民生活提高. 如果中国能够帮印度建立某些特别行政区,并在其中投资,以超越现存的政治经济体制结构的方法运作,如果这个能成功就可以推广至印度其他地方,我想你们一定已经有了规划蓝图,而且比我说的要周到合理,科学精确多,我只是替你们做宣传而已. 是不是?



I feel that what India lacks is a strong administrative government and power. The current democratic regime may not only bring about effective operation, but will become an obstacle to the project. India has a large population and high density. I think they should be new. When investing, they should not only consider the convenience of the location, but also consider giving enough space to leave room for future development of certain industries. I also don't want them to repeat China's old roads and do a lot of heavily polluting, low-profit, low-tech industriesinstead they can cooperate with China. There are so many people, so smart brains, why do you spend your time fighting each other and hurt each other? Why not do industries with cutting-edge science, creativity, research and development? For developing countries, it is very important to care for the people and their lives. India should analyze the various needs of one billion people, then look at the existing supply situation, and then find the production method and structure that suits them according to population distribution and population quality. Make good use of capital, let the economy develop as soon as possible, and improve people's lives.  If China can help India to establish and invest in certain special administrative regions, to operate beyond the existing political and economic institutional structure, if this can succeed It can be promoted to other parts of India. I think you must have a blueprint for planning, and it is more thoughtful, reasonable, scientific and precise than I said. I am just making propaganda for you. Is it?






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