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已有 195 次阅读2020-10-28 09:45 |个人分类:北美生活

Dec 27, 2015 at 11:07 PM


海外印度人巴基斯坦人和睦相处,海外中国人也应该这样  Overseas Indians and Pakistanis live in harmony, and overseas Chinese should also be like this.


看新闻,莫迪访问巴基斯坦,赞!印度文明是从Indus river 开始的,也就是现在的巴基斯坦. 1945年,印度和巴基斯坦才分开. 家附近有一个小的plaza, 里面有一家印度餐馆,两家印度小超市,一家印度服装店还有一家就是巴基斯坦人开的服装店. 因为那里还有一个中国老师开的舞校,送Jackie跳舞的时候就会去那些店里逛一逛. 那家巴基斯坦人开的服装店里有免费的茶,南亚的农场产的别的茶,是我自己亲自热水泡出来的,真香. 虽然不买东西,坐在里边有南亚风格坐垫的沙发上,听着巴基斯坦音乐,看着茶几上放的巴基斯坦文的书,跟主人聊天, 很惬意 问主人跟邻居印度人合得来吗?没有问题呀文化相似的文字也相似人长得也差不多. 又问那为什么印度和巴基斯坦老对立呢?哦那是在那边,领土纠纷吧.

Watch the news, Modi visits Pakistan, Bravo! Indian civilization started from the Indus river, which is now Pakistan. In 1945, India and Pakistan were separated. There is a small plaza near my house, there is an Indian restaurant, two Indian small supermarkets, an Indian clothing store, and onePakistanis clothing store. Because there is also another dance school opened by a Chinese teacher in the sameplaza, when I send Jackie to dance, I would go to those shops. There is free tea in the Pakistani clothing store. The special tea is produced by the farm in South Asia, I pour hot water make tea by myself. It is really fragrant. Although I don’t buy anything, I could sit on a sofa with a South Asian style cushion, listening to Pakistani music, reading Pakistan magazines on coffee table, chatting with the owner, very comfortable. Ask the owner if he gets along  with the neighbor Indians? No problem, culture is similar, language is similar, people are similar. Further ask, why is India and Pakistan always opposed?” “Oh, that is over there, territorial disputes.


在纽约坐出租车,司机也是巴基斯坦人. 对中国人赞不绝口. 说起印度人,也是一样友好,在美国没有什么对立,在那边这是领土纠纷吧!记得刚到美国的时候,其实就是现在也是,台湾人,香港人对大陆来的中国人那么傾压卑视. 到现在很大一部分人心里还是对大陆人有偏见,还希望自己独立. 港台人根本对世界的经济,地区的发展没有一点长远眼光! 我在想说这是中华文化中的一种弊端. 觉得就是中国媒体自己,最近也热闹非凡. 而跟我的有关的微信群里,流言蜚语,家长里短,眼花缭乱的.不知道他们在说什么,一波连一波的. 好事儿也要用低下粗陋语言来表达,至于吗?

Take a taxi in New York, the driver was also a Pakistani. Hewas full of praise for the Chinese. Speaking of Indians, hewas also friendly, We have no opposition in the United States, there is a territorial dispute over there! I remember when I first arrived in the United States, it is actually still nowTaiwanese and Hong Kong people are so oppressive to the Chinese people coming from the mainland. To this day, a large number of people are still biased against mainlanders and want to be independent. Taiwanese people have no long-term vision of the world's economy and regional development! I am trying to say that this is a drawback in Chinese culture. I feel that it is the Chinese media itself, and it has been very lively recently. And in my WeChat group, there are gossips, prohibited topics, dazzling. I don’t know what they are talkingabout, wave by waves. Even good things are  expressed in low-level language, what for?








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