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已有 139 次阅读2020-11-22 09:19 |个人分类:全球化

Feb 18, 2016 at 9:10 PM

中间势力把中国的资源在海外换取利益 The interface exchanged Chinese resources for overseas benefits


今天发现我的电脑里有木马,是网络的,不是操作系统,现有杀毒软件还不能去掉,还要特别付150美金!这是我才买的电脑. 现在大家都找每一个细节赚钱!现在国内的人, 不感谢这些年你们智库的非凡决策心血努力有效把中国提升人民生活绝大改善好不容易赚的钱好像不到美国来花钱不痛快!这边人本来对中国人最不爽,看见冤大头来了多高兴!折腾中国股市把钱刮来,给几个乖顺中国人一点小利,就乖乖地跟着走,还顺脚踩中国人几下. 这个买卖太合算了.我看在这儿的西裔,从来没有这样子的!如果有什么事情,明明是他们的错,可是只要他在那个位置就一定维护自己人的利益!从来就是!在这边学校里,如果有谁敢说西裔孩子一句坏话,你就等着挨拳头!有一次去boys and Girls Club,前面的西裔的车子后退擦了我的车,连车主都承认,可是里边的top manager, 当然也说西班牙话,居然当着那个车主的面问我,你肯定吗?还说要调录像来看!那些国内的人还美其名曰,是曲线救国. 这就是两大势力中间的interface. 这股势力既不属于左边也不属于右边,现在他们最能赚钱的就是把中国的资源在美国换取利益. 对中国有多大好处?我不知道. 但是我知道中国已经把很多东西用到最后一寸,比如吃东西要吃鱼皮,比如有些地方观赏石都给掏尽了, 做紫砂壶的土都挖光啦


Today I found that there are Trojans virus in my computer, it is in network, not in operating system. The existing anti-virus software can not  remove it, and I have to pay a special fee of $150 dollars! This is the computer I just bought. Now everyone is looking for every detail to make money! Nowadays, people in China are not grateful for the extraordinary decision-making of your think tanks in these years. Chinese think tanks have worked hard to improve China effectively, and the people's lives have been greatly improved. The hard earned money seems that if not spent in the United States they dont feel cool! The people here are the most unhappy about the Chinese, and now are so happy to see the big money spender! Tossing the Chinese stock market to scrap the money, giving a few small profits to some Chinese people who followed the squatting, and also stepped on the own Chinese. It is such a good deal! Hispanics here, Ihave never seen them this way! If there is anything obviously their fault, but as long as Hispanics are in that position, Hispanics must protect their own interests! It’s always! In LA school, if anyone dares to say a bad word for a Hispanic child, you are waiting for a fist! Once I went to boys and Girls Club, the front Hispanic car pulled back and wiped my car, even the owner acknowledged it, but the top manager inside, of course, also speaks Spanish, actually asked me in front of the owner,Are you sure ?” He also said to adjust the video to verify! Those in China are still making it sound nice that it is the best way to save the country indirectly. This is the interface between the two forces which does not belong to the left or to the right. Now they are the most profitable in exchange for Chinese resources in the United States. Does it benefit China? I don't know. But I know that China has used a lot of things to the last inch. For example, if they even eat fish skin, for example, some places precious stone are all outand the clay for the famous teapot is all dug.






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