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已有 95 次阅读2020-11-27 10:16 |个人分类:全球化

Feb 26, 2016 at 6:02 PM


Jackie要我写印度和巴基斯坦. 我不知道要写他们跟中国的关系,还是写他们之间的关系!我不知道巴基斯坦和印度对国界是不是看重会纠于此,由此产生他们两国的矛盾,中国和印度也是情形. 其实到了21世纪,全球化携手共荣是主旋律. 巴基斯坦印度纠纠缠缠几千年,印度文明还是从Indus River起源巴基斯坦以前还是印度一部分,人长得相似,衣服穿相似,吃的东西也差不多,有什么过不去的坎?你看巴基斯坦总统不是已经偷偷去印度溜一圈回来了吗?除非有人别有用心去挑拨他们发动战争,我觉得事态发展应该是朝向和平合作的,你看他们两个国家加起来,人口就超过中国了,这是多么大的市场啊! 其实许多年前美国的国策开放拉丁裔,一部分是为了解决全球人口贫富不均衡的问题. 拉丁裔人口众多,平均素质低下,可是美国用的办法不但没有真正改变西裔的地位,没有在教育上花功夫真正改变他们的素质,反而把美国经济和世界经济拖下去. 而真正有效的改变国民素质提升经济的是中国,只有中国!巴基斯坦和印度,最迫切的也是解决人口贫穷,改变提升现有的经济. 现在所最需要的,不是资金,而是策略和方法可以有效改善经济. 一旦蓝图成熟展开,资金会源源而来. 改善经济的策略和方法,中国人是有经验和 credit, 是中国人可以引以为傲, 可以被别人借鉴和引用的我觉得你们现在应该去培养与印度巴基斯坦中亚和西亚交流沟通做生意的人才,需要很多熟悉当地历史文化宗教背景, 以及环境社会经济的长材. 因为我觉得你们人才其实不够. 印度巴基斯坦人是很聪明的.  我很想看看你们的规划,我也很想贡献一点自己菲博之力,看你们宏伟规划一步一步实现


Jackie wants me to write about India and Pakistan. I don't know if you want me to write about their relationship with China or write about their relationships! I don't know if Pakistan and India are too concerned about national borders and will be entangled in this, resulting in contradictions between the two countries. China and India are also in the same situation. In fact, in the 21st century, globalization and co-prosperity are the main theme. Pakistan India entangled for thousands of years, Indian civilization was even originated from the Indus River. Pakistan used to be part of India. People are similar in appearance, clothes, and diets. What can't they make things work? You see, has Pakistani president  not secretly gone to India, circled around and come back? Unless someone has the ulterior motive to provoke them to wage war, I think that developments should be toward peace and cooperation. You see that the two countries population adds up and exceeds that of China. What a big market! In fact, many years ago, the national policy of the United States is toopen up to Latinos, and part of the reasons was to solve the problem of imbalance between the rich and the poor in the global population. The Latino population is large and the average quality is low. However, the US strategy has not really changed the status of the Hispanic people,  not in their education background. Because of their qualities, the US economy and the world economy are dragged down. It is China that only truly changes the quality of  people and promotes the economy. Only China! For Pakistan and India, the most urgent is to solve the problem of population poverty and change the existing economy. What is needed the most now is not funds, but  effective strategies and methods to improve the economy. Once the blueprint is mature, funds will come. For Economic strategies and methods, Chinese  have experience and credits, Chinese can be proud of, and can be borrowed and cited by others. I think you should now cultivate with India, Pakistan, Central Asia and West AsiaPeople communicate, and do businessthey need a lot of familiarity with local history, culture, religious background, and environmental and social economy. Because I think your talents are actually not enough. Indians Pakistanis are very smart. I really want to see Your planning, I also want to contribute a little bit of my own efforts, I want to see your grand plan to achieve step by step.






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